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The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania
© 1978, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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3. Irrefutable documents

It so happens that others than he have had that idea and, how ironic, these are the notorious "forgers" of the Center of Contemporary Jewish Documentation (CDJC) in Paris, first of all M. Leon Poliakov and execrated by the not at all curious "scholar," Rassinier.

As a matter of fact, in the review of the CDJC, "Le Monde Juif," (36, pp. 4 20; 37, pp. 4 16), M. Leon Poliakov published a series of documents relating to the "Kurt Gerstein Dossier." From them we here reproduce extracts solving the majority of the enigmas which trouble Rassinier and his likes, all of whom burn with a sacred love of historical truth:

"Military Justice. Central Depository of Archives. 1 and 3, Nöefort Street, Meaux (Seine and Marne).
Meaux, October 26,1960
Officer (...), Clerk of Court (...)
to Mr. the Minister of the Armies (...)
Reference: today's telephone call from Colonel Lequette
Object: Concerning a man of the name of Kurt Gerstein
Following the instructions cited in the reference, I am pleased to inform you that owing to his activity in France (...), he was the subject of the inquiry No. 1171 of July 10, 1945, of the General Military Governor of Paris for murder and complicity, for the Second Military Tribunal.
That finding himself incarcerated at the military prison of Cherche Midi since July 5, 1945, in accordance with imprisonment order No. 12560/JM of the said day of the general officer cited above, he voluntarily took his own life by hanging, in his cell, on July 25, 1945, at five o'clock in the afternoon (...). That the commandant of the military prison indeed sent on July 26, 1945, to the Commissioner of the Government attached to the Second Permanent Military Tribunal of Paris a report relating to the suicide of the person in question accompanied by a letter of the lastmentioned (in all likelihood written shortly before killing himself in view of justifying his act). (...) on the prison calendar of the military prison of Cherche Midi appears the hand written notation: "I established this day, July 25, 1945, at 5:25 P.M., the decease of the prisoner Gerstein, Kurt; the cause of death is obvious as attested by the visible furrow on the neck of the subject and the position in which the body was found.
It results from this that death is due to hanging. This manner of taking one's own life can absolutely not be avoided in a prison." This registration is signed "J. Trouillet," doctor of the military prison of Paris. The body was given over to the Police Superintendant [sic] of the ward of NotreDame des Champs on July 26, 1945, to be transported to the MedicoLegal Institute for autopsy (enclosed is the copy of this attestation found in the archives of the military prison of Cherche Midi).
Following up this information, I asked the Prefecture of Police to let me known where the victim was buried.
By the letter No. 1716/CAB/SD dated May 2, 1958, the Prefect of Police informed me that in consequence of the verifications which he had ordered, notably at the Medico Legal Institute, it had been established that the body of Gerstein had been buried on August 3, 1945, in the cemetery of Thiais."

To complete the grotesque "dossier of enigmas" of Rassinier, here is first of all a short document:


The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania
© 1978, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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