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I am visiting the site to obtain information for my daughter's school project. We know other groups were targeted too and that is what her focus is on. I visited the DC museum in 1998 and was moved by what I saw.
"the nation who don't remember its own history will be forced to live it once again..." I'm from Poland. I have visited Auschwitz camp, my grandmother died there. This site is to remember what the human is...
today in my social studies class we learned a little more about the holocaust. we watched Jacob the Liar and at the end it really affected me that 6 MILLION people died and i couldnt stop crying! everyone thought i was stupid but it really hurt me how much hatred there was and still is in the world! i am only fourteen and i havent excpirenced anything like this. and i hope i never will, my heart goes out to all of the victims family members, if they know that they are...
I really think that this site has a lot of good pictures and information
very good
Hello I belive that the Holocaust was the worst crisis to ever happen to the whole world but evan more so, the Jewish people I am currently studying the holocaust and your website has helped me with information but not as much as the good old fashioned books(or other websites)
My name is craig seddon I think that the Holocaust was the most trajic event ever to take place
Your website supplied sufficient information for my project regarfing the holocaust. it looks good!
I like to thank you guys for such a great job you did on this site and essay. I'm doing a project for history with Israel and Palestine. and how the holocaust ties all into it. The holocaust was a horrifying thing. And how you guys presented your self so well. best of luck!!Amber
This is a very excellent and interesting site you have here.Keep up the good work...I would love to see more essays and documents!
in doing a reaseacrh project on the holocaust i stumbled upon this website, it was all very moving,but what struck me the most was the pictures i saw. the camps, the ghettos, and the dead. the hate is still out there and it is up to us to prevent such a thing from happening again...we must all be aware...
I think that the Holocaust was a very tough and hard time for the Jews,It is very, very sad that innocent Jews had to die for nothing.I feel very sorry for them.-Brittany Harris
great pictures with alot of information.
I have spent a long time studying the holocaust and im deeply saddend by what happened. Please never let anything like this happen again, to anyone. Its not humane. It is up to god to take away lives and god only.
I have relatives that served for Hitler during the holocaust and i do not think that i have any respect for any German that still has the hate in his blood tward any race. I am almost 100% german and i think the Holocaust was the worst thing that ever took place in our time.
This internet site was very amusing. though gruesome it helps us to know the danger of that happening so that it may never happen again.
this webpage is great it even helped me do my social studies project about the holocaust . this site helped me improve my grades.thanks
make it more fun put some colors in the back ground and more information thank u
This is a great site for doing projects
I was doing a school project on Heinrich Himmler and your websites helped me a whole bunch.That is all i wanted to say but anyway THANK YOU!!!
I think this is a good website that has a lot of historic facts
Wonderful site!! :0)
this is a great tool that I utilized for my project.
thanks for all the help on my paper!!
God did not create evil; He created the potential for evil to happen for those of you who choose to create it.
Hello, My name is Brittani and i am an 8th grader at a junior high school in leesummit and all our language teachers are making us study the holacaust through the diary of Anne Frank,although the holacuast isnt an excting subject our teachers are trying hard to to get us interested in this subject.This isnt a very happy subject it is a tradgety just like the 9/11/02 distaster and it is hard to look back on the past that saddens so many people ~ i do want to thank this website for giving us the oppurtunite to study and reseach on the subject through there site~~~~ Gracies
I think that the holocaust was a good thing otherwise there were too many people and there were not enough homes and food to let the people eat. So Hitler was a good man and we need more professors like dr Mengele AND JAN MAAT and Rosenm�ler and Melkert those guys are really not nice. so the jews and the black race have to die otherwise there is too less room for the aryan race. so thank you god and Hitler
I just wanted to put my two cents in reguarding this site. I am doing a project involving Hitler and this site has been very helpful with a lot of great information on exactly what I need. But I also took the time to go to other areas of the cite that were irrelevant as far as my project goes. I was drawn into them and found myself gaping at how disgusting the people like Hitler and Goebbels were. They in no way attempted to hide their outright hatred towards "foreigners", usually Jews. In school we learn about the holocaust but we never got to read any speeches from Hitler or excerpts from his book- I didnt realize he was so forward about his anti-semitic attitude. Instances of genocide and mass murder are as old as the hills... why? Why does the world insist on pointing fingers at people, killing, torturing people, their only reason being "they dont like them"? Please think twice before you go to judge someone, and take the advice of Atticus in the novel To Kill A Mockingbird: before you judge someone try walking around in their skin. Because actions may speak louder than words, but words can be ruthless, ruling with an iron fist. Good luck to everyone, love; Nay
Hello people.I can see that you are doing a very good propaganda over here. The poor jews and the bad nazis. Of course no one have the right to kill innocent people especially children. But nazis didn't kill people like the way you want to show. First of all i want to say that i don't hate jews and my best friend is a jew. But zionism in German was very strong when Hitler took the authority. What about Ann's Frank diary??When did they find it?? And why it was written with pen when pens discovered 8 yeras later? JEWISM AND ZIONISM WENT STRONGER AFTER THE WW2.AND LOOK NOW HOW THEY ARE KILLING THE PALAISTENIANS. VERY VERY GOOD PROPAGANDA IN THIS SITE!!!!!!!!!
Do you really think that we care about the so called holocaust ??The jews do have a country yet refuse to go there preferring to rob through various ways the citizens of other countries and this is called anti semitism !.. restauration of the aryan nation will continue anyway>>>>
This website has helped me so much i am doing a holocaust report for my english class on dacau and this website had so much information i needed i just weant to thank u so sos os much
Thank you the web site has a lot of information and has helped me a lot
Thanks for putting up this great site. It really helped me on my History Project. But I still can't stand looking at the pictures of the victims... help!!!
