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articles signed by Six but drafted by Hagen. Works
such as "World Jewry: Its Organization, Its Power, Its Policies" and "The
Freemasons," published by the Nazi Party under the pseudonym of Dieter
Schwartz, were written by Six in collaboration with Hagen. Hagen's predecessors
in his post of command against the Jews, von Mildenstein and Schröder, had
recruited a nucleus of fanatical Jew-haters. Hagen's subordinates included
Dieter Wisliceny, the future liquidator of Hungarian and Czech Jews; Theodor
Dannecker, future liquidator of French, Bulgarian, and Italian Jews; and Adolf
Eichmann, the future chief executive for the Final Solution of the Jewish
Hagen followed Six's teachings, and succeeded in
bureaucratizing the ideological nature of anti-Semitic operations. It is,
therefore, not surprising that the S.D. men were later found to have been more
efficient enemies of the Jewish people than the Gestapo, which did not see the
problem on the same global scale.
During his trial in Jerusalem,
Eichmann was to describe Hagen as follows: "Hagen was a sensible man,
broadminded, sophisticated. He could easily grasp the essence of a problem and
reduce it to a summary or an article. He was a personal friend of Six, who made
Hagen his editor."
As an editor, Hagen was undeniably gifted. Every
week he would edit the long reports of II-112 activities and make them
remarkably clear and yet detailed. He perfected innumerable memorandums on all
aspects of the Jewish problem in Germany and abroad.
I am practically
the only person to have consulted those memorandums because of a rather unusual
chain of events. In the CDJC in Paris there was a carton full of Hagen's
personal records, which had been forgotten since the liberation of Paris and
located only after the Eichmann trial. I got research fever again. I checked
with Hessel, the librarian: no historian had ever asked to read those pages, on
which was written a large part of the preparations for genocide. Hagen was a
master spy on the world of Jewry, which he had reduced to index cards. He was a
master indoctrinator of anti-Jewish racism. He was the top S.D. lecturer on the
Nazi attitude toward Jews to help people and organizations better to fulfill
their duties according to Hitler's desires.
For example, during the
first half of 1938, Section II-112 conducted twenty-three seminars. Eichmann
spoke once on "The Goals and Methods of Solving the Jewish Problem"; Dannecker,
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