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These are comments left by visitors to the Holocaust History Project web site, in the month of May, 2003. Hi, I am visiting Dachau in July, and I have found it hard to find anything about Dachau in the history books, heaps on Auschwitz and Anne Frank but only snips of Dachau. So thank you for your detailed tour of the camp as I do not speak German I will be able to follow your notes while on tour.I hope to lay flowers for all that suffered at the hands of monsters. Daisy
WOW! How could people ever survive such a thing. We had a speaker come in Yesterday,(05/29/03) who survived it all. I left in tears. I could NEVER survive such a terrafing moment! It's horrible!
This site is incredibly helpful. I appreciate having primary resources avialable on the web. Thank you for your hard work in establishing a site that continues the remebering process of an atrocity we can only hope never comes close to happening again.
This is a great site
I find the site to be very educational and well organized, and I commend those who put this site together for such a tasteful, yet passionate attempt to impart knowledge to others. It is so disturbing to realize the evil and lack of humanity in this period of history, and it is even more disturbing that there are those who deny it. Denying such horror is the same as condoning it, and the site's zeal in fighting those who would make a mockery of history is admirable. Shalom
I pay my deepest respects to my Jewish family and my friends. I shall honour you always in my heart and in m spirit. We must never forget. Shalom.
this site is so helpful and i was just amased well bye:)
When I was a high school senior in 1988, we visited Dachau during our senior trip to Europe. I stood in front of the very ovens you have photos of. It still chills me to think of how many suffered and died at the hands of madmen. The visit touched me then as does reading this website 15 years later. "Never Again," Amy
Okay. I like your whole website presentation. I think you should, however, add more pictures to show the graphic details of what you want pointed out. I like the whole layout, and it's a great work done.
I'm speechless at what I had seen. My God, how cruel some people can be. I will never forget what I had seen. God has taken care of those that did this. I can not hold hate for anyone for God forbids it. Peace be to all......
Intento conocer el or�gen y la historia de la famiia
i liked ur pages about the holocaust everyone needs to know about it thanx again. Candi
it must of been scary to be in the holocuast. hilter was a very bad man
These esssays were an excellent help for me. I have a few essays of my own about the holocost. If I could possibly post soem on your site, i would greatly appreciate that, thanks.
First of all, I'd like to congratulate you on your wonderful site. It must be one of the best of its kind. I was born almost 40 years after the end of World War 2. I am not jewish and have never seen someone murdered. But some of my relatives support nazi doctrines and some of my earliest memories are of being horrified by the theories, let alone the idea that such theories were actually realized. I can rememeber being about 5 and looking into a regular kitchen oven and just shuddering, half wondering if I might find myself in one, one day. Growing up, maybe because I am a twin myself, I was filled with sorrow for those who had lost thier twins... their families, their worlds. I was never in a concentration camp but in a weird way, I think the sort of evil that went on there has an echo and it can affect not only the descendents of the victims, but those of the monsters, as well. I don't feel removed from the camps, and just knowing that such atrocities have taken place has made me vigilant... I dont know if it is normal to grieve for people you have never known and I know it may seem almost glib to say it, but I do grieve for the dead, for as many of them as I can comprehend. The first time I ever heard about the camps, at a very young age, that part of me that wasn't too horrified to feel sorrow felt profoundly respectful of the bravery and courage of not only the survivors but those that fought just as hard and never made it out. There is so much hate in the world and it scares me. The line between normal anger and hate scares me, and hateful thoughts and hateful actions. And hateful actions... and evil. All these terminators scare me. To anyone who has lost someone they love and doubts the good of the human race... I am with you. I often have the same doubts. But then I hear about a hero like Zvi Spiegel and the darkness doesn't seem so complete. In a universe of darkness, as long as there is the tiniest speck of light, there is not complete darkness. To all that were lost, those that have been forgotten despite the best intentions of historians and family, those who suffered and screamed and were ignored or tortured in thier pain... words fail me and I can not express how much I wish I could protect the lost and bring back the dead. I can not begin to comprehend the strength so many before me have displayed and the pain they have endured. Life is so fragile and tenuous and it is easy to hate but there has to be more to life than giving in to base emotions. Life itself is a struggle, a challenge. It is easy to remember the victims with sorrow and they should never be forgotten... but please, if you read this, remember the living. Remember your parents or your siblings in these times and know that no one is ever truly safe and you often don't realize how deep you love someone until they are ripped from you. Please dont forget the victims and dont waste the life you have, because it is precious. I don't know how to sign off on this kind of note. Peace to everyone.
