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The Holocaust History Project.


A memorial
Serge Klarsfeld  

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On November 7, 1942, he learned of his family's arrest in Villepinte (Seine-et-Oise), where they lived at 20 rue Georges Sachet: I received news which made me very sad. I am writing to thank you, but I want to know the truth. Did they leave of their own free will? or otherwise? Let me know by return mail, I am so worried.... Tell me quickly where they have gone; don't hide anything from me. Only hope keeps me alive. Several days later Chil Malach wrote to his friends who told him of his family's fate: I received your card of the 18th. I read the news in it with great sorrow. Chil's wife and children – Robert, age 15, Claudine, 13, Berthe, 10, and, Léon, 6 – had been deported on November 11, 1942, on convoy 45. Léon's photo could not be found. On February 25, 1943, Chil wrote: I live in the hope that we will all be reunited again. Several days later gendarmes arrested him, and on March 6, 1943, he was deported on convoy 51.    


A memorial
Serge Klarsfeld

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