The Parousia of I Thessalonians 4:16 - 1

(Based upon notes compiled by Brian Kocourek)

Scriptures - Section I

Parousia (Arrival & Subsequent Presence)


      24:3.   And as He sat upon the Mount of Olives, the disciples came
      unto  Him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these  things  be
      and what shall be the sign of Thy PAROUSIA (arrival and subsequent
      presence,) and of the end of the world?

      24:27.  For as the lightening cometh out of the East, and  shineth
      even unto the West;  so shall the PAROUSIA (arrival and subsequent
      presence) of the Son of man be.

      24:37.   But as the days of Noe were,  so shall also the  PAROUSIA
      (arrival and subsequent presence) of the Son of man be.

      24:39.  And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away;
      so  shall also the PAROUSIA (arrival and subsequent  presence)  of
      the Son of man be.

I Corinthians

      15:23.    But every man in his own order: Christ the  firstfruits:
      afterward  they  that are Christ's at His  PAROUSIA  (arrival  and
      subsequent presence.)

      16:17.    I  am  glad  of the  PAROUSIA  (arrival  and  subsequent
      presense) of Stephanas and Fortunatus and Achaicus: for that which
      was lacking on your part they have supplied.

II Corinthians

      7:6.   Nevertheless God, that comforteth those that are cast down,
      comforted us by the PAROUSIA (arrival and subsequent presence)  of

      7:7.   And not by His PAROUSIA (arrival and  subsequent  presence)
      only,  but by the consolation wherewith he was comforted  in  you,
      when he told us your earnest desire,  your mourning,  your fervent
      mind toward us; so that I rejoiced the more.

      10:10.   For his letters, say they, are weighty and powerful;  but
      his bodily PAROUSIA (arrival and subsequent presence) is weak, and
      his speech contemptible.


      1:26. That your rejoicing may be more abundant in Jesus Christ for
      me by my PAROUSIA (arrival and subsequent presence) to you again.

      2:12.   Wherefore my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as  in
      my PAROUSIA (arrival and subsequent presence) only,  but now  much
      more  in  my absence, work out your own salvation  with  fear  and

I Thessalonians

      2:19.  For what is our hope, or crown of rejoicing?  Are not  even
      ye in the sight of our Lord Jesus Christ at His PAROUSIA  (arrival
      and subsequent presence?)

      3:13.   To  the  end He may stablish your  hearts  unblameable  in
      holiness before God, even our Father, at the PAROUSIA (arrival and
      subsequent presence) of our Lord Jesus Christ with all His saints.

      4:15.  For this we say unto you by the Word of the Lord,  that  we
      which   are  alive  and  remain unto  the  PAROUSIA  (arrival  and
      subsequent  presence) of the Lord shall not prevent (hinder)  them
      which are asleep.

      5:23.   And the very God of Peace sanctify you wholly; and I  pray
      God  your  whole spirit and soul and body be  preserved  blameless
      unto  the PAROUSIA (arrival and subsequent presence) of  our  Lord
      Jesus Christ.

II Thessalonians

      2:1.  Now we beseech you, brethren, by the PAROUSIA  (arrival  and
      subsequent  presence)  of  our  Lord  Jesus  Christ,  and  by  our
      gathering together unto Him.

      2:8.   And then shall that wicked one be revealed, whom  the  Lord
      shall consume with the Spirit of His mouth, and shall destroy with
      the brightness of His PAROUSIA (arrival and subsequent presence.)

      2:9.   Even him, whose PAROUSIA (arrival and subsequent  presence)
      is  after the working of Satan with all power and signs and  lying


      5:7.   Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the PAROUSIA  (arrival
      and subsequent presence) of the Lord. Behold the husbandman  waits
      for  the precious fruit of the earth,  and hath long patience  for
      it, until he receive the early and latter rain.

      5:8   Be ye also patient; stablish your hearts;  for  the PAROUSIA
      (arrival and subsequent presence) of the Lord draweth nigh.

II Peter

      1:16.  For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when  we
      made known unto you the power and PAROUSIA (arrival and subsequent
      presence) of our Lord Jesus Christ,  but were eyewitnesses of  His

      3:4. And saying, Where is the promise of His PAROUSIA (arrival and
      subsequent presence) for since the fathers fell asleep, all things
      continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.

