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The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania
© 1978, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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G e r m a n y . The Jewish population of the Reich is related to the length of time since the seizure of power in the different territories. This marks the beginning of the great Jewish exodus. Up to then there had even been an increase in the Jewish population in some territories as a result of their exodus from territories already occupied by the Reich.

At the time of assumption of power and on Dec. 31, 1942 the Jewish population was:
 J e w i s h P o p u l a t i o n
Territory Dates of Assumpt-
ion of power
before Assumpt-
ion of power
on Dec. 31, 1942
Altreich Jan. 30, 1933 361 000 51 327
Sudetenland Sep. 29, 1938 30 000  
Ostmark Mar.13, 1938 220 000 8 012
Bohemia and Moravia Mar. 16, 1939 118 000 15 550
Eastern Territories
(incl. Bialystok)
Sep. 1939
(June 1940)
790 000 233 210
General Government
(incl. Lemberg)
Sep. 1939
(June 1940)
2 000 000 297 914
T o t a l 3 719 000 606 103
There is a certain amount of overlap in the figures prior to the assumption of power. Thus most of the 30 000 Jews of the Sudetenland (27 000 religious Jews) before the annexation into the Reich rapidly fled to the Protectorate without crossing a national border and without loss of property and appear again in the figures for Bohemia and Moravia in 1939. On the 17 May 1939 there were only 2 649 Jews in the Sudetenland.

For the time shortly prior to World War II it is possible to list figures for or estimate the Jewish population of the Reich territories with the Protectorate and the General Government:
    for comparison
  Mar. 17, 1939 Dec 31, 1942
Altreich 233 937 51 327
Sudetenland 2 649  
Ostmark 94 270 8 102
Bohemia and Moravia 110 000 15 550
Easterns Territories c. 790 000 233 210
General Government c. 2 000 000 297 914
Total 3 120 892 606 103
Altreich und Ostmark had already lost well over half of their civilized and sterile Jewsih [sic] population before the war, mainly due to emigration, while in the East the collapse of the dangerous fertile Jewish masses only became clear during the war and particularly after the evacuation measures of 1942.    

The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania
© 1978, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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