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These are comments left by visitors to the Holocaust History Project web site, in the month of April, 2002. Hi,my name is Crytsal my friends call me poochie.I wish I could turn back the hands of times like my friend said because I would'nt mind helping you. I'm so grateful that I was able to learn about the holocaust and that you guys made a website for these people.Yes the jews were wrong for what they did but the Germans had no right to do that. If I could turn back the hands of time I would give Hitler a new heart because you have to realize that Jesus loves everyone and I feel that they didn't have to play the role of Jesus and kill whoever they feel had to die.
this sight has been so helpful for me. i never knew all those things happened during the holocaust. its so sad. but you were able to open my eyes to it all to see how horable people can be. thanx
hey this is awsome site you need to go here the holucost is interesting and very cool to learn about
I have a project to do and I need some pictures so that I could study more about it. I find this as a very good project. Bye Now love always
the holocaust was not tragic, 6 million jews did not die. its a jewish lie. how come there are so many jews around then? the holocaust is only a preceding of whats yet to come. although i do get a good laugh at looking at the old photos where there are piles of dead jews! hehehe, we all need comic relief every now and then. also ones that show pictures of jew babys that were burned alive, even better. get rid of the eveil jew :-) 88 Heil Hitler
i like this site i am doing a history project 4 school and i really needed info. thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From all the movies and books that I've seen, I'm so greatly touched by the horrofying event's that took place. I was taught to love those who pursecute us and to forgive those for they know not what they do. But Hiltler knew exacly what the hell he was doing. And my love goes out to all that where part of his racist act. And I hope that nothing will become of the matter again. God Bless those and let thier souls rest in peace.
As an Christian, I cannot comprehend the actions taken by Hitler & his "cult" followers. I am beside myself as I look at the SUFFERING he put these poor innocent people thru.God help the ones who still believe this kind of mentle thinking. You web site is one to be commended!Thank you for sharing the photos thst bring tears to the eyes of all who see them.
This site is a great resource. I actually cried looking at the pictures.
We looked at this site because our teacher told us to!! It was a good site. We enjoyed it.
i believe in god...but sometimes i wonder i mean like during the holocaust-where was he? why did he let so many jews die and adolf hitler stay in power i just dont understand i dont know if i will be able to take it i have read many books and re-read those books and just dealing with this breaks my heart i feel so awful and i just hope it will never happen again! and my people will NOT let this happen again for i am jewish and i am proud to be jew!!! -al and k
i am jewish but this website is not helpful @ all This site is very helpful, It has alot of info, I dont have to go to different site's to get different info. It helped alot.
Hi,my name is Crytsal my friends call me poochie.I wish I could turn back the hands of times like my friend said because I would'nt mind helping you. I'm so grateful that I was able to learn about the holocaust and that you guys made a website for these people.Yes the jews were wrong for what they did but the Germans had no right to do that. If I could turn back the hands of time I would give Hitler a new heart because you have to realize that Jesus loves everyone and I feel that they didn't have to play the role of Jesus and kill whoever they feel had to die.
Hi, oskar schindler was a great man. Greetz Harry Schindler
Thank you for putting up this site
Thank you for the information put in this website. The information is used for my R.S. essay... Once again, thanks.
what i learned about the holocaqust was really terrible. i felt so bad for all those people who died in the consintration camp. Hitler should have never create the natzi in the first place. Jews, mental probels homos and gypsies all died because of this. every body had to be just like hitler to stay alive in these days. iam glad hitler died because of what he did. he deserved it!!! it was only the religion they had and killed them just for this~ahhhhhhh it makes me mad just thinking of it. i wish i could just srop it if i were there. the nazi would just come in your house and take you away to the consintration camp. iam so happyhitler was not president of Germany or it would be even worse than it is. Hitler was a mean mean man. i wish he wasnt even born to life of what he did.he is uckyyyyy. bye bye now. i hope you learned from this of the holocaust. go to www.hercomputers.com/holocaustweb/ to learn more about this. its just terrible reding it.BYE
I hate Hitler
Great site with lots of information. Like many of the other guests I am also doing a report for my college level english class; however, this is a subject that I was not forced to write about, but something that I chose to do. I had the opportunity in the early 80's to visit Dachau and Bergen Belsen, and there is an eeriness about the two places that I'm sure even exists to this day. I think site's like this need to exist and individuals need to study the history of the Holocaust so as not to forget. I agree with the others. The crimes that the Third Reich committed were horrendous.
