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These are comments left by visitors to the Holocaust History Project web site, in the month of June, 2003. your site has to be read to be believed, it is excellent in content,what happened should never be forgotten, please god we will learn our lesson and never allow this to happen again.
i would like to say that i have been reading this web site for about 6 months and exploring every part of history on each page. to every survivor i applaud you. for you have lived through such hate and torture that my generation will probably never know. i am a christian and i pray for isreal and all the survivors daily. i cannot express the anguish in my heart for those who lived through those horrable horrors. with each story i read and each documentory i listen to tears flow from the very bottom of my heart. of the stories that i have read it is really remarkable how these people survived. i have read of two sisters and how while moving from one concentration camp to another and walking all day in the snow till their feet were swollen and frostbitten hid in a barn and exscaped. at night they moved out of the barn. and they had two places to go one house on the left and one on the right. the younger of the two sisters chose radamly we will go to the left and the man thier told them they could stay for the night and doctered their feet. he also told them that the other house to the right was a nazi house. how the God of isreal must of guided them. these two brave young girls survived and made thier way to russia on foot in the snow and hiding. if i remember the story correctly...they were the only two survivors of their whole family. i have read many stories of horrors such as this. i never seece to be amazed at the horrors of the haulocaust and how hate reigned. i cannot express the way i feel to these people who survived. they deserved to be honored. for they have seen horror i know i will never see. they lost everything thier families, their rights, and most imortant what God made every man to have thier dignity. may God be with us all that history will never repeat itself. betty housley
Six years ago my Grandmother passed away and left me a gold Star Of David. No surviving members of my family can give me any answers as to why this was given to me. She never spoke about what she experienced during the 2nd World War and no one pushed the issue. However i feel there is a history and reading the infomation at least gives me an insight to the terribile period in human history. Iam not a practising Jew but feel there is something missing from my family history, thank you for enabling me to answer some of the questions i have. I guess some of our elders chosse to forget and move on with life, i feel guilty in that she must have been suffering still untill she passed away. The web site is vital in the education and understanding of what we are capabile of and to provide lessons for the future. Kep up the effort.
My mother and father went to Dachau in 1985. My mother told us her and my father had tears in their eyes. She said to think one race had so much hatered for another race is so hard to believe. We are all equal and the same. She said it was really sad to see the little children's belonging's. Their heart was broke when they left. They said they could not stop thinking about all those soul's that were lost in this horrible camp. They stood outside and said a prayer before they left. Donna
I really like this site. I think it is a wonderful educational tool. I can't believe some of the negative comments on here though. I think it's wonderful, and apparently so do alot of other people. Anyhow, this may not matter now, but I want to take a moment to emphasize my feelings on what happened. I get very angry that the murderers could execute so many people based on their religion. What is that? Thank goodness most of the world isn't like that today. God love the hearts of the ones who have suffered in the past, and those who are suffering today. God Bless you! Miss Beaverhausen
This website was really useful for my schoolwork. P.S I love Big Brother
Great website, very informative, well documentated. The key to refute holocaust denial is access to the key documents of the nazi's and this site offers it and presents it in a comprehensible way. anyone who is looking for an answer to the key question " WHY?" should definately read Hannah Arendts book " the origins of totalitarianism". It is not an easy book to read. But if you need an answer to this difficult question i must recommend it. She not only details the modus operandi of the Nazi machinery and ideology but, more importantly, describes to great extend the philosophical and sociological roots of antisemitism. She also explains WHY it was possible and INEVATABLE that a way of thinking emerged in the 20th century that allowed a regime to exterminate millions of people for the good of an ideological premisse. A definate must read for anyone who wants to understand WHY Hitler, and for that matter Stalin and pol pot, killed millions of people. The Nazi regime was no exception when it came to