Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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all the people who suffered under Nazism,
especially those in the East, will have good reason to be wary of the Germany
governed from Bonn.
For the sake of peace, freedom, and socialism in
Europe, and for the honor of Germany, Kiesinger and his accomplices must be
removed. I was immediately aware that Berlin was under tight
police control with reinforcements from the Federal Republic.
At the
Republican Club, the meeting place of the Extra-Parliamentary Opposition (APO),
the atmosphere was gloomy. The young people drinking beer and reading political
magazines did not hide the fact that they had been expecting huge
demonstrations, but the police had mounted too strong a protective front for
them to oppose.
So the Congress would be held after all, in spite of
the opposition's claim that it would prevent that "illegal" assembly
illegal because West Berlin was politically distinct from the Federal Republic.
I left the huge, imperial-style apartment on Wielandstrasse just off
the Kurfürstendamm. I wanted to maintain my determination. The police
lines didn't impress me. A young woman can find their weak spots and penetrate
them more easily than full battalions. I would get through and I would win
simply because I was weak and alone.
"We can't do much for you."
I didn't take that well. I had expected at least some help from the
young anti-fascists.
"Not even a ticket to the Congress. The police
lines don't give us a chance."
I didn't know where or when the sessions
would be held. Or where I would sleep that night. I didn't want to go to my
mother's for fear the police would descend on her after my gesture. So I
accepted the offer of a young revolutionary:
"I'll lend you my cellar.
You can stay as long as you want."
For the first time I would stay in a
commune of young people a two story house in a residential section near
Berlin-Wannsee, surrounded by a large, unplanted garden. Two young couples, one
with a child, lived on separate floors. The cellar had been turned into a small
apartment. It was well heated, and it had running water. I was satisfied
despite the train trip I would have to make every morning and evening.
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