Agastache Foeniculum - Anise Hyssop

Characteristics: Attractive, licorice-scented plant with toothed leaves on square stems and spikes of blue-purple flowers in summer and fall. It reaches about 4 feet tall, forming a vase shape.

Growing Information: Grows best in sun but will tolerate a little light shade. Plant in fertile, well-drained soil. Fertilize once or twice during the growing season with a balanced organic fertilizer, or mulch with compost.

Propagation: Grows easily from seed. Start the seed indoors about 6 weeks before the last spring frost. Or, in fall, sow the seed directly where you want plants to grow. You can also move self-sown seedlings.

Possible Problems: If the plant receives too much nitrogen or too little sun, it may need staking.

Harvesting and Using: Pinch off leaves or sprigs any time for making into tea. You can dry the leaves for potpourri. Flowers make a pretty garnish for fruit salads, iced tea, and desserts.

Anise Hyssop