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Hiemer, as always, keeps harping on the
stench in Jewish offices that he can endure only by keeping a handkerchief over
his nose. Consequently, he is far from supplying "objective information." When,
for example, he mentions the stench of streets where Jewish offices the
"Israelische Kulturgemeinde" and the "Zionistische Landesverband" are
located, well, that's the city's fault, not the Jews'.
I mention this
simply to call to your attention that we have been seriously hampered in our
efforts to bring about any change. The most unbelievable statement in his
article, it seems to me, is that many Jews in Vienna are returning to Judaism
"a religion that takes the teachings of the Talmud, which advocates
crimes against non-Jews, as ultimate authority."
When I hear things
like that, I have to hold my head!
You yourself apparently did not
notice that Hiemer says the head of the Zionistische Landesverband has "fiery
eyes" and that, again according to Hiemer, he said: "Beware. If we get into
power we will celebrate a new Purim during which we will sacrifice not 75,000
non-Jews, but 75,000,000. Take heed! Our revenge will be terrible."
The intimacy between Hagen and Eichmann dates from the journey
they took to Palestine to broaden their acquaintance with the Jewish world and
observe what effect the possible creation of a Jewish state might have on the
Reich. Eichmann was to say several times in 1961: "Hagen was my boss. I was
Hagen's subordinate."
On September 26, 1937, they left via Poland and
Rumania, took the Rumania from Constanta, and landed in Haifa on October
3. The next day they went to Cairo to meet their local agents. The watchful
British expelled them from Egypt on October 9, and they took the Palestina back
to Europe via Brindisi.
The trip was the result of clandestine contacts
between the S.D. and an agent of Haganah, the army of the Jewish colonists in
Palestine, which doubtless wanted to see German immigrants come to that
territory. Haganah was slyly feeling out Heydrich's S.S. The meeting between
Feivel Polkes, a Jew from Tel Aviv, and Eichmann and Hagen must have been a
strange one. The only result of their short visit to the Middle East was their
conclusion that the Reich should unalterably oppose the Palestinian Jews. The
anti-Jewish persecutions of 1938 put an end to the contacts.
voluminous report on this trip, dated November 27, 1937, was written
principally by Hagen. It gives some interesting indications of his anti-Semitic
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