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The Holocaust History Project.
The Holocaust History Project.

The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania
© 1978, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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The First Korherr Report
The Inspector of Statistics Secret Reich Material
for the Reichsführer SS  

Statistical Report

I Preface
II Jewish Statistics for Germany
III The Weakness of the Jewish Race
IV Jewish Emigration from Germany
V The Evacuation of the Jews
VI The Jews in the Ghettos
VII The Jews in the Concentration Camps
VIII The Jews in Penal Institutions
IX The Jews Involved in Work Projects
X European Jewish Statistics
The numerical recording of Jewry and its development are necessary for setting up a statistic representation of the results on the way to the solution of the Jewish problem. The contradictions in Jewish figures make preliminary remarks necessary to the effect that the numerical data of Jewry are always to be accepted only with reservations and that lack of knowledge about the origin and source of these data can lead to false conclusions. The sources of error are above all to be found in the nature of Jewry and its historical development [sic], the many thousands of years of restless wandering, the numerous conversions to and from Judaism, the efforts of the Jews to integrate, the interbreeding with the native populations, the efforts of the Jews to avoid registration and lastly in erroneous or falsely interpreted statistics of Jewry.

Moreover, up to now, partly due to the large degree of overlap between the Jewish religion and the Jewish race, ignorance of racial theory, and partly due to being caught up in the religious thought of the times, Jewish statistics have never been compiled on the basis of race but rather on the basis of religion. The classification of the race presupposes many years of training and a knowledge of genealogy. It was also difficult, particualarly in southern and eastern countries, despite this overlap, to isolate a homogeneous Jewish race statistically. The avowal of Moasic or Jewish faith is also no foolproof evidence, because as a result of the former Jewish missionary movement with its conversions of masses of heathens and Christians, also because of changes of faith in modern times via mixed marriages and "conversions", there are more than a few people of Jewish faith who are not racially Jewish. On the other hand compulsory Christianity in the last century and the increase in baptized Jews and non practiseing [sic] Jews have reduced their

The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania
© 1978, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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