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The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania
© 1978, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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at Eichmann's side during an important conference which met on January 30, 1940: it concerned the transfer of populations in the regions in question (66). Thus Eichmann and Dannecker were integrated with the RSHA-IV. In contrast, Hagen, as we have seen, remained in the SD, in the RSHA-VI (SD for foreign intelligence), where he directed the section "Judaism and Anti Semitism."

It is not clear how the functions of Eichmann as Chief of the IV D4 and Chief of the IV B4, were combined. He was named head of the latter in place of Kurt Lischka, who had been transferred in December 1939 (Postdam [sic] film 1/74A2592 (603) ) to Cologne to direct the Sipo-SD there.

According to his own testimony, Eichmann in the spring of 1940 became Chief of the IV B4, the section for Jewish affairs, with Rolf Gunther as his assistant. As for the functions of Eichmann in the IV D4, they ended in March 1941 with the prohibition to transfer populations to the General Government. It is only after this date that the documents designate Eichmann's section as IV B4 and no longer IV D4.

Eichmann related that upon taking possession of Lischka's former section, the IV B4, he found there
"in addition to the furniture, the civil servants who until then had served Lischka. They continued, as was normal, their work of secret police of the State, an activity which was then foreign to myself and to Gunther. But they were very well-trained civil servants, who were perfectly familiar with their regulations, in which we then had to plunge ourselves and study them." (67)
The situation is here in a way the reverse of that of the SD II-112 in 1938 in relation to the II B4 of the Gestapo. At that time Hagen, Dannecker and Eichmann impregnated, so to speak, the anti-Jewish work of the Gestapo with their knowledge of the Jewish question acquired in the SD. Now Eichmann and his assistant, Gunther, applied themselves to combining their capabilities acquired in the SD with those demanded by the executive work of the police.

This situation was soon to be also that of Hagen, Knochen and Dannecker. Let us recall that Knochen and Hagen were in Deparment [sic]VI of the RSHA, the foreign intelligence section of the SD, where Knochen directed the section "Ideological Adversaries" and Hagen had within this section the sub-section "Judaism and Anti-Semitism." As for Dannecker, we know that at the beginning of 1940 he was with Eichmann in the IV D4. In the second half of 1940, all three were to be designated for Jewish affairs in the Sipo-SD in occupied France.

In the summer of 1940, Heydrich sent a small commando to Paris. It was to form the branch of the Sipo-SD in occupied France. The anti-Jewish movement in France apparently had a privileged position in the solution of the Jewish question as a whole. Luther, Under Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, wrote in a memorandum of August 1942 (NG-2586): "The regulations in Paris served

The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania
© 1978, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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