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The Holocaust History Project.

The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania
© 1978, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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"at the maximum" 2,400 persons in 30 cars instead of 3,000 at 80 per car. All of this gives a total of 200,000 deportees instead of 434,351 retained by the Tribunal of Jerusalem or of 500,000 mentioned by the Kasztner report.

All of these highly developed divagations were intended to impress the reader with the competence of a "specialist on the deportations," whose opinions were to be accepted without discussion.

Here is the reality such as it appears from a series of telex and secret reports ("Nur als Verschlussache zu behandeln") sent to Berlin by the German Ambassador to Budapest and SS-Brigadeführer Veesenmayer. Anyone may consult them freely in the archives of the Center for Contemporary Jewish Documentation in Paris (11).

This series begins with the telegram dated April 28, 1944 (No 1108), which is thus drafted. "Today the first transport of 1,800 Jews between sixteen and fifty years of age and fit to work has left Budapest. Tomorrow a new train of 2,000 Jews fit to work will leave Topolya." The series goes up to July 9, 1944; and the ensemble of the operations is summed up in a telegram of October 28, 1944, which reads: "Total number of Jews in Hungary on March 19 of this year, about 800,000. Already transported into the territory of the Reich, about 430,000. Jewish work force of the Hungarian Army about 150,000. In the region of Budapest about 200,000."

And here are the details:

Deportations of the Hungarian Jews
(According to the secret reports of Veesenmayer German Ambassador to Budapest).
(Archives of the C.D.J.C. of Paris, classification numbers CLXXXIX22, 25 28, 33. 37, 39 40 et 46)

of the reports
two successive
Total number
of deportees
on the dates
Number of
between two
successive reports
of deportees
each day
4,29 and 29-
2 days 3,800   1.800
5-18-1944 19 days 22,363 19.563 1.030
6-7-1944 20 days 273,949 250.586 12.539
6-13-1944 6 days 303,499 29.550 4.925
6-14-1944 1 day 316,803 13.304 13.304
6-15-1944 1 day 324,005 7.202 7.202
6-25-1944 10 days 352,850 27.845 2.784
7-1-1944 6 days 377,601 25.751 4.292
7-6-1944 5 days 381,661 4.060 801
7-9-1944 3 days 429,028 47.367 15.789
  73 days     5.877

The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania
© 1978, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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