Revelation 2:24-25. "But unto you I say, and unto the rest in Thyatira, as many as have not this doctrine, and which have not known the depth of Satan, as they speak; I will put upon you none other burden. But that which ye have already hold fast till I come." Now before we go into the promise let me show again that the church as spoken of by the Spirit in this book has two vines whose inter-winding branches compose it. "But I say unto you, and unto the rest in Thyatira as many as have not this doctrine." There it is. He is speaking to the two groups. One has the doctrine, another has not. There they are, scattered abroad across the nations with each one's doctrine opposing the other. One is of God, knowing His depths, the other of Satan, knowing the depths of Satan.

"I will put upon you none other burden." The word for burden is weight or pressure. The pressure of the Dark Ages was either bend, or be broken. Bow or die. It was the inquisition, the power of the empire backing up Satanic worship. Be organized or pay with your life. Each age had its pressures. For example a great burden of the last age is the pressure of riches, soft living and nervous tensions in a complex age that we seem unfitted to live in. This fourth age seems to have had a clear cut burden. It was to defy Rome, stand up for the Word even unto death.

"They have not known the depths of Satan." It seems that this verse has been left out by the commentators for they were not able to figure out what doctrine or what experiences are meant by this phrase. Actually it is simple to know what is meant. Let us first know what the depth of God is, and the opposite will be true for the depth of Satan. In Ephesians 3:16-19. "That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man; that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; and to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God." Now according to these verses, when a man experiences the depth of God in his life, it is an actual personal experience of the Spirit of God indwelling him, and his mind is illuminated by the wisdom and knowledge of God through the Word. But the depth of Satan will be in that he will attempt to destroy this. He will as always attempt to make a substitute for this reality of God. How will he do it? He will take away the knowledge of the truth of God, destroy the Word by putting forth his own,"Yea hath God said?" He will then substitute the personal Christ in our spirits. He will do it, as he caused Israel to do the same; by a human being reigning as king instead of God. The born-again experience will be rejected in favor of church joining. The depths of Satan had been entered into in that age. And the fruit of that depth of Satan which are lies, murders and horrible crimes came forth from it.


Revelation 2:26-29. "And he that overcometh, and keepeth My works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations: And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of My Father. And I will give him the morning star. He that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches."

"He that overcometh and keepeth My works to the end." It is very evident from the remarks of the Spirit on works that the Lord is trying to get His own to see His opinion of righteous works. Four times He mentions works. And now He says, that he who keeps doing His works faithfully until the end will be given power over nations, and will be a strong, capable, unbending ruler who can cope so powerfully with any situation, that even the most desperate enemy will be broken if need be. His demonstration of rule by power will be like unto the very Son's. This is very amazing. But let us look at this promise in the light of the age. Powerful Rome with state backing, employing kings and armies and legislators, breaks and grinds all before it. She has killed millions and hungers to kill millions more who will not bow to her. She intolerantly sets up kings or brings them low whenever she can. Yea, her interference has actually caused nations to fall because she has determined to destroy the elect of God. Her works are the works of the devil, for she murders and lies as did he. But there is coming a day wherein the Lord is going to say, "Bring these Mine enemies before Me and slay them." Then shall the righteous be with their Lord when His righteous indignation will fall upon the blasphemers. The righteous coming with Him in glory, shall destroy those who destroyed the earth and made havoc of the saints of God. This was the age of turning the cheek, of terrible distress; but a day is coming when truth shall prevail and who shall stand in its fire and be safe? Only the redeemed of the Lord.

"And I will give him the morning star." According to Revelation 22:16, and II Peter 1:19, Jesus is the Morning Star. "I am the root and offspring of David, the bright and morning star." "Until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts." The Spirit is, therefore, making a promise to the elect of the Dark Ages relative to Himself and then in the ages to come.

As we have already stated, Jesus identifies Himself with the messengers of each age. They receive from Him the revelation on the Word for each period. This Word revelation brings the elect of God out of the world and into full union with Jesus Christ. These messengers are called stars because they shine with a borrowed or reflected light of the Son, even Jesus. They are also called stars because they are `holders of light' at night. Thus in the darkness of sin, they bring the light of God to His people.

This is the Dark Ages. It is especially dark for the Word of the Lord is almost entirely hidden from the people. Knowledge of the Most High has almost ceased. Death has overcome vast numbers of the believers until their ranks are decimated. The things of God are at the lowest ebb to this date, and it seemed that Satan would surely conquer God's people.

If ever a people needed a promise embracing the land where there is no night, it was the people of the Dark Ages. And that is why the Spirit is promising them the morning star. He is telling them that the Chief Star, even Jesus, Who dwelleth in Light unto which no man can approach, will in the future kingdom illuminate them by His own personal presence. He will not be using the stars (messengers) to give light in darkness any longer. It will be Jesus, Himself, speaking to them face to face as He shares His kingdom with them.

It is the morning star that is visible when the light of the sun commences to shine. When our Sun, (Jesus) comes, there will be no further need of messengers; He will bring us His message of cheer Himself; and as He rules His kingdom, and we live in His presence, the light of the Word will become brighter and brighter in our perfect day.

What else could we desire above Jesus Himself? Is He not everything, even Perfect Everything?

He that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches. Amen. Even so, Lord God, by Thy Spirit, let us hear Thy truth. 7ch033.htm

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