Teaching Sermons & Key Words
Page 12
A Voice From the Four Horns of the Golden Altar - 23KB

FORCE the Jews back to Palestine where God can deal with them as a nation
Satanic messengers were bound for almost 2,000 years by Roman dogma
Among the Ashkenazim were genuine Semites, descended from Abraham
The blood of Christ had been applied to the horns of the Golden altar

The Sixth Trumpet and the Present Reality - 21KB

Australia's foundations and people have been eroded by stealth and deceit
The Sixth Trumpet blasted towards the close of Christ's intercession
Persia and Greece were controlled by superhuman intelligence
NATURAL Israel, and those who claim to be Jews were persecuted
AFTER Russia invades the USA and the Arabs attack Israel
the beast of the earth, which is the USA, and the beast of the sea which is Rome

The Ransom of Souls - 16KB

a compulsory tax upon ALL males able to bear arms
This demonstrates the HEADSHIP of the man
One cannot circumcise a woman
That word 'plague' means 'death stroke or mortal blow'
Tabernacle itself was to be built from VOLUNTARY contributions

Silence in Heaven the Space of Half an Hour - 26KB

Revelation 5:8 is set at the conclusion of intercession
in the Temple buildings, deep silence rested on the worshiping multitude
Brother Branham taught that these seven trumpeting angels are heavenly beings
The Beast slays the elect Israelites
Moses brought Israel NATURAL deliverance, the Lamb brought full redemption

Daniel, Chapter 11 and the New World Order - 35KB

Fornication, adultery, polygamy and miscegenation with the heathen
the vision is a symbol of Christ incarnating Himself into His Church
the Gentile denominations end in apostasy
He claims to be ruler over heaven, earth and purgatory
The most powerful member states of the UN will impose his edicts
in order to stop the Communist invasion of a crippled USA
Whatever you might understand from the news, Communism is not finished
The Bible is about redemption not replacement

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