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[DIR]Parent Directory -
[DIR]Architects of Control/ -
[DIR]Michael Tsarion - Architects of Control Program One - Mass Control & Future of Mankind/ -
[DIR]Michael Tsarion - Audios-Radio/ -
[DIR]Michael Tsarion - Red Ice Archive/ -
[DIR]Michael Tsarion - Red Ice Creations Series/ -
[DIR]Michael Tsarion - radio interviews 2009/ -
[DIR]Origins & Oracles/ -
[DIR]Program 1 Atlantis Alien Visitation and Genetic Manipulation/ -
[DIR]Program 2 2012 Where History Ends/ -
[DIR]Program 3 Divination & the Goddess Tradition/ -
[DIR]Program 4 Weapons of Mass Deception Behind the New World Order/ -
[DIR]Program 5 Astro-Theology & Sidereal Mythology/ -
[DIR]Program 6 The Subversive Use of Sacred Symbolism in the Media/ -
[DIR]The Irish Origins of Civilization/ -
[VID]1-3 Illuminati Conspiracy_How to stop it Michael Tsarion on consciousness II.mp4377M
[   ]Adultism; The Reign of the Terrible Mother (Dragon Mother - Michael Tsarion 2019.mobi2.6M
[VID]Alex Jones & Michael Tsarion - The Origins of the Illuminati.mp4215M
[PDF]Astro-Theology and Sidereal Mythology - Michael Tsarion 2012.pdf 11M
[PDF]Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation - Michael Tsarion 2005.pdf2.9M
[   ]Cards on Houses; Constructing Your Taroscopic Natal and Year - Michael Tsarion 2016.mobi627K
[DOC]Cards on Houses_ Constructing Your Taroscopic Natal and Year -- Michael Tsarion 2016azw3.azw3685K
[VID]David Icke & Michael Tsarion The Rothschild, Rockefeller Wars, Zionism.mp4723M
[DOC]Dragon mother; A new look at the Female Psyche - Tsarion, Michael 2017.azw3868K
[VID]Mark Passio New Age Mind Controled Golemised Trolls.mp4158M
[PDF]Michael Tsarion & Jordan Maxwell - Symbols.pdf6.7M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - 4 Endgames Of Human Enslavement.mp4254M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - A World Apart.mp4279M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Age of Manipulation - 1_3.mp4389M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Age of Manipulation - 2_3.mp4531M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Age of Manipulation - 3_3.mp4622M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Alien Devils.mp4 45M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Alien Domination.mp4103M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Alien Sacred Ground.mp4 47M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Alien Visitation-Post Human World. Chris Pirillo Show. 2005.mp4244M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Aliens Are NOT Gods.mp4104M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Aliens RAW.mp4 87M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Aliens on High Alert, Illuminati Shooting Them Down.mp4 68M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Architects of Control 2008.m4v460M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Architects of Control Mass Control _ The Future of Mankind.mp4408M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - AstroTheology _ Mythology.mp4791M
[PDF]Michael Tsarion - Astrotheology And Sidereal Mythology, 2nd Version 2004.pdf598K
[PDF]Michael Tsarion - Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology 2004.pdf598K
[VID]Michael Tsarion - At The End Of This Road The Global Village.mp4174M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Atlanteans and Lemurians - Coast to Coast AM 2004.mp4147M
[PDF]Michael Tsarion - Atlantis, Alien Visitation & Genetic Manipulation 2002.pdf2.9M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Atlantis.mp4141M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Atlantis Alien Visitation And Genetic Manipulation - 1 - 2006.Avi701M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Atlantis Alien Visitation And Genetic Manipulation - 2 - 2006.Avi699M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Atlantis Alien Visitation And Genetic Manipulation - 3 - 2006.Avi699M
[IMG]Michael Tsarion - Atlantis Alien Visitation And Genetic Manipulation 2006.Jpg2.5M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Battle For Terra.mp4293M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Biblical Deception Egypt Jews and Jesus.mp4 45M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Chimera.mp4 94M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Command _ Conquer.mp4820M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Corporate Logos _ Illuminati Symbols.mp4141M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Death (Dying) of Conspiracy.mp4 57M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Does the Illuminati still exist 2015.mp4 23M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Dragon Wars.mp4280M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Dreamworld.mp4283M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Druids, Templars, Culdeans. Red Ice Creations.mp4218M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Enter The Dragon.mp41.3G
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Fallen Angels.mp4199M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - God's Equation.mp4407M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Government, Religious Figures Are Sadistic Psychopaths.mp4278M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Grace of God.mp4107M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Have I Been Sold A Lie Or Have I Bought A Lie.mp4237M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Hidden Persuaders - Symbolism In The Media - 2003.avi134M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - History for the Awake World of the Unexplained 2006.mp4233M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - How Ancient Myths Described The Annunaki.mp4357M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - How Government _ Corporations Destroyed America.mp4203M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Inquisitions Old and New - RIC May 17, 2007.mp4196M
[PDF]Michael Tsarion - Irish Origins of Civilization, Vol 1 - 2008.pdf9.4M
[PDF]Michael Tsarion - Irish Origins of Civilization, Vol 2 - 2008.pdf5.0M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Live from Calgary - Modern Knowledge 2015.mp4123M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Lucifer and deception through theology. Ican Planet 01-06-2011.mp4112M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Lucifer and the Dark Side of the Sun - RIC 19 April 2007.mp4139M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - MUST SEE lecture.mp4389M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Manipulation of Mankind.mp4423M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Mark Passio On Androgyny.mp4116M
