Zvi KATZNELSON is shown here with his father,
Itzhak, the great Jewish poet. Zvi was born on May 3, 1926, in Warsaw. Hannah,
the poet's wife, and their two other sons, Ben Sion, age 14, and Benjamin, 11,
were arrested in Warsaw, deported and murdered in Tréblinka. The poet
and his oldest son were transferred at the end of 1943 to Vittel (Vosges) in
France, and held in the Hotel Beausite, along with other Polish Jews who had,
like them, accommodation passports from South American countries. But on April
18, 1944, 160 of them were sent west to Drancy, before going back east to
Auschwitz on convoy 72 of April 29,
1944. |
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CHILDREN OF THE HOLOCAUST A memorial Serge Klarsfeld
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