I like the site and I hope to use it on my History project!
i dont know i havent been in here before and so far it is ok but not the best i have ever seen.
Thank you for your site some people have to know about all the atrocities that happend in thoses concentration camps... I remember and I will never forget.
hey my name is emilee and i am in 8th grade this information was very helpful to me because it helped me do my homework and give me some background info. We are studying the war and the holecaust so if you have any info about it just e-mail me. Thanks **Buh~Bye**
My dad was in the medical corp,he,s was just 18 years of age. He was at Belsen when they were liberated by the English, he had to clean and wash some of victims down. So when anybody ask me what did my dad do in the war i tell them everything
i luv to study the holocaust it is a very interesting topic
It is a good thing that such history is reserved for the new generation.
I think Your page needs some pictures. thanx bye
Sorry for using this guestbook to answer David's question he was asking on April, 25th, but obviously his eMail adress isn't valid anymore. And I can't get rid of the idea that the inserted link is nothing but a well calculated ad to the incredibly stupid, and infamous neo nazi Z�ndel, who, thanks god, is going to be handed over to german judicial authorities in the near future...=:-> But let's get to the scientific masked "findings": 1. Leuchter asks how it could be possible to kill 6 mio. jews in such a few gas chambers, and therefore he trys to "calculate" the capacity of the facilities at Auschwitz/Birkenau. Answer: No one ever proclaimed that all the killing took place over there: millions were shot on-site, where they lived, during transportation to the concentration camps, in forrests, in fields, in their houses, just anywhere the mass murder could be done silently and comfortable; 2. Same as above (1.), not worth being answered seperately; 3. Everybody can find the answer at TU (technical university) Munich, unfortunatelly available in German language only, as far as I know, but that could be a good starting point for further investigations; 4. That is, quite simply, not true; 5. To summ 1 to 4 up, there is no conclusion, there is just well-known, stupid, fascistic, ignorant propanganda of some mentally handicaped nazis. Hope that helps and again, sorry for misusing this guestbook as an answer.
My father was one of the Allied soldiers who liberated Dachau. He never spoke much of the war, having served 4 years in the European theatre in Luxembourg, France, Germany, and other locations. He did tell me one time, during a very poignant conversation, about what happened when the troops arrived at Dachau. Those prisoners still living raced as best they could, walking, crawling and dragging themselves to the soldiers. They cried and thanked God for their rescuers. They scrounged for some sort of offering of thanks to give the men. My father said the prisoners went so far as to pluck a blade of grass or pick up a small stick and offer it as a token of thanksgiving for their rescue. He could only say that words could never describe what he saw while he was at Dachau. I never presses him further, as it was so painful for him to think, let alone speak about it. Your website has helped me to connect the dots to what it must have been like. I cannot imagine the full extent of the atrocity he witnessed, of course; however, I have a better understanding. Your site is invaluable for every person alive today. I have tried to find comprehensive information regarding Dachau, and this is the most informative site I have found. I have met a survivor of the Holocaust who lives in my city. He has authored a book and I've spoken to him several times about his and his wife's experiences during that blackest of periods in human history. Your information is accurate and portrays events in a nonsensical manner. The photographs are what really make it impacting. One can read words, but one cannot ignore photos. Once you see something, you cannot deny it is real. God bless you for your work, and I pray it reminds people how low the human condition can sink in terms of depravity and utter disregard for life. As long as we study history and learn from the mistakes made, we may not necessarily be doomed to repeat them.
You should show more pictures on this website. Pictures make people interested in readings what happened. I think is very important to know about this certian event in history.
great website
This is a great website, but can you please make a story of what really happened during the holocaust!! I would much appreciate this even when I am doing a report on the holocaust. I would like to know the history of the hoocaust like anyone else who wants to know! I would also like to know what the ghettos were like to live in, how the heros saved the Jews! The people wouls like to know all these things and more...they like to know what the Jews had to go through like Anne Frank! Please answer my comment and tell me what you thought of it!!! If what I said is there please let me know because I haven't gone through the whole website!!
Yo dude! great website you saved my butt over this project just wanted to say thanks a lot bro!
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Last modified: August 20, 2003