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The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania
© 1978, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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The word "Vernichtung" was employed in another directive to designate that time what the Jews were planning against all nations. One may quote the judgment pronounced at Nuremberg against O. Dietrich: "The Information Service" observed on April 22, 1943, that the Jews were responsible for the mass massacre of the Polish officers at Katyn; "the Jews would have the intention of assassinating the peoples of Europe..." Other directives designated by the word "Vernichtung" the goal pursued by the Jews with regard to the non-Jews. In the general directive, one reads:
"… one can refer to the word of the Führer, that is, that at the end of this war, there will only be survivors and those exterminated (Vernichtete). By pointing out the firm intention of Judaism to exterminate (Vernichtung) all the Germans, one will fortify the will to self affirmation."
Thus, the anti-Jewish propaganda had to suggest that the "Vernichtung" of the Jews by the Germans was the answer to give to the "Vernichtung" that the Jews were preparing to apply to the non-Jewish peoples; and the meaning of this "Vernichtung" was extermination.

Let us finally point out in regard to "Vernichtung" the propositions advanced by Ribbentrop and Hitler during their conversation of April 17, 1943, with Horthy, Regent of Hungary (D-736) (137):
"In answer to the question asked in retort by Horthy to know what he was to do with the Jews after he had deprived them of practically all means of existence – he could not even so finish them off – the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Reich deplored that the Jews had to be either exterminated (Vernichtet) or interned in concentration camps... There are no other solutions... Continuing on, the Führer came to speak of the city of Nuremberg... It is a fact that the Jews are parasites. In Poland, this situation has been entirely liquidated. There, if the Jews do not want to work, they are shot. If they are unable to work, they must perish... It is not cruel. It suffices to consider that even the innocent creatures of nature, such as hares or goats, are killed to prevent their harmfulness. Why should it be necessary to spare brutes who wanted to bring us Bolshevism?"
The process of the extermination of the Jews was nevertheless one of the most important State Secrets. Neither Hitler nor the competent authorities intended to officially make known that on the average about 80% of the Jewish deportees were done away with by gas upon arrival at their destination. This State Secret forbade any revelation which allowed people to imagine the procedure of the killing off of millions of Jewish persons. But at the summit of the Third Reich (Hitler, Himmler, Goebbels Bormann), one was thinking of the necessity of preparing public opinion for knowledge of the fact that these millions of people had disappeared. It was necessary that public opinion have a sort of premonition that by means which would never have to be detailed, the Jews were disappearing from the face of the earth. The thing was not entirely said, it was even expected that the violent terms in the anti-Jewish propaganda would provoke the impression of exaggeration; but it was known that the word "Vernichtung" would provoke an uneasy foreboding of horror.

The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania
© 1978, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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