mass killings of millions of people. The true exception of the Nazi regime was that their choice of victims was prepared by two millenia of religious and sociological indoctrination whereas Stalin and Pol pot invented a new class of "enemys of the state". In that sense the extermination of the jews was the inevitable consequence of a well prepared and religiously backed ideology. This ofcourse is all the more shocking since it points out that this particular kind of hatred was able to live in a great society (europe and abroad) for close to two thousand years without major obstruction by any sort of christian moral. In this respect the holocaust offers us a very deep understanding of the human condition. I have studied the holocaust for close to 15 years, my thesis delbt with all past and current totalitarian regimes and from this knowledge i can only conclude that tragedys like auschwitz or the killing fields of pol pot are inherent in human nature. It would be A VERY BIG MISTAKE to view auschwitz and other places of industrialized killing as something which lies outside of human nature, is something un-human. The true warning, in my opinion, is that it is very human. To those who have a somewhat greater then average knowledge of the workings of Nazi ideology it must be obvious that a lot of the mechanisms that lead to the rise of auschwitz are present in every day live. MOst importantly...indifference, lack of empathy, lack of courage, lack of moral backbone, lack of the capacity or even willingness of individual and critical thought. To me, a lot off people are like eichmann, not evil geniuses, but men who would rather follow and play it safe rather then be the creator of their own moral character. Eichmann saw the law as the substitue for moral, how many people you know do this? I think if you look closely that you will find that this is the most common form of behaviour. ( with the term "law" being anything from the legal sort of law to the more obscure social laws of conduct and behaviour).
I am building a website based in the holocaust to be called NightArrival.com, and need support. Any help would be appreciated. Regards marco Uccellini
what no doubt happened was no doubt tragic, inhumane and unjust but when one is hated with such conviction and such passion particularly by an otherwise uncompassionate man should they not ask why? it is to easy to write it off with fleeting comments about madness, racism and the like but self evaluation is a necessary part of life sadly similar feelings and views are still held though not readily expressed
I think your web site is most informative and an important one. Please keep adding hisotrical data. My note concerns Dr.Karsai's research document of the deportation of the Jews of Hungary. He lists (in brackets) as June 6 the last date from the provinces. Please convey a correction to him. I was deported, along with my family,(except for my brothers who were in the so called labour battallions)from the city of Debrecen, on June 29,1944 and arrived in Auschwitz-Birkenau on July 3rd or 4th. (June 6th is not correct.) Sincerely, Judy Cohen. editor, www.womenandtheholocaust.com
To my Grandparents: I Love you
I went to dachau in 2001 I find your site intereesting
your site is very helpful to me at the moment because i am studdying the holocaust but i would be very greatful if more photographs were applied. yours faithfully Polly Aitken p.s. great work :o) xxx
what is the world like? the information on this site is excellent but very touching!
really enjoyed this site i am very into WWII and these are great for finding out more. i guess one can never know enough of the horror in which this caused
your site is great i used it for school. it treuly let see the terror in the war. great work
i feel sorry for all the people that died in the holocaust because of that Nazi person (Hitler)
Congratulations Alex Bay for your great Treblinka paper! I wished you would have mentioned the website www.deathcamps.org because the ARC Group can be supportive re Treblinka photos, maps and other material. Finding the truth about the real camp's appearence is rather difficult because the Treblinka air photos show only rough structures. Be aware that you will find structures if you want to find it, if it fits into your imagination. The final structure of Treblinka, Sobibor and Belzec will be only clear if original maps will be found somewhere. Michael
I thought the page was good. You should have a french translation though. Tanya Laroux
The new essay on your site on Treblinka is astounding - it provides much useful information for my own studies. Many thanks to Mr. Bay for writing it and to you folks for posting it.
Very pleased with what i found out
A wonderful resource on holocost information and rebuttal to the deniers of history. Is it possible to have your document collection assembled for single downloads rather than going through page by page? It is difficult to read online sometimes so having whole texts to download (perhaps even pdf files) and print or read as an e-book would be tremendously useful. Thank you, keep up the good work, and good luck!
