Index - A Prophet to the Gentiles

Index - A Prophet to the Gentiles

by Terry Sproule A Prophet to the Gentiles - 46KB

archived unabridged text file Life and ministry of William Branham, Original Sin, seven visions in 1933, Fascism, Nazism, Communism, Trinity, water baptism, angels, witnesses.

proph01.htm Chapter 1 - Prophet to the Gentiles - 15KB

The Sign of The Prophet
What Saith The Scriptures

proph02.htm Chapter 2 - The Life and Ministry of William Branham - 34KB

A Man Sent From God
Acts of The Prophet
Early Life and Conversion
His Ministry Begins
Seven Prophetic Visions
Commissioned by An Angel
Three Pulls
The Third Pull
God Vindicates His Own
A Prophet Visits South Africa

proph03.htm Chapter 3 - I Will Restore Saith the Lord - 29KB

In Vain Do They Worship Me
"Unto what were you baptized?"
"...The LORD our God is One Lord"
"I will put enmity between thy seed and her Seed"

proph04.htm Chapter 4 - If Any Man Hear My Voice - 18KB

"Behold I Stand At The Door and Knock"
Appendix 1 - Angels
Appendix 2 - Witnesses
Appendix 3 - Godhead

proph05.htm Appendix IV - the Godhead - 28KB

The Uniqueness of The Son of God
Objections Considered
1. The Use of Plural Pronouns in the Old Testament
2. The Use of the Plural Title, Elohim
3. The Water Baptism of Jesus Christ
4. To Whom Did Jesus Pray?
5. John 1:1 - "The Word Was with God"
6. New Testament Usage of the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ
7. John 17:5 - "The Glory I had with Thee before the World was"
8. How Many Did Stephen See?
John 10:30 - "I and My Father are One"