It's so sad, I understand, but PLEASE, let's not forget about other people. Come on, Jews were not the only ones to be killed not the only ones who suffered, so let's not turn the whole Holocaust on teh beneficial for teh jews. Now they are using it against Palestine, and it's totaly wrong!!!!!!!!!!
This is the most helpful site i have ever seen about the holocaust adn its tragic events.
Thank you for all the informational essays and documents........
Great pg
i hate what happened during the holocaust it was terrible. those poor jews. i would hate if that ever happened again Hitler was a sick twisted man. he should have gone through all that crap!!! he is deffently going to hell!
this site didnt help me at all i needed a pic of a mass grave :(
I think this site was for me a lot of help; but i also think that the way of treating the jews was wrong. They treated them as animals or worst, i believe that hating them was wrong.
This is a really great web site thanks for all the great info it really helped me on my project for english
Hi! The Holocaust is such a depressing thing to do a report on! But I gotta do it!
I think what happened to these people was wrong but I pray that they are not tossing and turing in their graves anymore.
I really enjoyed this website. I am in the process of doing a research paper for my english class. My topic is the children of the holocaust. I stumbled on this website through ask jeeves.com. I found lots of info, which helped me alot. Keep up the good work~Angela
Thanx for the great info I am allways willin to read about the horrible things that happened during the holocaust.
THANK YOU, for your pages concerning Holocaust "revisionism" DENIAL is all that it is and these "historians" need to be proven wrong in the mainstream. There is NO debate/other side/different point of veiw/opinion about the Holocaust.
I want to thank you for letting me use this site as a reference. It had helped me a great deal. Now, I learned about the holocaust with a much deeper understanding. I have also read your guestbook, and i have noticed a lot of people wrote what they believed about the holocaust, but I dont think I should, cause you've probably heard enough... Once again, thank you...
You guys did a really grate job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
excellent website. I look forward to visiting all your pages in the future.How can anyone deny the holocaust never happened!
Your site really helped me with my "Denial of the Holocaust" Reseach Paper for World History. Thanks for all the information. It's really sad that people can't grasp the truth that the Holocaust actually happened. It is not something that can be lied about. It's like saying that God is not real and the Bible is false. Get a grasp on reality!
I liked tha site.
holocaust, dont do it again !!!!!!
i think the holocaust was sad to learn about!I think it was wrong the way they treated the children and the adults!I think they should of left the jews alone!They had no right to cut off there legs and arms!that is my opinion!
I saw a special on HBO last evening on the holocaust. This was German invasion in to Czechloslovakia. I have seen other shows and probably pictures on the holocaust. But what I saw and heard last evening, the personal stories and pictures - I cried. It is so hard to believe that a human being could be that cruel. That is the devil himself personified. I don't know what else to say.
This was a very great website I felt like I was in it the whole time, it kind a makes you think back on how scary and cruel some peopole in the world can be!
i am very sorry to all those people that is sad!
I think what the people did to the jews was very heartbreaking. It makes me mad that they can just go off and kill these people like it was nothing.
I think you need more info
This site is good for researching prjects, and student resources, however it needs more information. I am doing a project on the holocaust and i have been finding it teribbly difficult to find any decent information. already i have seen sites giving death estimates of 300,000, 50,000, and 5 million! which is it! i need acurate information and so does anyone else researching the holocaist. this great tradgedy gets plenty of recognition but it need to be acurate. otherwise how can anyone benifit from it?
I visited Munich a few months back and made it a point to visit Dachau. The main reason for my trip was to see pretty cities and old buildings etc. When I realized Dachau was so close to Munich, I couldn't NOT take time out to witness history. It was certainly not a "highlight" in the sense of enjoyable. It was very painful. All the visitors walked silently throughout the camp. You could hear occasional sighs, and see lots of shaking, disbelieving heads. Even after seeing it, the rational mind want's to argue that it's still not true. But it was. And is...Several of you wrote "never again". I would love to say that too, but then it is happening again and again. Another recent post, basically chastised the Jews for being "the chosen people/special". Interesting point. Though I think the post was a bit harsh, it is interesting that the Jewish people (in my opinion) are spending most of their time reiterating their Holocaust (in movies, articles, etc) and it doesn't seem (at least obvious) to me, that they are creating groups/publicity to draw attention to the current "holocausts".. why is that? If it is happening, forgive me, may I suggest that you be "louder" about it?
