Anethum Graveolens - Dill

Characteristics: Quick-growing herb with fine, ferny leaves on hollow, upright stems up to 3 feet high. Umbrella-like heads of yellow flowers are great for seasoning or fresh-cut flowers.

Growing Information: Plant in full sun and well-drained soil. Space plants 12 inches apart. Plant succession crops in warm climates. Fertilize when plants start flowering with a sprinkling of fertilizer high in potassium and phosphorus.

Propagation: Sow outdoors in fall or spring.

Cultivars: For compact cultivars, try 'Bouquet' and 'Fernleaf'; for slow-bolting cultivars, try 'Tetra' and 'Dukat'.

Possible Problems: Parsley worms, the striped caterpillars that become black swallowtail butterflies, love dill. Transfer them gently to a wild Queen Anne's lace plant.

Harvesting and Using: Harvest the leaves or cut the entire plant back once it gets to be about 12 inches tall. Harvest seed when it begins to turn brown. Hang seed heads in a warm, airy location over a catch cloth. Use fresh, dried, or frozen leaves on fish, in creamy spreads, with eggs, potato salad, or butter. Use seeds with vegetables, soups, meats, pickles, and breads.