[SND]Michael Tsarion - Mind Control - Truth Frequency Radio (2010).mp3 44M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Modern Society & Secret Societies.mp4322M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Mysteries of the Mind Interview - February 15, 2005.mp4174M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Nephilim Reptilian Annunaki Endgame.mp4236M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Oblivion - A valuable message.mp4299M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Occult Properties of Light. I.C.A.N. '11.mp4150M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - On The Illuminati & Satanism.mp4223M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Order of the `Schwarze Sonne.mp4508M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Origins _ Oracles - Astro-Theology _ Sidereal Mythology - 1_3.mp4309M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Origins _ Oracles - Astro-Theology _ Sidereal Mythology - 2_3.mp4239M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Origins _ Oracles - Astro-Theology _ Sidereal Mythology - 3_3.mp4293M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Origins of evil.mp4162M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Paris, Islam, Zionism & The Red Papacy Pt 1.mp4271M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Paris, Islam, Zionism & The Red Papacy Pt 2.mp4296M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - People Are Being Brainwashed By The Mainstream Media.mp4143M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - People Hate Freedom and Love Slavery.mp4 36M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Psychic Vampirism - Truth Warrior with David Whitehead - September 30, 2013.mp4120M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - RETURN OF THE SUNGODS.mp4 84M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Real Meaning Of Christian Symbolism.mp4225M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Reptilians.mp4147M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Roots of Tyranny - Calvinism _ Behaviorism.mp4241M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Roots of Tyranny - RIC December 3, 2009.mp4206M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Saturn Solar Lunar Cults & Satanism.mp4131M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Serpent World.mp4273M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Sorcery and Magic (RIC '07).mp4168M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Spoils Of War.mp4138M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - Summary.mp4 25M
[PDF]Michael Tsarion - Taroscopes & Astrotheology Introduction 2005.pdf743K
[PDF]Michael Tsarion - Taroscopes and Astrotheology Intro - 89 pages.pdf743K
[VID]Michael Tsarion - The Belief In False Religions.mp4229M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - The Brotherhood of Death Masonry Judaism Part 3.flv145M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - The Chariot Card Decoded - Truth Warrior June 2015.mp4350M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - The Cult Of Saturn.mp4216M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - The Dangerous Man.mp4106M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - The Druids.mp4278M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - The Earth is in Quarantine.mp4102M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - The Female Illunminati.mp4215M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - The Future of Mankind 2012.mp4252M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - The Great Moon Hoax.mp4 16M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - The Hermit Interview Dec 2015.mp4139M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - The Hidden Secrets Of The Bible.mp4 97M
[PDF]Michael Tsarion - The Inner Zodiac.pdf1.8M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - The Insanity Of Mainstream Society.mp4162M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - The Irish Origins of Civilization - 1_6.mp4213M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - The Irish Origins of Civilization - 2_6.mp4223M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - The Irish Origins of Civilization - 3_6.mp4227M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - The Irish Origins of Civilization - 4_6.mp4243M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - The Irish Origins of Civilization - 5_6.mp4169M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - The Irish Origins of Civilization - 6_6.mp4119M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - The Irish Origins of Civilization - Liverpool - Sunday 4th May 2008.mp4425M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - The Lovers Card Feb 1 2015.mp4157M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - The Medes Ancient Sorcerers.mp4291M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - The New Atlantians.mp4225M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - The Order of the Black Sun.mp4502M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - The Origins of Evil (2005).mp4209M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - The Posthuman World (1_4).mp4250M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - The Posthuman World (2_4).mp4223M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - The Posthuman World (3_4).mp4255M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - The Posthuman World (4_4).mp4254M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - The Rise Of The Solar Cult Of Psychopths.mp4297M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - The Sinister History of the Female Illuminati.mp4248M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - The Subversive Use of Sacred Symbolism in the Media.mp4203M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - The Unseen Dictatorship.mp4193M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - The Venus Cult, Programming Mankind. Vantage Point 16-05-2010.mp4154M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - The War On Anglo Saxon Inventiveness By Zionism _ The Vatican.mp4566M
[VID]Michael Tsarion - The Wheel of Fortune - Feb 2016.mp4288M
[VID]Michael Tsarion and Jordan Maxwell - The Queen of England Exposed.avi321M
[PDF]Path of the Fool, The Tarot - Michael Tsarion 2013.pdf 10M
[PDF]SHIVA, THE HOLY SPIRIT & THE AGE OF AQUARIUS - Michael Tsarion 2006.pdf622K
[   ]Schelling; Understanding German Idealism - Michael Tsarion 2016.epub1.4M
[PDF]The Irish Origins of Civilization, Vol I and Vol II - Michal Tsarion 2007.pdf212M
[PDF]The Irish Origins of Civilization - Michael Tsarion - Daniel Lazar.pdf3.3M
[VID]The Irish Origins of Civilization - Michael Tsarion - Daniel Lazar A.O.mp4452M
[VID]`Michael Tsarion - War Of The Gods.mp4103M