      3:12.  Looking for  and  hasting unto  the  PAROUSIA  (arrival and
      subsequent presence) of the day of God,  wherein the heavens being
      on fire  be dissolved,  and the elements shall melt  with  fervent

I John

      2:28.  And now, little children, abide in Him, that, when He shall
      appear,  we may have confidence,  and not be ashamed before Him at
      His PAROUSIA (arrival and subsequent presence.)

Epiphanaea (appearing, brightness, shining forth)

II Thessalonians

      2:8.   And then shall that wicked one be revealed,  whom the  Lord
      shall consume with the Spirit of His mouth, and shall destroy with
      the  EPIPHANAEA  (appearing,  brightness, shining  forth)  of  His

I Timothy

      6:14.  That thou keep this commandment without spot,  unrebukable,
      until the EPIPHANAEA (appearing, brightness, shining forth) of our
      Lord Jesus Christ.

II Timothy

      1:10.   But  is now made manifest by  the  EPIPHANAEA  (appearing,
      brightness,  shining forth) of our Saviour Jesus Christ,  Who hath
      abolished death,  and  hath brought life and immortality to  light
      through the gospel.

      4:1.    I  charge thee therefore before God, and  the  Lord  Jesus
      Christ,  Who shall judge the quick and the dead at His  EPIPHANAEA
      (appearing, brightness, shining forth) and His kingdom.

      4:8   Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness,
      which  the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at  that  day:
      and not to me only but unto all them also that love His EPIPHANAEA
      (appearing, brightness, shining forth.) 


      2:11.  For the grace of God that bringeth salvation has EPIPHANAEA
      (appeared, given light) to all men.

      2:13.  Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious  EPIPHANAEA
      (appearing,  brightness, shining forth) of the great God  and  our
      Saviour Jesus Christ.


      1:79.  To give EPIPHANAEA (appear, give light) to them that sit in
      darkness  and in the shadow of death,  to guide our feet into  the
      way of peace.


      27:20. And when neither sun nor stars in many days EPIPHANAEA
      (appear, give light) and no small tempest lay on us, all hope that
      we should be saved was then taken away.

Apokalupsis (revelation or reveal, unveil)


      2:32.   A light to APOKALUPSIS (revelation or reveal, unveil)  the
      Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel.


      2:5.    But after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasurest  up
      unto  thyself  wrath  against the day  of  wrath  and  APOKALUPSIS
      (revelation or reveal, unveil) of the righteous judgment of God;

      8:19.  For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the
      APOKALUPSIS (revelation or reveal, unveil) of the sons of God.

      16:25.   Now to Him that is of  power to stablish you according to
      my  gospel,  and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according  to  the
      APOKALUPSIS (revelation or reveal,  unveil) of the mystery,  which
      was kept secret since the world began.

I Corinthians

      1:7.     So  that  ye  come behind in no  gift;  waiting  for  the
      APOKALUPSIS  (revelation  or  reveal, unveil) of  our  Lord  Jesus

      14:6.   Now, brethren, if I come unto you speaking  with  tongues,
      what  shall I profit you,  except I shall speak to you  either  by
      APOKALUPSIS  (revelation  or reveal, unveil,) or by knowledge,  or
      by prophesying, or by doctrine?

      14:26.   How is it then, brethren?   When ye come together,  every
      one  of you hath a psalm,  hath a doctrine,  hath a tongue,   hath
      a   APOKALUPSIS   (revelation   or  reveal,   unveil,)   hath   an
      interpretation. Let all things be done unto edifying.

II Corinthians

      12:1   It is not expedient for me doubtless to glory.  I will come
      to  visions and APOKALUPSIS (revelation or reveal, unveil) of  the

      12:7.  And lest I should be exalted  above  measure  through   the
      abundance of the APOKALUPSIS (revelation or reveal,  unveil) there
      was given  to me a thorn in the flesh,  the messenger of Satan  to
      buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure.


