The French Connection

The Attack on the USS Liberty

Which group of investigative journalists have done more than The French Connection to expose the USS Liberty as a act of war by Zionists and an attempt to deceive Americans?

We will answer our own question: no one.

Please look at the information we have on this issue:

 James Ennes, officer of the deck on the USS Liberty:
Smith interviews Ennes

 • Wayne Kyle, a sailor on the aircraft carrier the USS America:
Smith interviews Kyle

Compare our interviews with other people's explanations of the attack on the USS Liberty, such as Alex Jones:
Jones at the Chicago 9-11 event, June 2006  (video, 3.4 mb)
  USS Liberty — New Revelations in Attack on American Spy Ship

A BBC video from 2004 called "Dead In The Water  - The Sinking of the USS Liberty" is available as a torrent, or download it by clicking the link below (the file is large, 305 MB —Click your right mouse and select download):

For more infomation on the USS Liberty, go to the site of the survivors