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English Freeman Standing In Court - Gloucester Court 29th Jan 2010 - Part 1
5 months ago
The day started with myself and Captain Scarlet meeting up with Pigdogs partner Muchly jip and heading into the city centre to meet Rebel leader and the others.
Settling at costas for coffees, we went through our paperwork and just chatted about our strategy, Pigdog arrived and we made sure we were all set for the fun ahead!
The hearing was at 11.30am so just before 11am we all started to make our way to the Magistrates court which was a short walk from the coffee house.
On our way down we met up with some more freedom rebels (Greame, Pippa and Cossask) who said they had already been down to the courts and were asked if they were there for the demonstration! We were amazed!
We decided to go into the courts in small groups with myself going in with Rebel leader and Nutty Norm as the last group.
When we got in we were told that we would be seen by a council official before going into the court room.
At 11.30am we put in a NOUICOR and told them that they had 30mins to rebut, then we waited to find out when we were going to get to meet with the council official,
We were then surprised when 4 police men/women came in, stab vest and utility belts strapped, giving us all the eye and grinning.
Just before 11.30am we were called into the court room, we made our way through the show of force and, having no fear we thanked them for their presence.
On entering the court room RL asked if we would get a fair hearing under common law? He was assured that we would, we entered the court room and stood at the back saying we were quite comfortable and could see and hear fine.
RL asked if we could see the magistrates oath, they we're not happy with this and started grumbling that they did not want to go down this line of questioning, it was with this that the clerk of justices said that we should take his word for it! RL said that if we could just see the oaths we could proceed with the matter and settle it, at this the Magistrates got up and left! When asked if they were coming back the clerk said yes and scurried off, as a consequence the council representative was left in the court room with twelve freedom rebels!!!!
We asked why we hadn't received the courtesy of a meeting with the council official before we went into court .and the councillor, Mr Deveraux, turned round and said we did not have the meeting before the hearing because we have already heard of you! At this time he was looking rather flustered and alone and it was to his obvious relief the magistrates came back, the call to rise went out and we all stayed as we were.
The magistrates said “We are going to carry on with the proceedings”, trying to ignore us, but RL continued to ask for their oath of office. Once again the magistrates got up and left the court!!! We asked if the ship had been abandoned and again the clerk said “No” and scurried off.
Again they came back by which time we had asked one of the officers out side to come into the court room in case we needed to make an arrest (he he)!
The magistrates again tried ignore us saying “If Mr Gxxxxxxx would stop interrupting” ( we all quietly laughed as they had just called RL Mr Gxxxxxxx! I don't remember marrying him!) “we can proceed!” and then went straight to Mr Devreaux who proceeded to go through claims made against my legal fiction, he also stated that he had signed the summons! LIES!
Nutty norm informed the magistrates that payments had been made which flustered Mr Deveraux, at which point he said yes but not with cash.
The magistrates asked Mr Deveraux about this he replied that he had had a direct debit slip sent into him a4v'd, but he was saying that this is not a remittance slip (well what is it then?) and that he had replied by refusing this! Nutty norm pointed out that they should look up the bills of exchange act on this matter, and the magistrates turned to Mr deveraux saying that he should do this.
RL asked the magistrates if it would help if the “persons” involved would come forward, they said yes and RL presented them with the birth certificate of Rhapsodys legal fiction, they muttered amongst them selves and said they were leaving court again!
When they came back RL tried to establish the lawfulness of their position at which point the magistrate said that this matter was going nowhere and the courts were to be cleared.
Upon this loads of police officers came into the courts and proceeded to usher us out of the door, RL said there was no need for this as we were there peacefully and lawfully and that there was no need for this show of force as we would leave as soon as we had our documentation returned to us.
On leaving the courts peacefully we all filed round to the police station to file a compliant about the police heavy handedness. When we got there the policeman at the desk said there was no-one there to deal with us as they were all next door for us! He was laughing and appeared quite amused so we waited while they sent someone through.