      1:12. For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it,
      but by the APOKALUPSIS (revelation or reveal, unveil) of Jesus

      2:2. And I went up by APOKALUPSIS (revelation or reveal, unveil,)
      and communicated unto them that gospel which I preach among the
      Gentiles, but privately to them which were of reputation, lest by
      any means I should run, or had run, in vain.


      1:17.  That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the father of glory,
      may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and APOKALUPSIS (revelation
      or reveal, unveil) in the knowledge of Him.

      3:3.   How that by APOKALUPSIS (revelation or reveal,  unveil)  He
      made known unto me the mystery; (as I wrote afore in few words,

II Thessalonians.

      1:7.   And  to you who are troubled rest with us,  when  the  Lord
      Jesus  shall  be APOKALUPSIS (revelation or reveal,  unveil)  from
      heaven with His mighty angels,

I Peter

      1:7.  That the trial of your faith, being much more precious  than
      of  gold that perisheth,  though it be tried with fire,  might  be
      found  unto  praise  and  honor  and  glory  at  the   APOKALUPSIS
      (revelation or reveal, unveil) of Jesus Christ:

      1:13.   Wherefore  gird up the loins of your mind, be  sober,  and
      hope  to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto  you  at
      the APOKALUPSIS (revelation or reveal, unveil) of Jesus Christ.

      4:13.    But  rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers  of   Christ's
      sufferings  that,  when His glory shall be APOKALUPSIS (revelation
      or reveal, unveil,) ye may be glad also with exceeding joy.


      1:1.    The APOKALUPSIS (revelation or reveal,  unveil)  of  Jesus
      Christ,  which God gave unto Him, to shew unto His servants things
      which must shortly come to pass;  and He sent and signified it  by
      His angel unto His servant John:

Phaneroo (manifested to reveal in one's true character)


      4:22.    For  there is nothing hid,  which shall not  be  PHANEROO
      (manifested  to  reveal  in one's  true  character;)  neither  was
      anything kept secret, but that it should come abroad.

      16:12.   After that He PHANEROO  (manifested to reveal  in   one's
      true character) in another form unto two of them,  as they walked,
      and went into the country.

      16:14.  Afterward He PHANEROO (manifested to reveal in one's  true
      character) unto the eleven as they sat at meat, and upbraided them
      with  their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they  believed
      not them which had seen Him after He was risen.


      1:31.    And I knew Him not: but that He should be  made  PHANEROO
      (manifested   to  reveal  in  one's  true  character)  to  Israel,
      therefore am I come baptizing with water.

      2:11.    This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of  Galilee,
      and PHANEROO (manifested to reveal in one's true character)  forth
      His Glory; and His disciples believed on Him.

      3:21.  But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds
      may   be  made  PHANEROO  (manifested  to  reveal  in  one's  true
      character) that they are wrought in God.

      7:4.   For there is no man that doeth anything in secret,  and  he
      himself  seeketh  to  be known openly.  If thou  do  these  things
      PHANEROO (manifested to reveal in one's true character) thyself to
      the world.

      9:3.   Jesus  answered,  Neither hath this  man  sinned,  nor  his
      parents  but   that   the works of God should  be  made   PHANEROO
      (manifested to reveal in one's true character) in him.

      17:6.   I  have  PHANEROO  (manifested to  reveal  in  one's  true
      character)  Thy Name unto the men which Thou gavest Me out of  the
      world:  Thine they were,  and Thou gavest them Me;  and they  have
      kept Thy Word.

      21:1.   After these things Jesus PHANEROO (manifested to reveal in
      one's true character) Himself again to the disciples at the Sea of
      Tiberias; and on this wise PHANEROO (manifested to reveal in one's
      true character) He Himself.

      21:14.  This is now the third time that Jesus PHANEROO (manifested
      to reveal in one's true character) Himself to His disciples, after
      that He was risen from the dead.


      1:19.    Because  that which may be known  of  God   is   PHANEROO
      (manifested  to reveal in one's true character) in them;  for  God
      hath  PHANEROO (manifested to reveal in one's true  character)  it
      unto them.

      3:21. But now the righteousness of God without the Law is PHANEROO
      (manifested to reveal in one's true character,) being witnessed by
      the Law and the prophets;

      16:26.   But now is made PHANEROO  (manifested to reveal in  one's
      true  character,) and by the Scripture of the prophets,  according
      to   the  commandment of the everlasting God, made  known  to  all
      nations for the obedience of faith!

