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A memorial
Serge Klarsfeld  

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Alice-Jacqueline LUZGART was born on October 8, 1933, in Paris (9th arr.). She was in the Izieu children's home. She wrote to her sister Fanny on April 1, 1944: Dearest sister, 1 got your letter of the 28th which made me very happy. Did you get my letter in which I ask you for several sticks of barley sugar and some boxes of little liquorice candies. I hope you got it and are trying to do everything you can to get me what I am also asking you for: writing-paper, envelopes and 10 stamps. You know today is April 1st and it is also April Fools' Day when we stick paper fishes on people's backs, this morning they stuck two at once on my back and I found out. I chose to be an accountant, but you know my classmate chose a much nicer profession than me, when she's grown up she wants to be a maternity aide, a midwife trainee, she told me she loves to help mothers to bring little babies into the world because she loves babies. Don't you think this profession is good maybe I'll change my mind and be like her. Tell me what you wanted to be when you were little. Fanny here is a paper we had to do last week: One of your relatives or your friends is a prisoner. In these letters you have sensed his nostalgia for his country of birth. Write him from France about his city or his village, find details that will interest him, words to comfort him. I got six and a half. The best mark I got. Alice-Jacqueline was deported on convoy 75 of May 30, 1944.    


A memorial
Serge Klarsfeld

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