While we were waiting a young woman approached and asked what was going on ? Well it just so happened that she was from the independent police complaints agency so we informed her of our complaints of police heavy handedness.
RL and NuttyNorm had gone into the interview room to lodge the complaint to the Sergeant that was present in the court room, meanwhile we carried on talking to the woman from the complaints agency, she gave us her card and said that if we were in court again for the same issues that she would come too or send one of her colleagues along.
This would be to make sure that we were getting treated according to the oath that the police take when they join the force. We thanked her and told her that we would help her with her council tax bill if she needed it, she said that “That would be WONDERFUL!!!!”
It was at this point that we left the police station, took some pictures outside and then went to the Cafe Rene for refreshments, interviews and to summarize what had just happened.
We got there and settled down chatting about it all, after a while we went outside to do some video interviews and take some more photos. What we didn't expect was, to our amazement, we saw the clerk of justices sat on the benches having coffee with Mr Deveraux, the councillor who had supposedly signed my summons and refused my offer of payment!!!!!
Surely that can't be right........... can it?
Both Myself and CS would like to thank all of the team that turned up, we cannot thank Rebel Leader, Nuttynorm, JAYDEE, Greame, Pippa, Cossak, our great friends Muchlyjip, Pigdog and Geordie and thanks also to Vicky for the moral support.
Thanks also to those too numerous to mention that could not make it to this but maybe next time eh!
Taken From:-
Thanks to Sarah of the Godliman Family for the words.
Settling at costas for coffees, we went through our paperwork and just chatted about our strategy, Pigdog arrived and we made sure we were all set for the fun ahead!
The hearing was at 11.30am so just before 11am we all started to make our way to the Magistrates court which was a short walk from the coffee house.
On our way down we met up with some more freedom rebels (Greame, Pippa and Cossask) who said they had already been down to the courts and were asked if they were there for the demonstration! We were amazed!
We decided to go into the courts in small groups with myself going in with Rebel leader and Nutty Norm as the last group.
When we got in we were told that we would be seen by a council official before going into the court room.
At 11.30am we put in a NOUICOR and told them that they had 30mins to rebut, then we waited to find out when we were going to get to meet with the council official,
We were then surprised when 4 police men/women came in, stab vest and utility belts strapped, giving us all the eye and grinning.
Just before 11.30am we were called into the court room, we made our way through the show of force and, having no fear we thanked them for their presence.
On entering the court room RL asked if we would get a fair hearing under common law? He was assured that we would, we entered the court room and stood at the back saying we were quite comfortable and could see and hear fine.
RL asked if we could see the magistrates oath, they we're not happy with this and started grumbling that they did not want to go down this line of questioning, it was with this that the clerk of justices said that we should take his word for it! RL said that if we could just see the oaths we could proceed with the matter and settle it, at this the Magistrates got up and left! When asked if they were coming back the clerk said yes and scurried off, as a consequence the council representative was left in the court room with twelve freedom rebels!!!!
We asked why we hadn't received the courtesy of a meeting with the council official before we went into court .and the councillor, Mr Deveraux, turned round and said we did not have the meeting before the hearing because we have already heard of you! At this time he was looking rather flustered and alone and it was to his obvious relief the magistrates came back, the call to rise went out and we all stayed as we were.
The magistrates said “We are going to carry on with the proceedings”, trying to ignore us, but RL continued to ask for their oath of office. Once again the magistrates got up and left the court!!! We asked if the ship had been abandoned and again the clerk said “No” and scurried off.
Again they came back by which time we had asked one of the officers out side to come into the court room in case we needed to make an arrest (he he)!
The magistrates again tried ignore us saying “If Mr Gxxxxxxx would stop interrupting” ( we all quietly laughed as they had just called RL Mr Gxxxxxxx! I don't remember marrying him!) “we can proceed!” and then went straight to Mr Devreaux who proceeded to go through claims made against my legal fiction, he also stated that he had signed the summons! LIES!