I Corinthians.

      4:5. Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come,
      Who  both will bring to light the hidden things of  darkness,  and
      will make PHANEROO (manifested to reveal in one's true  character)
      the counsels of the heart: and then shall every man have praise of

II Corinthians.

      2:14.  Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to  triumph
      in  Christ, and make PHANEROO (manifested to reveal in one's  true
      character) the Saviour of His knowledge by us in every place.

      3:3. For as much as ye are PHANEROO (manifested to reveal in one's
      true character) declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by
      us,  written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living  God;
      not in tables of stone, but in fleshly tables of the heart.

      4:10. Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus
      that the life also of Jesus might be made PHANEROO (manifested  to
      reveal in one's true character) in our body.

      5:10.    For we must all PHANEROO (manifested to reveal  in  one's
      true character) before the judgment seat of Christ;  that everyone
      may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath
      done, whether it be good or bad.

      5:11.   Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men:
      but  we  are  made PHANEROO (manifested to reveal  in  one's  true
      character) unto God and I trust also are made PHANEROO (manifested
      to reveal in one's true character) in your consciences.

      7:12.   Wherefore, though I wrote unto you, I did it not  for  his
      cause  that  had done the wrong, not for his cause  that  suffered
      wrong, but  that  our  care  for you in the  sight  of  God  might
      PHANEROO (manifested to reveal in one's true character) unto you.

      11:16.  But though I be rude in speech,  yet not in knowledge; but
      we  have  been thoroughly made PHANEROO (manifested to  reveal  in
      one's true character) among you in all things.  


      5:13.    But  all  things  that are  reproved  are  made  PHANEROO
      (manifested  to reveal in one's true character) by the light:  for
      whatsoever  doth make  PHANEROO  (manifested to reveal  in   one's
      true character) is light.


      1:26.   Even  the mystery which hath been hid from ages  and  from
      generations,  but  now is made PHANEROO (manifested to  reveal  in
      one's true character) to His saints.

      3:4.    When Christ, Who is our life shall PHANEROO (manifested to
      reveal  in  one's  true character) then  shall  ye  also  PHANEROO
      (manifested to reveal in one's true character) with Him in glory.

      4:4.   That I may make it PHANEROO (manifested to reveal in  one's
      true character,) as I ought to speak. 

I Timothy.

      3:16.   And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness:
      God was PHANEROO (manifested to reveal in one's true character) in
      the flesh, justified in the spirit, seen of angels, preached  unto
      the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.

II Timothy.

      1:10.   But  is now made PHANEROO (manifested to reveal  in  one's
      true character) by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ,  Who
      hath abolished death,  and hath brought life and  immortality   to
      light through the gospel:


      1:3. But hath in due times PHANEROO (manifested to reveal in one's
      true  character)  His Word through preaching, which  is  committed
      unto me according to the commandment of God our Saviour;


      9:8. The Holy Ghost this signifying, that the way into the holiest
      of  all was not yet made PHANEROO (manifested to reveal  in  one's
      true character) while as the first tabernacle was yet standing.

      9:26.   For then must He often have suffered since the  foundation
      of the world but now once in the end of the world hath He PHANEROO
      (manifested to reveal in one's true character) to put away sin  by
      the sacrifice of Himself.

I Peter.

      1:20.   Who verily was foreordained before the foundation  of  the
      world,   but  was PHANEROO (manifested to  reveal  in  one's  true
      character) in these last times for you.

      5:24.   And when the chief shepherd shall PHANEROO (manifested  to
      reveal  in  one's true character,)  ye shall receive a  crown   of
      glory that fadeth not away.

I John.

      1:2.    (for the life was PHANEROO (manifested to reveal in  one's
      true character,)  and we have seen it,  and bear witness, and shew
      unto  you  that eternal life, which was with the Father, and   was
      PHANEROO (manifested to reveal in one's true character) unto us;)

      2:19.    They went out from us,  but they were not of us;  for  if
      they  had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with  us:
      but  they went  out, that they might be made PHANEROO  (manifested
      to reveal in one's true character) that they were not all of us.

