The Happiness Boys, Billy Jones and Ernest Hare
##time## ##title##
- Billy Jones and Ernest Hare As a Porcupine Pines For Its Pork
- Billy Jones and Ernest Hare Barney Google
- Billy Jones and Ernest Hare Collegiate
- Billy Jones and Ernest Hare Cut Yourself a Piece of Cake
- Billy Jones and Ernest Hare Does the Spearmint Lose Its Flavor on the Bedpost Overnight
- Billy Jones and Ernest Hare Dont Bring Lulu
- Billy Jones and Ernest Hare Down Where the South Begins
- Billy Jones and Ernest Hare Gid up Girabaldi
- Billy Jones and Ernest Hare Henrys Made a Lady Out of Lizzie
- Billy Jones and Ernest Hare Hokey Pokey Diddle Dee Rum
- Billy Jones and Ernest Hare How Do You Do
- Billy Jones and Ernest Hare Hows Your Folks and My Folks Downin Norfolk Town
- Billy Jones and Ernest Hare I Cant Sleepin the Movies Any More
- Billy Jones and Ernest Hare I Love to Dunka Hunk of Sponge Cake
- Billy Jones and Ernest Hare I Miss My Swiss My Swiss Miss Misses Me
- Billy Jones and Ernest Hare I Wish I was In Peoria
- Billy Jones and Ernest Hare Im Gonnia Bring a Watermelonto My Girl Tonight
- Billy Jones and Ernest Hare In the Little Red School House
- Billy Jones and Ernest Hare Indiana Lullaby
- Billy Jones and Ernest Hare It Aint Gonna Rain No More
- Billy Jones and Ernest Hare It Dont Do Nothing But Rain
- Billy Jones and Ernest Hare It Wont Be Long Now
- Billy Jones and Ernest Hare Its in the Bag
- Billy Jones and Ernest Hare Laff It Off Laugh It Off
- Billy Jones and Ernest Hare Me No Speak A Good English
- Billy Jones and Ernest Hare Mr Gallagher and Mr Shean
- Billy Jones and Ernest Hare Mr Hoover and Mr Smith
- Billy Jones and Ernest Hare No One Knows What Its All About
- Billy Jones and Ernest Hare Oh Gee Oh Gosh Oh Golly Im In Love
- Billy Jones and Ernest Hare Oh Ya Ya
- Billy Jones and Ernest Hare Old King Tut
- Billy Jones and Ernest Hare On My Ukelele Tra La La La La
- Billy Jones and Ernest Hare Pastafazoola
- Billy Jones and Ernest Hare Sergeant Flagg Sergean tQuirk
- Billy Jones and Ernest Hare She Has a Little Dimple on Her Chin
- Billy Jones and Ernest Hare She Knows Her Onions
- Billy Jones and Ernest Hare Since Henry Ford Apologized to Me
- Billy Jones and Ernest Hare Sois Your Old Lady
- Billy Jones and Ernest Hare Spring is Here
- Billy Jones and Ernest Hare Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes
- Billy Jones and Ernest Hare That Certain Party
- Billy Jones and Ernest Hare That Old Gang of Mine 1923
- Billy Jones and Ernest Hare Thats a Lot of Bunk
- Billy Jones and Ernest Hare The Farmer Took Another Load Away
- Billy Jones and Ernest Hare The Village Blacksmith Owns the Village Now
- Billy Jones and Ernest Hare What Does the Pussy Cat Mean When She Says Meow
- Billy Jones and Ernest Hare What No Women
- Billy Jones and Ernest Hare When Lindy Comes Home
- Billy Jones and Ernest Hare Who Cares Any How
- Billy Jones and Ernest Hare Why Arent Yez Eatin More Oranges
- Billy Jones and Ernest Hare You Cant Fool an Old Horse Fly
- Billy Jones and Ernest Hare You Tell Her I Studder
- Billy Jones and Ernest Hare Youre in Kentucky Sureas Youre Born