Hello, I am one of the many people in this world fascinated by our past and the first time I ever saw your website I was absolutely thrilled in how wonderful or horrible our past is! I thank you very much for not only showing me, but many other people in this world what others have been through and experienced I think that everyone that does visited your website should realized how lucky we are to be living the way we do. I am only but 14 but yet very enthusiastic about the subject History and I am very appreciative of people like you to put interesting issues like this on the internet to not only to show fascinated people like me, but many other people too! If ANYONE has any other fairly good websites/books you know about our past on issues like this or basically anything I would be very delighted if you would email or talk to me about it. Yours Sincerely, Stefanie
It really is a sad time in our history that we as a nation missed what was going on until it was too late. looking back I can only say that if my family was in there place I would still call on God. Life isn't the end of our lives there is the eternal part that is most important. Not that I condone what has happened to any one my heart goes out to all jews, but this life isn't the end..... Lets pray we can stop this from further happening to anyone that is why we need todo all we can for humanity.
hello my name is matt and i think that your website is truly incredible.i hate hitler but i am a firm person who believes in rights for justice.
thanks for the infomation i found it really helpfull as most of the stuff on the net is just book reviews and crap. keep up the good work!! :)
May God bless you for all you have done. Your essay closes the mouth of every anti-Semitic "revisionist." May God bless you always. ~Durst451~ A Christain who knows right from wrong
Sin duda, es triste pero NECESARIO recordar los momentos donde parte de la humanidad dej� de ser tal. Enhorabuena por la p�gina y continuad con el buen trabajo.
i think this site is ssssssssssssooooooooooooooooooo cool. thanks!
I recently watched a movie called The Pianist. Never have I seen such monsterous acts towards the human race, except for what I know of Christ's crucifixion. I am working on getting information about my family history and who I am, where I come from, or rather, where my great-grandparents came from. It greatly saddens me to say that I am of German descent. I don't know how my great-grandparents acted towards other nationalities, but if they were among those who treated others with such disgust, hatred, violence, and any other awful treatment, then to those who had to endure, or are realted, I am forever and eternally sorry. P.S. I love your site; it was very informative.
we have found your website poor and found it no use what so ever your enemy sam!!!!!!!!!!!
I just wanted to say that there is much to learn on the holocaust and I hope that one day we can all live with out hurting each other
I found the website interesting and very useful for my coursework.
i think this web site is very interesting i love to learn about the holocaust because i think that if people learn about the history of it then it will not be repeated i love to learn about this stuff and it interest me alot thank you for making this web site please email me with lots of information erica
hey this was a good site to get info for my project!!!!!!!!!
I believe the holocaust was the most terrible thing that ever happend in history....i could of never thought of something so horrible until i learned about the holocaust...thanks to these webstites people who have suffered could be heard....people who throw fits should think back that they don't have the worse life..think of other people
I came to this site out of interest. I have always believed that the brutal murders of the Jews, and others did take place, as mentioned in these aricles at this site. Books I have read on the subject are interesting, but do not go into as much detail as this site does. I have read the Diary of Anne Frank, and needless to say I cried. I sometimes wish I had been around at the time of these brutal murders, and resided in germany, I would have either wanted to be a Jew that helped others to find hiding places, or a German that hid the Jews. I would have prefered to be a German that hid the Jews, to be able to help in any way possible. I believe we are all human beings, with 1 creator, not 1 human is any better or worse than another. It doesn't matter what our origins are, or our religious beliefs, or our skin color. Even though I am not of German decent, and I am not old enough to have even lived when the holocaust took place, I still would like to offer my deepest heart felt apologies to the people who died, and to the survivors, and family members of all victims of the Holocaust, and the victims, and family members of all crimes. May God Bless, And Keep You All, Forever,And Ever. Amen Thank you very much for creating this site for people like me who want the knowledge, for knowledge is power.
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Last modified: August 20, 2003