x perfection that will keep you from progressing. That is why we recommend the eighty percent figure as a guide. Remember that built-in reviews are a part of The Pimsleur Language Program. You will notice that each lesson contains both new and familiar material and thatjust when you may be worrying about forgetting something, you will conveniently be reminded of it. Another helpful point about a Pimsleur Course is its rate of “saturation.” You will be responding to the tapes many times per minute, whereas in traditional classroom situations, you might be called upon only a few times per hour. This saturation enables you to make substantial progress within a short amount of time. Reading Materials Reading has been defined as “decoding graphic material to the phonemic patterns of spoken language which have already been mastered when reading is begun.” Or to put it another way, reading consists of coming back to speech through the graphic symbols. In short, meanings reside in the sounds of the spoken language. Speaking a language is the necessary first step to acquiring the ability to read a language with meaning. The recorded portion of the reading materials for Speak & Read Essential Italian L Second Edition, will be found at the end of most units. The beginning readings will be found, as well, on Cassette Number Sixteen. You can do the readings as it is most convenient for you, either with the individual unit or at a more appropriate time after the unit, working with this manual and the cassette. Full instructions on how to proceed with the readings will be given by the Tutor-on-the-Tape.