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These are comments left by visitors to the Holocaust History Project web site, in the month of October, 2002. The value of your material can not be over estimated. You give documentary proof for generations to come and to gentiles who'd prefer not to believe what their co-religionists -many still are- have done. To call the executioners animals, would be unfair even to the predatory animals who never kill unless for obtaining their necessary staple food. I've published one autobiography after I migrated to Australia, now I'm writing the follow up, about the situation of the Jews in Hungary after the Soviet Army cleaned out the Germans. I hope to get 2-3 photos from you to illustrate my statements in this follow up.
This website is trully touching. Most people don't recognize how the Holocaust ruined people's lives. Althouugh I am an African- American I still feel the pain. It was a long time ago the t he hurt is still here. I am always interested in the history of our world no matter were it is. I love our world. We are in a war now, and there must be some other way to settle disputes besides fighting. It just makes me so angry to hear when country's are fighting over little things. Your website has trully been an inspiration to me. Thanks keep adding on to this website. Bye- Bye
I was horrified to learn about the holocaust when I was in school. All those innocent people tortured and killed for no reason. Many germans today feel that they are at fault because of their ancestors or their blood. I am part german and I do not feel at fault. I was not alive back then and I do what ever I can now to help people of all races and religions. We cannot feel guilt for what has happened in the past, we can only try to make the present better. The holocaust should have never happened. Those people only knew pain and torture. I feel for each and every human that had to go through that horror. They will be forever in my heart.
hey well i'm a 9th grader and i'm doing this project 4 history i think that this web site has helped me a lot thank you 4 everything
I just cannot believe some people do not believe the Holocaust did not happen. There is so much evidence that points to the reality that it did occur. For those who are looking for great information -- besides this site should go to http://www.ushmm.org/ The website for the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington DC. I have been there, and you really get a feel for what happened between the years of 1933 to 1945. Also, there is site for the Medical Tribunal that was held in 1946-1947, where the sentences of life in prison or death penalty were handed down. Shalom, Tim
this is a very good website thank u for haveing it here for kids learing about the holocaust
I love your web site. It really helped me find all of my infomation. Oh and thanks to you, I got an A on my assighnment!
This is just a small comment to say that i a have found this site very useful.I used it during my A level History course and i am also now using it for my History degree.This is a very imformative site thankyou Jemma x
yes, i havr been looking for information on dachua(death camp) for about 4 days and all i find is pictures, i want something i can rread and get information from thank you, Danyell
I never new much about the Holocaust until my senior year in high school. We read the book "night". It deeply touched me. I stsarted to read all kinds of books. Th Holocaust has become a study hobbie for me. This web site is very helpful for me to learn more information about this terrible tragidy. karina
what is there really to say seeing as how i wasn't one of the people who were forced to suffer this. I just have to say that the peple who never had to experience this should count their blessings no matter what!
Hi, Im 13 and im researching for a school project on the atrocity of the Jewish holocaust. Thankyou for a very informative unbiased website. Its helping heaps! My deepest sympathy goes out to those who were killed, and my only hope is that the world can look back on this terribly tragic time in History, and learn from it's mistakes. But with september 11, suicide bombers and the recent Bali attacks, it is becoming increasingly obvious, to even me, that people are still not learning, and are still capable of inflicting terrible anguish upon others. I visited Auschwitz-Birkenau on 15th October 2002. I travelled to Poland from my home in Wales for a few days to visit Cracow, Auschwitz, and Plaszow. Birkenau was very peaceful on 15th October 2002. It was a sunny, warm Autumn day. I took my time to explore the camp. I walked along the railwat spur, I walked around the remains of the gas chambers/crematoria (II, III, IV, V and Bunker II). I visited the site where Dr Mengele experimented. I've been interested in the Holocaust for a number of years and setting foot on the soil where people experienced so much misery was extremely moving. Plaszow is very different now to what existed in WWII. Very little of the camp remains.
There are NO words to describe the overall effects of the Holocaust on the world. I never practice the art of sympathy as these chosen creatures have taught many peoples and cultures many lessons. I do however religiously empathize with every suffered creature to ever venture a stance on earth. I also can not display the overused and often times unfelt words " God Bless " as I do not personally believe in the Christian " GOD " . However, I do believe in not judging and I believe wholeheartedly in loving all things. To those who developed this site.. thank you for the information and keep up the great work .. I hope that this site will not fall by the way-side. *HUGS* Jenn
Eye-opening site. I was watching a documentary on television and thought I would do more research just to ease my own curiosity - I never released the scope or the atrosity of the Holocaust until now. It's truly horrifying what people can do to each other... Thanks for the informative and well-researched site. All the best.
