Mouse Bride Synopsis-Father Mouse wishes to arrange a marriage for his daughter with the mightiest creature in the world. He first approaches the Sun, then the Cloud, then the Wind and then the Wall. In the end, he learns that the mouse is the mightiest of all. Story: It was long time ago on a faraway land. There were once two mice who loved their little daughter very much. When she grew into a beautiful maiden, many young mice asked to marry her. There were handsome ones, smart ones, brave ones, wealthy ones, and so on. Her father and mother didn’t know which one to marry their daughter to. Finally, they decided that their daughter would choose her husband by tossing the ribbon-ball. Now, in this traditional game, the maiden tossed a ball at the lad she picked from the crowd. And he who received the ball would be her husband. The father quickly set up a platform on the wall, and made the announcement to the entire mice village. All the young mice in the village were excited. That evening, they came under the platform, crowded in front of the wall, and stretched their necks, waiting. The mouse maiden appeared on the platform, and started searching. She looked here and there, back and forth. It was an important decision for her. She was taking her time. She was still searching, when suddenly, everyone heard a MEOW! Everyone saw on the wall the gigantic shadow of a cat! The big black cat lunged at the ribbon-ball. Its claws swiped at the platform, smashing everything to pieces. Mice fled to every direction, screaming. The mouse maiden hurriedly jumped off the platform. It happened that one lad hadn’t fled. He led the maiden away to hide, and they didn’t steal back home until the cat had left. The next day, the father made another decision. He thought, “I would find the strongest and most powerful husband for my daughter. Much stronger than the cat. That is the kind of husband that my daughter should get.” And the strongest and most powerful thing the father could think of was the Sun. “No one can live, nor can anything grow if the Sun does not shine. I shall marry my daughter to the Sun.” He headed straight for a mountain, climbed up to the top, and called in his loudest squeak, “Oh, sun, splendid sun! You are the strongest thing there is. Please I want to marry my daughter to you.” The Sun beamed, “I have to admit that I am the strongest. No one can resist my great power.” But just as he was saying this, a dark cloud emerged and covered the Sun. The mouse quickly turned to the Cloud, “Oh, cloud, incredible cloud! You are the strongest thing there is, and I want to marry my daughter to you.” The Cloud grinned, “I have to admit that I am the strongest. Only I can block the Sun’s light and heat.” But before the cloud could finish his sentence, a fierce wind arose and blew the Cloud away. The mouse turned to the wind, “Oh, wind, wonderful wind! You are the strongest thing there is, and I want to marry my daughter to you.” The wind roared, “I have to admit that I am the strongest. Only I can chase the cloud away.” The wind gladly blew up a gale to give the old mouse a free ride home. The father was thrown high into the air. He flew along swiftly until—Bang!—he crashed into the village wall and dropped to the ground. The father rubbed his behind. He looked up at the wall, and said again, “Oh, wall, handsome wall! You are the strongest thing there is, and I want to marry my daughter to you.” The wall resonated, “I have to admit that I am the strongest. Only I can resist the wi…OUCH! Forgot to tell you, the one thing I fear is the mouse. It nibbles and gnaws at me. Day and night he is busy, nibble and gnaw, nibble and gnaw. If he keeps on nibbling and gnawing, I shall collapse in a heap of dust. That creature is stronger than I. Ask him to marry your daughter.” A brick fell, and out came a young mouse. And who should this mouse be? He was the one that waited to see the daughter’s safety the night when the cat attacked. The father turned to him, “Oh, mouse! Handsome, wonderful, incredible, splendid mouse! You are stronger than the wall, who is stronger than the wind, who is stronger than the cloud, who is stronger than the sun. You are the strongest thing there is. Please, will you marry my daughter?” The answer, as you have guessed it, was “Yes.” So the couple got married. And if they haven’t left off their merry-making yet, why, they’re still at it.