lx The only materials you need are a cassette player, the tapes, and this manual. Once you’ve started the tape, simply follow the tutor’s instructions. The most important instruction is: Respond aloud when the tape tells you to do so. There will be a pause after this instruction that gives you ample time in which to reply. It is essential to your progress that you speak out in a normal conversational voice when asked to do so. Your active participation in thinking and speaking is required for your success in mastering this course. Do not have a paper and pen near you during the lessons, and do not refer to other books or dictionaries. The Pimsleur Method works with the language-learning portion of your brain—which simply requires the sounds of the language to be processed as spoken language. You will only interrupt and slow the brain’s process of learning if you try to write the words you are hearing. Guidelines for Success 1. Listen carefully to each lesson unit, following the directions of the Tutor-on- the-Tape. 2. Complete the lesson units in strict consecutive order (don’t skip around), doing no more than one lesson unit per day, although the lesson unit for the day may be repeated more than once. Daily contact with the language is necessary. 3. Speak out loud when directed by the tutor and answer questions within the pauses provided on the tape. You must do this PRIOR to hearing the confirmation which is provided as reinforcement. 4. Follow the course, doing all the required activities, without reference to or influence from anyone, without using any other book or course, but by simply following the instructions on the tape. How to Check Your Progress The simple test for mastery is whether you are able to respond quickly and accurately when your tutor asks a question. If you are responding correctly about eighty percent of the time, then you’re ready to proceed to the next lesson. It is important to keep moving forward and not to set impossibly high standards of