Hey everybody this is a great site (anybody who thinks that all of the jews should be killed should go to h***!)I am doing a project on the Holocaust. This site has been a great deal of help so far. (Remember Eminem Rocks!!!!)
I read story about Eliezer and I think it was great so I am finding his email my english told me he is still alive and I am looking for his addresse and I have so many question so please please please someone who know his email can some send me his email? Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My friend Sara and I are doing a report for school on Holocaust related terms and your website really helped... Our deepest sympathy goes out to the victims that suffered during this incredible tragedy! Thank you <3 Sara, and Paula!
I am doing a project on the Holocaust,it is about how one person can make a differnce. i chose Meip, the women who helped the Franks, to base my project on. I feel that she and all the other people who helped Jews escape the Germans are the true heroes of the Holocaust. Even though i am 1/4 German I feel what was done to those people was unfair and inhuman. Nobody has or should have the power over others just because of their religon, race, or culture. Hitler did not think of what he was doing to the unborn Germans, now i and other Germans have to live with the fact that one of our people would do such a thing!
In the summer of 2001, I visited Dachau and I was in awe of what I saw. There was no life there. Nothing was growing. It was raining and very gloomy. My heart sank the moment I walked in. I couldn't stop crying. To know that so many innocent people lost their lives because of their religion or the color of their skin is absolutely horrible. I hope that everyone learns from this mistake and I hope that this will NEVER happen again.
Hi, I have been interested in the Holocaust since I read about it the first time when I was in 10 th grade. As I keep reading more I just keep feeling more and more disgusted. How could this have happened?? I mean how could humans have degraded to such sub-human levels. I am not a Jew, but I strongly believe that we should never let the world forget about what happened in the holocaust, which in my mind is the darkest hour of human history.Let us try and stop the hate which is engulfing today's world. Hate against any race/relegion is inhuman. Let us all pray and do our best to make this world a peaceful place. Hail Peace! Asheesh.
I think it's great that someone took the time to find all this information and try to share it with the world. If there was anything good about the war it's that we learn from each others mistakes. Godf Bless Everyone.
I have recently read a very touching reindition of the Holocaust in the book Night. This website was also a reality check. Thank you for all of the information. May God bless the survivors and all that it victimized.
Hello , I am doing a essay on the holocrat and I think Hitler was a werdio jews and blacks and other races are people just like us and they just belive in different things! Is that a crime? I THINK NOT!!!!!
I always believed that being human necessarily entailed us all having an innate sense of what is right and wrong. The Nazis knew what they were doing was wrong but they simply justified their actions in some really sick and very evil way. Your website is irreplaceably important. Thank you.
This is the coolest site ever. This guy is so famus in my book. he is my row model they should kill all jews and blacks if you ask me
I had the chance to visit Dachau this past June. The are no words that can describe the emotions that fill you as you walk down the dirt path way seperating the now torn down rows of where the barracks once were.
I think it's about time that the world opens their eyes. We need to stop saying or thinking as if the events of The Holocaust are bygones. What happened to the Jews can never be forgotten. What happened back then was no mistake it was simply hatred, hatred that we still see in the Middle East and around the world against the Jews. We often hear that History repeats it's self, in the Arab community we see the same hatred that Hitler had then. Time and time again we have seen how the Arabs have tried to wipe out the Jews from Israel. From its independence we've seen how Israel has struggle to survive the Arabs' terror. We keep hearing on the news how Israel is wrong by taking action against her threatening neighbors, but how it is ok for a suicide terrorist to go to Israel and kill innocent civilians. This is the hatred that needs to stop, and we need to start by teaching the young people, not like others that teach their young ones to hate the Jews. As a Christian I believe in the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. During The Holocaust, many nations kept quiet... but the man up stairs was watching closely as this event unfolded. This man is known as the Judge of Judges. God Bless,
I have been studying the holocaust for nine years. I believe that every story deserves to be read or heard, so I pick up every book I see that tells a true story. I have the utmost respect for the Jewish race. If any survivors ever want to talk feel free to email me any time. Your friend Bethanne
Racial hatred is one of mankinds worst sins.God promises to bless those who bless his chosen people but curse those who curse them.Those are the jews.Jesus Christ is a Jew and we who love Christ had better learn to love the jewish people.