The Holocaust History Project is a good and effective way to find out of our history but it needs to be more detailed!
i am so upset with everything that happened during the holocaust . i wish i could have been there to help with anything that i could help with . i am doing a project on the holocast for englsh class . We ad to pick a topic to write on well i am sad for you all bye
Your web site has helped me with my report for social studies ! Thanks a lot !, Brittany *
Great Site! Its helped me alot for my history class!! =) Thanx
Always remember: "Never Forget; Never Again". This is an important educational site. I use it with my pupils if they choose to do an investigation on the Holocaust. I teach Philosophy and Religion in a busy school in Scotland UK. Sorry about my first attempt in your guest book.
The word "awe" can hardly describe my feeling while reading your web site. Thank you from the very depth of my soul for being one of the keepers of the truth for me, and for the generations to come.
Thank you soooo much for the help with my report on Anne Frank and the Holocaust. Its helped a bunch!
This Site OK but it's not THAT GOOD !
This web site was a lot of help.
I salute you for a job well done! I served the US in Berlin Brigade in the early 1970's. Your site has enhanced my perspective of humanity and the lack thereof in this world. Never again, indeed.
Isn't it interesting how the "bold ones" who are so cocky as to oppose the existance of the Holocaust are too cowardly to leave their email address or even name. I however, am not a coward. I find it apalling that there are so many sites devoted to denial of the Holocaust. I personally know an Auschwitz survivor. Try telling her that Auschwitz did not exist, in the place where all of her friends, her family, and her fiance were murdered. It is very sad that such racism and fear of change are still existing in our world today. We say that the Holocaust will never happen again... how can we know this when there are so many people in the world who admire what Hitler did, or even deny that it even happened? I respect every Jewish person and every person in general who has survived the Holocaust, and I will teach my children about this, as they will teach their children. I was recently in the play "The Diary of Anne Frank". I have received a new understanding of the Holocaust because I experienced it now too. NEVER AGAIN.
Another pathetic whoa is me holocaust site. If any self-pitying Jew would like to be taken seriously, stop living in the past and start acting in the present! Do you hear anyone from Armenia, Kosovo, Bosnia, Cambodia,Viet Nam, or Ethiopia writing books or movies to get sympathy. No, Jews are special. They have always been special. Does anyone with half a brain out there realize that this self-imposed image ( "the chosen ones") may have greatly contributed to the reason why the Jews have been persecuted throughout the centuries? If they really meant all this stuff about "never again" and " man's inhumanity to man", then perhaps they would be just as vocal when other people around the world are similarly treated. To me, the current government in Israel is no different from the Nazi fascists of WWII. Their reference to the Palestinians they displaced as "animals" has a lot of similarity to the way Nazis viewed Jews. I recently heard a spokesman for Sharon's government say on CNN that "We (Israelis) are not like them (Palestinians) - we would never participate in terrorist activities". Ah yes, the old us and them story. It sounds like some 50 year old speeches I've heard before - we're human - they are something less than human. Funny though, now, its coming from the 'good', 'just', and 'righteous' people of Israel. I'd like to feel sorry for the Jews as I once did growing up watching the many episodes of "World at War". But I've observed and learned a great deal since those days. When Jews start becoming vocal and active about similar plights of other races throughout the world, that's when I'll stop thinking of them as the world's greatest hypocrits. Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose!
Hello! I am very interested in the Holocaust. I enjoy reading books, watching movies, whether its fiction or non fiction. I am very interested in this type of thing. Thanks for a great website! And for those who just play around and joke about this page, this is fo ya'll: You should respect others who actually take this seriously and take an interest in history! You should too! I have always learned that its good to know your history so that it wont repeat itself! You know that you wouldn't want this to happen to you. So please show a little respect!Peace out!
Thanks for my 6th grade report on Holocaust report it helped alot
Interesting website - I am glad I found it
You didnt have the right information, and im a holocaust master so contact me for NOTHING... hahahaha DONT EVEN COME TO THIS SITE.
