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The Holocaust History Project.

The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania
© 1978, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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Concentration Camps" at Oranienburg and/or from Eichmann's service in Berlin.

5. The Korherr Report Completed

As we have seen, Korherr's statistics stop at the date of 3-31-43, at the end of the first year of the deportations of the Jews which had begun in March 1942, but continued for another year and a half. His data are thus very partial; and we know that even for the periods chosen by Korherr they are incomplete, at the very least in respect to the occupied regions of Russia. Yet at the current time it is possible to complete them, notably for the following four countries – France, Belgium, Holland and Hungary – always taking as a basis the incontestable sources of the Nazi administration. There is no doubt that if Korherr had continued his work as Himmler ordered, he would have utilized these sources. It is plausible that the rest of the report that we know today will eventually be discovered in the mass of documents of the SS which still remain unstudied.

In fact, in France and in Belgium the number of convoys of Jews deported and the number of persons that they carried away are known; and this is true up to the liberation of these two countries in the same way that we know them until 3-31-43 (26, 27, 46, 50, 52). As far as Holland is concerned, the archives of the Gestapo have been found, notably those of 106,000 persons interned at the camp of Westerbork and deported in 98 convoys, with the exclusion of 918 people liberated in 1945 as well as those of 5 convoys set out from Apeldoorn, Amsterdam and Vught (3 convoys). Among these 103 convoys, 67 were directed to Auschwitz, 19 to Sobibor, 6 to Theresienstadt, 9 to Bergen-Belsen and 2 to Ravensbruck. The total number of deportees is 105,000. This data was published through the good offices of the Dutch Red Cross in four parts published in 1947, 48, 52 and 53 under the general title of "Auschwitz." Finally, the statistics concerning the deportations of Jews from Hungary are known from the reports of the Ambassador of the Third Reich to Budapest.

If one takes into account the figures thus known, the Korherr report is completed in the following manner:
Country Total number
of deportees
Number of
appearing in the
Korherr report
Difference to be
added to the
Korherr report
France 75,721 (a) 49,906 25,815
Belgium 25,437 (b) 18,502 6,935
Holland 105,000 (c) 52,403 52,597
Hungary 429,028 (d) 429,028
Total 514,375
Total of the Korherr report, more than 2,669,118
New total, more than 3,183,493

The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania
© 1978, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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