Very impressive project. We need to learn from past mistakes.
I was just lookn thoruhg this site and it absolutley disgusts me on how natis people could do this to other humans. It breaks my heart knowin i live in a world of such hatred and that i live in this world with people who kill other people and dont even feel sorry about it. Who cares what someone belives or what the dont believe? let them think what they want and they will do the same. I know skin color doesnt matter to me or what a person believes because they r also human and they deserve to think as they wish. It would be nice to find someone who feels the same if u do please email me. thanks a bunch =) *Ashley*
Hi My name is shortty! My friend is jewish and one day at our skool we had a meeting with this woman who was a suivior of the holocaust. And when I turned to tell my friend how sad and just amazing this woman was. I saw her crying. And let me state I never saw my friend ever since we were lil kids. Later on the friday. I called my friend tresta to come over and hang out. When she got there, I sat her down and ask her why she was crying like she was at the assembly. She turned to me and said my grandmother was one of those victims. She told me the whole story about her beautiful grandmother. I started to cry soo hard bcuz I am have german. I felt soo terrible to know that my grandfather was apart of that war and he could have been one of those S.O.B*tchin nazis. To understand everything so much more me and tresta went to the Holocaust museum. The things I saw were so horrific. I had to walk out during the tour. I couldn't take it anymore. I can't help but to cry now. I think a whole two week period Tresta and I didn't talk to eachother. Bcuz I felt terrible about being about of the blood of those who slaughter so many for no aapperent reason. I just hate what I have in my veins. But for the past two years Tresta and I have been supporting the jewish community. And I have been goin to her church for the past two years now. I just wish it never happened. Bcuz it just goes to show that there will always be haterd for as long as there is life on this earth! MAdd LuV Shortty 216
i just want to say that ovr the last couple of days i have been studying the holocaust and i just wanted to includ that it is a very terrilble and shameless thing that happened to the jews im glad that its not like thaty that today
It was an unfortunate event for the world. The world might have been a much advanced place if these events did not occur.
For such a dark time in all of our histories I must congratulate you on your web site, it is extremely informative. I still can not believe that anyone could treat another person such as what happend during this time. I am from Australia and was not living at the time of the Holocaust, however the more I learn and read about it the more horrific it becomes. Although I must state that not all the Germans were for this, they were just too damn scared of the govenment to stand up and say something. My heart also goes out to those who did lose loved ones, your pain I know i will never fully be able to comprehend. Just remember to try to forgive and move on with your life, it's harder to live a fullfilling life if you are angry. Here's to a much happier and peacefull future for all.
I am very proud of this webpage, and the people who made it, and keep it. I thank you for doing so. I am in highschool and am extremely interested in the Holocaust. Though I am very sad that it happened. I was shocked to find out that there are many people who don't believe it even happened. I wonder often how peolpe coud be so ignorant.
I love the way you put your History in order, it just tells us how they happened just the way it happened back in the day. But you have to tell us more about the World War II about everything that happened at that time back in the day.
As the daughter of a non-Jewish holocaust survivor I am elated to finally find a site that acknowledges the Nazi persecution of innocent Slavic peoples. Thank you.
I am doing my 8th grade history project on the Holocaust. I think it was a terrible thing and whoever put in that it was the greatest thing that had ever happened in history and that he was only sorry that the germans did not suceed, has a very sick mind, and should have been brought up better.
My father in law was a prosecutor for The War Crimes.He later was a long time Indiana AG. I have original trial briefs w/depositions and pix of concentration camps. I am searching for an historian/author of such matters who may have an interest in these documents. Any leads would be appreciated.
halocaust was bad
I think the holocaust were bad times and that the natiz were terrible people.Hitler must of been crazy
This was a terrible time! We will never 4get!! This can NEVER happen again!! Age-14
i think that the holocaust was a very disturbing time and i feel that the Nazis were disgusting men and i don't know how they could do that to other humans..how they could just kill them and watch them die and feel that they are doingthe right thing..that's sick and twisted and i defiantely do not agree with any of it.
The holocost was a very bad time.
Hello, this is a very informative site with a lot of disturbing pictures and comments. Lars
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Last modified: August 20, 2003