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The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania
© 1978, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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our attempt to calculate the Jewish losses in Russia. It does not, however, seem that this eventual error would change the data of the problem considerably. In any case, if there is an error, it goes in the direction of the diminution of the calculated number of Jewish victims in Russia.

In August 1940, the three Baltic countries, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia became Soviet Republics; and Lithuania acquired the region of Vilno to the detriment of Poland. After the war, this allocation of territories was confirmed. Finally, in June 1940, Rumania had to cede Bessarabia and North Bukovina to the USSR, into which they were incorporated. This situation was confirmed in 1944.

Thus the annexation of the Baltic countries and of Bessarabia had brought definitively to the USSR in 1940 a Jewish population whose importance was the following (the number of Jews in Estonia and in Finnish Carelia was negligible):

7. Results of the Census by Nationality of the Population of the USSR
Lithuania (census of 1939), with Vilno 269,600
Memel 9,000
Latvia (census of 1935) 93,479
Bessarabia (census of 1941) 290,000
 TOTAL  662,079
This said, let us look at the results (abridged) of three censuses of the population of the USSR, among which that of 1959 – twenty years after the beginning of the war – when the return of the ex-Polish populations to Poland was definitively ended and the situation after the war stabilized. Let us add that the emigration of the Soviet Jews to Israel began on a discernable scale only in 1971, twelve years later.
Population 1926 (54) 1939 (54) 1959 (55) 1959/1939
Total 147.028.000 170.467.000 208.826.000 1,22
Russians 77.791.000 99.020.000 114.588.000 1,16
Ukrainians 31.195.000 28.070.000 36.981.000 1,32
Bielorussians 4.739.000 5.267.000 7.829.000 1,49
Poles 792.000 627.000 1.380.000 2,20
Rumanians 279.000 260.000 2.214.000 8,51
Estonians 156.000 142.000 1.400.000 6,82
Latvians 154.000 127.000 969.000 11,02
Lithuanians 43.000 32.000 2.326.000 72,69
Georgians 1.821.000 2.240.000 2.650.000 1,18
Armenians 1.568.000 2.152.000 2.787.000 1,29
Germans 1.247.000 1.424.000 1.619.000 1,14
Jews 2.672.000 3.020.000 2.268.000 0,75

The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania
© 1978, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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