My name is Jamie and I am (or was) writing a reaserch paper for my eight grade reading class on holocaust denial. These guys are psyco! I cannot imagine why somebody would go through so much trouble just to try and prove that the holocaust didn't happen, when they know very well that some of the claims they make and the information they use to back it up are purely false. I wonder if these people actually believe themselves! Anyway, I would just like to say thank you to the Holocaust History Project for helping me immense amounts with my reasearch paper. I was always against Holocaust denial, but know i have more information than ever to back up my point of view. I think it is really great that we have websites such as this one where people can look up and learn information concerning the holocaust. Anyway, Thanks for your tremendous amount of help!
I saw a movie this last week-end about the 967 jewish passengers on the St. Louie or St. Louis. They were bound for Havana, Cuba and were not allowed to land in for political reasons. Could you tell me a book I could read about this or any information you could share with me. I just can't believe countries would not allow these people the fredom they deserved
Hello, Just wanted to say your site really helped me on my report. thanks ;]
This is a great website. i am going to refer it to everyone who wants to learn about nazi germany.
This is an outstanding website, and very useful for research purposes. I find it disturbing that some people need to argue about the oxidation of formally charged states of iron in order to prove tht something awful did/did not happen. I do understand the reason why such essays were written. I feel that the truth is that we will never know how many people died in the Holocaust. It could be as many as 25 million of different races. The fact of the matter is that whether it be 1 person or 100,000,000, the loss of life is always a horrible travesty. Hopefully we can look to the past for advice on what to do in the future (or in this case, wat not to do)
*~*~* I am a grade 12 student and just today, finished the most chilling non-fiction novel, 'Night' by Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel. The novel was a complete eye-opener. I have always been interested in finding out all that I can about the Holocaust, the death camps, and the sickening tragedies that took place throughout world war II. The novel is amazing, and describes in detail, all aspects of life in a death camp. I came across your site today while doing research for a project to go along with the novel I read. What shocked me most about the site, was the fact that Holocaust deniers exist today!! How can anyone deny what happened? After just reading about the unbearable suffering that one man went through to survive, to tell us his story, I did not think for one second that he would make something liek that up! I was appalled, I don't know what else to say. Where do you begin to deny such horror, and gruesome, vile acts that man beat down upon man? The FACT that it happened is scary as hell,and to deny it is a tragedy in itself. Thank you so, so much for all the concise, well documented data your site provides. It was extremely helpful and a great eye opener. Also, if anyone is interested in viewing EXCELLENT, AUTHENTIC, photos from all sides of WWII (soldiers, navy, airforce, prisoners, battles, etc.) check out: http://www.nara.gov/nara/nn/nns/ww2photo.html THANKS~
I think it is veery sad none of it should have happened to anyone.noone should just be able to take over like that.I was so mad when i heard about in class.
thank you for allowing to put down a couple of comments concerning an event that surely is the capstone of the twentieth century. The Holocaust was a nightmarish vision not of one man, a single man can cause tragedy to only a limited circle of people. It happened, was mourned, and forgotten but for a few. when an entire government turns all its might and attention to the total and complete extermination of an entire civilization, is almost beyond comprehension. I am a disabled American veteran, who by chance spent three years in West Germany during the Cold War. During the entire time I was there,I never met a Nazi, or met a person who knew one. I have been at Dachau. There must have been someone who stoked the fires of Hell, who placed the bodies on the conveyers, who shoveled the ashes, who even had to clean the chimneys. Not a person could I find who even knew the function of Dachau. A tidy little death camp that was in use for 11 years. dont ever forget, dont ever let your guard down. The fight is nowhere near over. there are nations today that are hellbent on destroying the state of Israel. Dont ever let people forget. to deny history is the path to repeating it.
This helped me so much! Thanks!
I vow, with all of my integrity, as an artist....as a woman.... as a human being...to live a life of peace...of tolerance...of love...to stand up for injustice...to be a cornerstone for change and acceptance... The first play that I directed was CAN YOU HEAR THEM CRYING, the story of the children of the Ther. Ghetto. The story is amazing. As a high school senior, then, working with students, I had faith that they would understand and act with their heart. They did. They worked feverishly, as hard as they could. But the piece speaks for itself. The tragic reality demands an ear. The child written poetry must live on. It must always be spoken, heard,and performed. I will live my life to make a difference. I choose to act and direct to change the lives of those I meet. To tell stories of those who must never be forgotten. I live for the survivors. I will grab all oppertunities to better my abilities and live my art in the name of remembrance and peace. For you the survivors...all my heart aches for you...but not in vain....somehow, we artists, the young generations, will never let your stories go untold...we will never forget you and your people For the rest of us...let us never forget...let us love...let us be accepting of good and challenge the unjust...let us tell the stories...and listen to the remaining echoes of the past...
