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The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania
© 1978, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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He stressed several times that he had brought Lischka up to date. Hagen added a general remark to his explanations:
"Given the intention of dropping as much as possible the treatment of Judaism inside Germany by the SD, a plan is being drawn up to involve Judaism abroad in the work of the section II-112 to a greater extent than presently. For this reason, the two (visitors) were invited as of now to seek out all of the facts concerning Judaism in Poland." (61)
We may wonder if Hagen was getting ready in May 1939 to prepare the materials for a future activity of the Gestapo in Poland. We ignore if these new projects were in fact initiated.

12. The Integration of the Men of the II-112 into the Reichssicherheitshauptamt (September 1939)

The breaking out of the war very rapidly brought about a radical transformation of the structure of the SD and of the Sipo. The Sipo and the SD were both capped by a single unit, the "Reichssicherheitshauptamt (Principal Security Office of the Reich: RSHA)." The RSHA was split into six and later seven departments. The former Department II of the SD, where Six and Hagen were, became Department III, that for intelligence activities for the interior of the Reich. But there was no longer an anti-Jewish section. On the other hand, Department III of the SD, which became Department VI of the RHSA and took care of foreign intelligence under the direction of Jost and later of Schellenberg, had an anti-Jewish section. It was called "Judaism and Anti Semitism" and was directed by Hagen.

Hagen's section was a sub-section of that entitled "Ideological Enemies Abroad," which was headed by Knochen. The latter had previously been the assistant of Six in the press section, where he had held the responsibility for the analysis of the press of emigrants from the Reich. As for Six, under whose direction Knochen, Hagen, Wisliceny, Eichmann and Dannecker had until then worked, he received a special responsibility in the RSHA: that of the direction of the scientific department, "Ideological Studies and Applications." The Gestapo delivered to it all of the material (archives, libraries) seized from "ideological enemies." The Gestapo itself (as of March 1, 1941) was to be Department IV of the RSHA. The section for Jewish affairs which under Lischka was the II B4 became the IV B4. Subordinated to Eichmann, it had no longer to be guided by the SD, as in the time of the II-112.

13. Eichmann's Task from September 1939 to March 1941

The task of the IV B4 was at once considerable. It was to assure that the harsh laws of exception conceived to totally uproot the Jewish population bring about total segregation. For that purpose it was to set up and control the Union of Jews in Germany. Because the

The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania
© 1978, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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