This site is very good! Keep up the good work. Thank you!
I had to do a holocost project for social studies and we had to pack a suitcase of things people may have taken with them it was one of the saddest things I've ever tried to do deciding what to take and what to leave behind.... I just couldn't imagin how the familys who had to do this felt...Yahoo was a great help in finding information on people and places
This is a very useful site and I am doing research it is very helpful and I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate it. Thanx!
great page
hi I think the holocaust was rong
hi, my name is lizy cordero and im 12 years old. im doing a project for school and we have to make a newspaper including articles about world war two. my partner and i our spliting up the work so we each had to make 4 articles. i chose to do one of mine on aushwitz the constentraition camp, and this site really helped me alot. i hope you dont mind me using some pictures from here. well i just wanted to say thanx. -lizy
thank you, it helped me with my history project
I am very disappointed in this website. why? because there were no pictures of dead bodies and no good pictures of hitler... what a discrace!
hello, this site is very interesting. I had much fun learining about the holocaust and what really happened. i got into the picuters too. thanks for the site whitney
I Found this site through a google search and I find this site very interesting. It has helped me so much in my research for my school paper. I studied the holocaust last year in school but nuthin to deep into it. The one name that i remember the most is De.Mengele. I wouldnt say that he is my favorite person of the holocaust, that would be Shindler, but it really got me thinking about how cruel ww2 actually was, and how one person can cause so pain and suffering and death and still be happy. After september 11th of this year and the trade towers, it got me thinking about ww2 all over again. I know it sounds funny but thats how i got my topic for the paper i gotta write. Thanks so much for this site, it made the whole paper a lot easyer 4 me to write.
Fine site! It helped me when I did my special work for school. But it�s happens all over the world even today. And what does the israelis do in Israel? Killing palestinian..well...hope the world can lay things behind and try to build a greater world for every one....and to all who say Germans are a bunch of nazis...I�m not...but I�m dam proud being german! Cheers!
i am 15 years of age and after visiting the auschvitz camp myself i know how horrifying it is in real life and this has made it more real for me to understand what it was like for those. my condolences to everybody
this site is a really good place to get information for projects and other things thanks for having it! and working really hard on it!
This website was well set up!!!!!!!!
I have written several papers for school on the Holocaust. throughout the years. This is a very helpful, informative, yet sadly accurate site.
Thanks for the info, it has helped my english project. I think this was one of the most terrible times our world went through.
I Liked this side because it�s very informatical and nice build! I�ve found an other page of the holocaust witch is very good,too! This page is:www.shoa.de! Good by Jan
Thank you so much for the terrific information provided. This is by far the best site on the Holocaust. I'm honestly not sure how I could have done my paper without it. The essay "Are Jews Central to the Holocaust?" was a lifesaver!!!! THANKS!!!!!
Intresting site! In stead of getting mad lets learn from those mistakes and let it not happen again, racism is still a big issue.... and we all have a choice on stopping it... STOP RACISM NOW!
I think that it it was not rigth what hitlar. I think that when it is time for god to judge us hitlar will be put into hell. that is what he need to get. i think that it is not rigth to kill some one for no reason at all.all the people that help hitlar will get what thay need to get when it is time for god to jugde the world.
this site was very helpful for my project i would like to tell all you people that this site touched my heart and if you say this site was bad or not helpful then you dont honestly care about our history and the children and people who suffered during this terrible event. thank you so much for all the info i needed i really appriciate it!
I would like to let you know that I found your website very informative and that I discovered facts on this site that I could not find in numerous books. Thank you for your providing of this website. It is great!
Very Interesting
I am a teenager and I study the Holoacust. You may laugh,but I know I know more than you do. I came on this website for information,and I found that. Thanks to the creator of the website.
I just wanted to say that what I have read on the site thus far is very informative. I'm glad that this site exists. Keep up the effort and I'll keep reading.
I thank you for all your help with this project. This web site was the best one for this type of reserch papers ond slide showes. Thanks agian. Rayshelle Scheibe tx kyle 78640
I think you have alot of good information but i was looking for a list of some of the atrocities that went on during the holocaust. and if they are in here you should make them easier to find
Your site was very interesting and informative. More information is always needed. I pulled this site up looking for information for my daughter to help her with a school project. I explained to her that this was a part of her history because her father is Jewish and also that those who died were human just like her and everyone else. We should view the past as a learning tool and take preventative measures to make sure that something like this never happens again. Only mans inhumanity to man can allow something like this to happen and that we as a united people We are not here to die but to live!
Great page!! If anyone has pics of holocaust symbols (ex. star of david, the triangles) please e-mail me. THANKS!!~Theresa
Hi, Great Site, However it's a sad content, but it has to be done to provide some history to your visitors or people who are intrestted. How I got here ? Wel I have visited Dachau last monday, may 1 2002. It's an experience that you won't never forget. It's a very strange feeling to walk there, knowing that were people who where tortured and so on. I saw the gas chambers, and the ovens. It's a terrible thought. But after all it's worth to visit Dachau, You get to see a history movie of "Arbeit Macht Frei". Yours Sincerly Erhan Unsurorlu, Amersfoort, The Netherlands
Now antisemitism is very actuall in most Europeans countries! Peoples must remember about Holocaust!!if no,it may happen again!!!
Nice page but it needs more about the entire family of Franks.
I am doing a school project and im hoping this is going to help me with some resoures!! thanks for the good facts~
i am still trying to find my way around
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Last modified: August 20, 2003