I love this page!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
wow, you guys are the only one who have the subject that i wanted....THANKS!!!...it was a big help for my report.
Thanks for the site. It has helped me alot with my Holocaust Essay and all the information is very informative. I will remember to give this site to all the people I know interested in the Holocaust. Once again, thanks. Another thing this site does is it helps people realize what the Nazis did under the order of the F�hrer, and hopefully it will never happen again.
The essays placed on this website are praisworthy, eye opening documents that all citizens should read in order to truly understand the Holocaust.
I love reading stories on the Holocaust and this was a great site to help me sum it all up.
hey im doing a project about the holocaust. and your website is very interesting and a great big help to me. thanks! kailey
nice site
I am glade to say that this sit has helped me a lot and has touched me the most. I thank you for all that you have done in helping me on being able to finish my prodject. After going through this sit, I have been able to learn more and understand in full detale of how horrible our ciziety or our people can be. But remembering that having a perfect world and not making mistakes means that we would be reapeting history over again and again. I just wish that this horrifing tradgity will never occuer ever again. I thank you again, and to those that read this I hope that this sit has helped you too in any way. I also hope that this sit has touched you and made you understand what our world can be like. With lots of love bren :)
I like this site, but it could be more clearly marked, like, Where do I go for photos? Its not clearly marked "PHOTOS". That's about it. Keep up the good work! tandtholocaustproject.8k.com http://taylorisgod.8k.com
Boring, dumb holocaust site. GET OVER ITTT!!!
Hey there i will like to thank you for putting up for everybuddy to use i used this for a school project and it helped me a lot i hate hiter. bye
I am in the 8th grade and i am 14 and i have to do a repot on the holocaust and i found that this site is very useful in many ways because i have to do a 500 word report and it got me there very fast think you so much! ~*Brandy*~
Absolutely unreal that this every happened. I'm only hopeful that this part of history NEVER repeats itself.
*****ADOLF HITLER (April 20, 1889 to FOREVER!!!)********ADOLF HITLER was sent as a gift by god from the heavens above - just too bad He had to go back!!!!*****Read real history - not jew ads to all you uneducated little fleas out there!!!!*****Happy Birthday baby - i love you and promise to stand by you forever!!!!*******ADOLF HITLER WILL NEVER DIE!!!!!!!!***********
This site is really helping me on my project. Mt teacher is making us type 5 pages worth of research and i've typed like 2� already. Im already telling my friends about this site and they love it! ~~~Thanx~~~
I just want to say that my favourite period of History it's the World War Two and one of my biggest wishes is to visit Auschwitz.I just pray for peace and hope that those kind of attrocities won't happen again. as a portuguese citizen, i have to say that i loved to visit this site because it is impressioning the way it is organized. I just want to say one last thing: GOD BLESS AMERICA AND PORTUGAL because the world wasn't made to be destroyed for feelings like hate, revenge or hipocrisie. That all the nations of the world may live in peace and harmony. do not blame all the affegans but only those who provoqued this war because inocent children can not keep dieing for something they didn�t.
anne frank is my roll model she is a great pearson and she was involved in everything that had happend in her life and she was storong thouh it all and she was very strong and beutiful!
This is a great site. I teach High School History and will include this information in my activities when we study WWII!
Hey! Thanx so much 4 all ur info, i used sum of it in a talk i did ages ago. i still use this site on a regular basis and find all the info a gr8 help. a lot of the info has made me realise that i am a very lucky person, not having to witness the holocaust, but at the same time i can look at what happened in the past thanx 2 those who can share their experiences. i just hope that the same thing neva happens again.
It was very interesting to know the thoughts of others about this great depressing time. It was nice to read the thoughts of others, what they thought was the main cause of the Holocaust. Hopefuly others will read these papers and projects, to see what they hope to do with their lives. To see what they want to make for their future. Sincerly, Rosa Garcia
You guys are the greatest thanx for your help in my report. I will gladly talk and refer u guys at my school. Thanx again Blake Kammeyer
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Last modified: August 20, 2003