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The Holocaust History Project.

The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania
© 1978, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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Note p. 8

17. HAGEN, Herbert Martin
Born September 20, 1913, in Neumünster (Holstein)
SS N° 123273, October 1, 1933. NSDAP N° 4583139

Hagen worked in the SS from May 25, 1934, onwards. He became SS-Hauptsturmführer in 1939, SS-Sturmbannführer in 1941, SS-Obersturmbannführer in 1945.

In May 1934 Hagen entered the SD of the SS-Reichsführer in Munich. In September 1934 he was named to the SD-Hauptamt in Berlin.

A graduate of the Auslandwissenschaftliche Institut, where he attended the lectures of Professor F.A. Six, who directed the II-1 of the SD, Hagen became the collaborator of Six in the SD and head of the section II-112 in charge of Jewish affairs. Hagen, chief of the II-112, struck up a friendship with his collaborator Adolf Eichmann; and the two men went to Egypt and Palestine together in October 1937. Hagen also travelled a great deal in Central Europe in order to intensify anti-Semitism and to watch over the strict application of the anti-Jewish measures in Germany.

On June 22, 1940, Hagen belonged to the first commando of the SD in France. He became Kommandeur of the Sipo-SD of Bordeaux and from there controlled all of the Atlantic coast as far as Brittany. He arrested the Jews of the region and selected the fifty hostages shot in Bordeaux on October 24, 1941.

In May 1942 Hagen became the political adviser (Politischer Referent) and the sole direct collaborator of General Oberg, Chief of the SS and of the German Police in France, for whom he did the real brain work. He was also chief of Department VI of the Sipo-SD.

Very active against the Jews in France, Hagen also played an important role in all of the reprisals by executions from 1942 to 1944.

On July 9, 1943, Hagen married the secretary of the anti-Jewish section of the Gestapo in Paris.

In 1945 the SS-Obersturmbannführer directed the Sipo-SD of Salzburg. He was to be imprisoned in the British zone. In France on March 18, 1955, Hagen was sentenced in absentia to perpetuel [sic] hard labour.

Herbert Hagen resides at Wilhelmstraße 34, Warstein (Rhineland-Westphalia).

He is commercial manager of an important industriel [sic] enterprise: the "Industrie- und Apparatebau".

Hagen has still not been punished. He was the second most important of the Nazi criminals who deported the Jews from France. In 1972 Beate and Serge Klarsfeld demonstrated against him in Warstein.

The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania
© 1978, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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