Brassica Hirta - White Mustard

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Characteristics: Handsome when it starts to flower. Toothed leaves on tall, skinny plants up to 4 feet high. Attractive flowers are a perky shade of yellow.

Growing Information: Grow during cool weather in fertile, moist soil and full sun. Water if necessary to keep the soil moist. You can also grow in a container in a brightly lit, cool area indoors.

Propagation: Direct sow seed. It comes up quickly.

Possible Problems: Deadhead to minimize self-sowing.

Harvesting and Using: You can eat the spicy-flavored young leaves in salads and stir-fries. Collect the seed when mature but before the fruit splits open. Dry to store them. Grind them with vinegar or wine, or toast them in oil.

Related Herbs: Black mustard (B. nigra) can grow to 6 feet tall and has smaller but more strongly flavored seeds.

Brown mustard (B. juncea) is grown for its foliage, which can be ruby-colored or ruffled, and also for its seeds.

White Mustard Seed