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The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania
© 1978, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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In the long series of crimes and atrocities of which the National-Socialist regime is guilty, the fate reserved for the Jews and the Gypsies occupies a totally exceptional place. In fact, no other category of victims of this regime was collectively and intentionally condemned to an extermination in which neither age nor physical nor intellectual weakness of the individuals saved them from a violent death. In addition, at no other epoch and in no other place was an undertaking of this nature so deliberately conceived and so systematically executed as in Nazi Germany in the twentieth century. It is this crime which made the Hitlerian regime particularly odious; and those nostalgic of the latter, powerless to justify the crime, are reduced to denying it. It is essentially a question of two aspects of the problem which shed a stark and insupportable light on the Nazi regime: on the one hand, the invention of a means such as the gas chambers of putting to death an unprecedented number of human beings, and on the other hand the exploitation of the latter on a gigantic scale which brought about several million deaths in the course of but three years.

There is a whole literature (28) the task of which is to disparage the unbearable reality. With the years, its volume increases, its diffusion widens and its agents express themselves in French, German, English, Spanish or Arabic.

The general "philosophy" of this campaign is exceedingly simple: the existence of the gas chambers and the six million victims are declared to be lies entirely invented by world Judaism after the war. The principal motive of this colossal fraud would be the desire to extract from conquered Germany a monetary compensation which would be greater in proportion to the gravity of the wrongs attributed to Germany. This world wide plot would be inspired and supported by the Center of Contemporary Jewish Documentation in Paris, the Yad Vashem Institute in Jerusalem, the Jewish Historical Institute of Warsaw, the State Museum of Auschwitz, the Institute of Contemporary History of Munich, (4) etc. The means employed by the conspirers would consist of false accusations proferred [sic] by European Jews who survived the Second World War, of declarations just as false extracted under torture and martyrization from the elite of the SS of the Nazi regime (the very essence of the Aryan race) and, finally, in the falsification of documents of the Nazi regime the purpose of which would be to wrongly condemn it.

Paradoxically, the foundations for the justification of Nazism through the refutation of its crimes were laid down not by a former Nazi nor even by a German, but by a Frenchman and, what is particularly curious, by a former resistant arrested in France by the Gestapo and deported to the camp of Buchenwald and then to that of Dora. The person in question is Paul Rassinier, author of a series of works (38 to 42) dedicated to the rehabilitation of the SS and to a lively and astute polemic the purpose of which is to demonstrate on the one hand the absence of valid proofs of the existence of gas chambers intended to exterminate people and, on the other hand, that the number of dead among the Jewish victims had been infinitely inferior to what was said.

The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania
© 1978, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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