Nutty norm informed the magistrates that payments had been made which flustered Mr Deveraux, at which point he said yes but not with cash.
The magistrates asked Mr Deveraux about this he replied that he had had a direct debit slip sent into him a4v'd, but he was saying that this is not a remittance slip (well what is it then?) and that he had replied by refusing this! Nutty norm pointed out that they should look up the bills of exchange act on this matter, and the magistrates turned to Mr deveraux saying that he should do this.
RL asked the magistrates if it would help if the “persons” involved would come forward, they said yes and RL presented them with the birth certificate of Rhapsodys legal fiction, they muttered amongst them selves and said they were leaving court again!
When they came back RL tried to establish the lawfulness of their position at which point the magistrate said that this matter was going nowhere and the courts were to be cleared.
Upon this loads of police officers came into the courts and proceeded to usher us out of the door, RL said there was no need for this as we were there peacefully and lawfully and that there was no need for this show of force as we would leave as soon as we had our documentation returned to us.
On leaving the courts peacefully we all filed round to the police station to file a compliant about the police heavy handedness. When we got there the policeman at the desk said there was no-one there to deal with us as they were all next door for us! He was laughing and appeared quite amused so we waited while they sent someone through.
While we were waiting a young woman approached and asked what was going on ? Well it just so happened that she was from the independent police complaints agency so we informed her of our complaints of police heavy handedness.
RL and NuttyNorm had gone into the interview room to lodge the complaint to the Sergeant that was present in the court room, meanwhile we carried on talking to the woman from the complaints agency, she gave us her card and said that if we were in court again for the same issues that she would come too or send one of her colleagues along.
This would be to make sure that we were getting treated according to the oath that the police take when they join the force. We thanked her and told her that we would help her with her council tax bill if she needed it, she said that “That would be WONDERFUL!!!!”
It was at this point that we left the police station, took some pictures outside and then went to the Cafe Rene for refreshments, interviews and to summarize what had just happened.
We got there and settled down chatting about it all, after a while we went outside to do some video interviews and take some more photos. What we didn't expect was, to our amazement, we saw the clerk of justices sat on the benches having coffee with Mr Deveraux, the councillor who had supposedly signed my summons and refused my offer of payment!!!!!
Surely that can't be right........... can it?
Both Myself and CS would like to thank all of the team that turned up, we cannot thank Rebel Leader, Nuttynorm, JAYDEE, Greame, Pippa, Cossak, our great friends Muchlyjip, Pigdog and Geordie and thanks also to Vicky for the moral support.
Thanks also to those too numerous to mention that could not make it to this but maybe next time eh!
Taken From:-
Thanks to Sarah of the Godliman Family for the words.
Rebel Leader 5 months agoSoon as I can get it done LOL!
Ross McKinnon 5 months agoI am so addicted to seeing the little man on the street get justice, its about time you nice humans showed the highway robbers that there ways are not the way its supposed to be, you have abig following here in North Devon, god bless you & waiting for the next installments with much excitement. Regards, Ross of the clan McKinnon
Rebel Leader 5 months agoAbout a week - needs editing and its not a quick thing to do LOL
Fedge No 5 months agoFun times, good times =)
Rebel Leader 5 months agoOh yeah! Very good fun!
Ross McKinnon 5 months agoLove your tactics guys, my wishes are with you & hopign to meet one day to see you in action, its such a breath of fresh air to see the little guy on the street have the power again, god bless you. Ross of the clan McKinnon
fred bear 5 months agogreat work again rebel leader.. lets bring these bastards down xx
Rebel Leader 5 months agoMany thanx for your comments fellas - much appreciated. - This stuff isnt difficult - the more people that do it the more their system will collapse - I encourage you to stand up to them and not take their crap any more! Regards.
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