Crocus Sativus - Saffron Crocus

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Characteristics: Has lavender flowers, blooms in fall, and bears fragrant stigma tips that are dried to make the spice saffron. Flowers reach 5 inches high and the narrow, bladelike leaves 12 inches high.

Growing Information: In early fall, plant in full sun and fertile but well-drained soil. Space bulbs 3 inches apart in large masses for the best ornamental display. Mark their position on a garden plan or with golf tees, so you don't disturb them when they are dormant.

Propagation: Corms divide easily after foliage has died back.

Cultivars: You can find white-flowered forms.

Possible Problems: Be certain you buy saffron crocus and not autumn crocus (Colchicum spp.), which has larger, showier flowers and is poisonous. Provide well-drained soil to avoid rot.

Harvesting and Using: Pluck off the brightly colored tips - the stigmas - inside the flowers and dry to store. They're tiny, so you'll need a lot of flowers to get a small harvest. Use them in rice and noodle dishes.

Saffron Crocus Corns