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The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania
© 1978, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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But whereas for the "Euthanasia" Hitler had given the responsibility in writing to Bouhler and Doctor Brandt for a precisely defined operation, for the "final solution" Hitler entrusted Goering with giving Heydrich the responsibility in writing for finding the "solution" according to the changing situation and for executing it. The operation to be accomplished by Globocnik, Hoess and Eichmann was confided to the zealous creator of the Nazi administration. Its correct functioning was assured by the initiatives of diverse sections of the administrative apparatus of the Reich grouped for the "final solution" around the Sipo-SD.

The deportation of the Jews from the Reich and from the Protectorate to the "zones of operation" in the East was the first form of the "final solution" by extermination aside from the Jews of the Soviet regions. At the same time and in conformity with the order of Himmler, the method by gassing being prepared by Globocnik and Hoess was taking form. But the Governor General Frank appears not to have been informed of Globocnik's mission in the General Government and considered himself called upon to promote, in the territories under his jurisdiction, measures which were to resolve the Jewish question. He nevertheless knew that Heydrich, responsible for the Jewish question as a whole, had laid down the principle of deportation "farther east" for the Jews of the General Government as well. This meant, at least for the General Government, deportation to the occupied Soviet territories. But Frank considered it necessary to complete this measure by murderous local operations on his own authority. He made the following declaration on December 16, 1941, at the session of his Government (PS-2233) (123):
"They (the Jews) must be put out. With this goal in mind, I have begun talks for their deportation to the East. In January, an important conference, to which I shall delegate the Secretary of State Bouhler, will take place in Berlin... But what is to happen with the Jews? Do you believe that they are going to be lodged in the Ostland (Baltic countries and White Russia) in settlement villages? We, too, can undertake nothing with them in the Ostland or the Commission of the Reich. Liquidate them yourselves."
And Frank declared that it would be necessary to
"proceed to interventions which, in one way or another, will assure that the destruction succeeds (Vernichtungserfolg)."
Eichmann's bureau, the IV B4 of the RSHA, noted on December 1, 1941 (124), that the Hoehere SS und Polizeiführer Kuger, the representative of Himmler in the General Government, had been complainning [sic] for a long time about Frank's efforts to personally treat the Jewish question. The note added that to prevent these attempts, Frank and his Secretary of State, Bühler, would both be invited to the conference which was to gather together all the authorities of the Reich concerned by the Jewish question. It has been seen that Frank clearly remarked the invitation. But according to his declarations it appears that he ignored or wanted to ignore the mission entrusted to Globocnik and that the latter was not to be able to put into practice before March 1942.

The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania
© 1978, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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