      2:28.    And  now, little children, abide in Him;  that,  when  He
      shall PHANEROO (manifested to reveal in one's true character,)  we
      shall be like Him; for we shall see Him as He is.

      3:2.    Beloved,  now  are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet
      PHANEROO  (manifested to reveal in one's true character)  what  we
      shall be: but we know that, when He shall PHANEROO (manifested  to
      reveal  in  one's true character,) we shall be like  Him;  for  we
      shall see Him as He is.

      3:5.     And ye know that He was PHANEROO (manifested to reveal in
      one's true character) to take away our sins; and in Him is no sin.

      4:9.     In this was PHANEROO (manifested to reveal in one's  true
      character)  the love of God toward us,  because that God sent  His
      only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him.


      3:18.    I counsel thee to buy of Me gold tried in the fire,  that
      thou  mayest   be  rich; and white raiment, that  thou  mayest  be
      clothed,   and  that the shame of thy nakedness  do  not  PHANEROO
      (manifested to reveal in  one's true character;) and anoint  thine
      eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.

      15:4.   Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify Thy Name  For
      Thou art holy: for all nations shall come and worship before Thee;
      for Thy judgments are made PHANEROO (manifested to reveal in one's
      true character.)

The following are Scriptures where God reveals Himself to His People:


      1:27.    To  whom God would make known what is the riches  of  the
      glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in  you,
      the hope of glory.

I Samuel

      3:7.    Now Samuel did not yet know the Lord, neither was the Word
      of the Lord yet revealed unto him.

      3:10.    And  the Lord came, and stood, and called  as  at   other
      times,  Samuel,  Samuel.   Then Samuel answered, "Speak;  for  Thy
      Servant heareth."

      3:11.   And the Lord said to Samuel, behold, I will do a thing  in
      Israel,  at  which both the ears of every one that  heareth  shall

      3:15.   And Samuel lay until the morning, and opened the doors  of
      the house of the Lord.  And Samuel feared to shew Eli the vision.

      3:21.    And  the  Lord appeared again in  Shiloh;  for  the  Lord
      revealed Himself to Samuel in Shiloh by the Word of the Lord.

I Thessalonians

      4:16.    For  the  Lord  Himself shall  descend from heaven with a
      Message, with the Voice of the Chief Messenger, and with the trump
      of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:


      3:3.   And every man that hath this hope in Him purifieth himself,
      even as He is pure.

      3:6   Whosoever abideth in Him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath
      not seen Him, neither known Him.


      A  being-near,  advent,  coming presence (Strong's  Concordance  #
      3952.) For Scriptures, see Parousia Section.


      To be near, at hand, present (Strong's Concordance #3918)

      Luke 13:1                         Gal. 4:18,20
      I Cor. 5:3                        Heb. 12:11
      II Cor. 10:2,11; 11:9; 13:2,10    II Pet. 1:12


      To take off the cover, disclose, reveal (Strong's Concordance
      #601, 602.)  For Scriptures see Apokalupsis Section. 


      The appearing, manifest, brightness, shining light (Strong's
      Concordance #2014, 2015.)  For Scriptures see Epiphanaea Section.


      To  lighten, show, appear, to render apparent, manifestly  declare
      (Strong's Concordance #5316, 5319.)

      Mark 16:9,12,14                   Phil. 1:13
      John 17:16                        II Thes. 1:5
      Rom. 7:13                         I Tim. 4:15
      I Cor. 3:13; 11:19; 14:25         Heb. 11:3
      II Cor. 13:7                      I Pet. 4:18
      Gal. 5:19                         I John 3:10,8
      Also see Scriptures under Phaneroo Section.


      Coming, the act of arrival only.  From two words - "eleuthomai: to
      act, and "elto," to come, or go.

      Matt. 16:28; 24:30,48;            John 1:27,29,47; 5:7,25,28
      Matt. 25:27; 26:64                John 10:12; 11:20; 12:12
      Mark 6:31; 13:26,36; 14:62; 15:21 Rom. 15:22
      Luke 12:45; 18:5; 19:23;          II Cor. 13:1
      Luke 21:27; 23:26,29

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