Glenn Miller
- Glenn Miller A Hot Time In The Old Town Of Berlin 1943
- Glenn Miller Along The Sante Fe Trail
- Glenn Miller American Patrol
- Glenn Miller At The Presidents Ball
- Glenn Miller Begin The Beguine 1943
- Glenn Miller Bugle Call Rag
- Glenn Miller Bunny Berigan Solo Hop 1935
- Glenn Miller By The Waters Of Minetanka live 1939
- Glenn Miller Careless
- Glenn Miller Dearly Beloved
- Glenn Miller Everything I Love
- Glenn Miller Farewell Blues live 1939
- Glenn Miller Glenn Miller Speaks 1939
- Glenn Miller Harry James Gal In Kalamazoo 1943
- Glenn Miller I Love You 1943
- Glenn Miller I Want To Be Happy live 1939
- Glenn Miller I Want To Spend All My Nights With You 1943
- Glenn Miller In The Mood 1943
- Glenn Miller Jutebox Saturday Night 1943
- Glenn Miller Little Brown Jug live 1939
- Glenn Miller Love Love Love 1944 rare
- Glenn Miller Marion Hutton Back To Back live 1939
- Glenn Miller Marion Hutton Ding Dong The Which Is Dead live 1939
- Glenn Miller Marion Hutton Hold Tight live 1939
- Glenn Miller Marion Hutton I Just Got A Letter live 5 feb 1940
- Glenn Miller Marion Hutton Jumpn Jive live 1939
- Glenn Miller Marion Hutton Lets All Sing Together
- Glenn Miller Marion Hutton Oh Johnny Oh Johnny Oh 1939
- Glenn Miller Marion Hutton Oh Johnny Oh live 4 jan 1940
- Glenn Miller Marion Hutton Oh What You Said 4 jan 1940 live
- Glenn Miller Marion Hutton Tex Beneke Feelin Sorry For Ones Self live 1939
- Glenn Miller Marion Hutton Tex Beneke The Little Man Who Wasnt There live 5 feb 1940
- Glenn Miller Marion Hutton The Land Of Jazz live 5 feb 1940
- Glenn Miller Marion Hutton The Man With The Mandolin live 1939
- Glenn Miller Marion Hutton We Can Live On Love live 1939
- Glenn Miller Martha Tilton Bob White 1937
- Glenn Miller Martha Tilton Once In A while
- Glenn Miller Moonlight Serenade live 1940
- Glenn Miller Moonlove live 1939
- Glenn Miller My Last Good bye live 1939
- Glenn Miller Pagan Love Song live 1939
- Glenn Miller Pagan Love Song live 1940
- Glenn Miller Ray Eberly After All
- Glenn Miller Ray Eberly An Old Dutch Garden live 5 feb 1940
- Glenn Miller Ray Eberly At Revely
- Glenn Miller Ray Eberly Bless You live 1940
- Glenn Miller Ray Eberly Blue Rain live 1939
- Glenn Miller Ray Eberly Cinderella live 1939
- Glenn Miller Ray Eberly Faithful Forever 1939
- Glenn Miller Ray Eberly Faithful To You live 1940
- Glenn Miller Ray Eberly Greatful Forever 1940 live
- Glenn Miller Ray Eberly Heaven live 1940
- Glenn Miller Ray Eberly Moon Love live 1939
- Glenn Miller Ray Eberly On A Little Street In Singapore
- Glenn Miller Ray Eberly Rendesvous Time In Paris live 1939
- Glenn Miller Ray Eberly Stairway To The Stars live 1939
- Glenn Miller Ray Eberly Star Lit Hour
- Glenn Miller Ray Eberly Starlight Hour live 1940
- Glenn Miller Ray Eberly Twilight Interview live 1939
- Glenn Miller Ray Eberly When You Wish Upon A Star live 1940
- Glenn Miller Ray Eberly Wishing live 1939
- Glenn Miller Runnin Wild live Aug 1939
- Glenn Miller sArmy Air Force Band Stairway To The Stars 1944 from Radio
- Glenn Miller Show Closing 1944
- Glenn Miller Slip Horn Jive
- Glenn Miller Stardust live 1940
- Glenn Miller String Of Pearls short Ver
- Glenn Miller Sunrise Serenade live 1940
- Glenn Miller Sympony In Hits live 1940
- Glenn Miller Tex Beneke Back Home This Summer live 1939
- Glenn Miller Tex Beneke Guess Ill Just Go Back Home This Summer live 1939
- Glenn Miller Tex Beneke The Ladys In Love With You live 1939
- Glenn Miller Tex Beneke The Little Man Who Wasnt There live 1940
- Glenn Miller The Bell Polka live 1939
- Glenn Miller The Dippermouth Blues live 1939
- Glenn Miller The Farewell Blues live 1939
- Glenn Miller The Johnson Rag live 1940
- Glenn Miller The Little Man Who Wasnt There 1939 07 12
- Glenn Miller The Little Man Who Wasnt There live 1940
- Glenn Miller The One O clock Jump live 1939
- Glenn Miller The Pagan Love Song live 1939
- Glenn Miller The Slip Horn Jive live 1939
- Glenn Miller The Ted Heath Orchestra Little Brown Jug
- Glenn Miller Tiger Rag live 1939
- Glenn Miller Tiger Rag live 1940
- Glenn Miller Yvone live 1939
- Glenn Millers Army Air Forc eBand Tail End Charlie 1944 Radio To Germany
- Glenn Millers Army Air Force Band 1939 10 06 CarnegieHallConcert Moonlight Serenade Runnin Wild
- Glenn Millers Army Air Force Band 1944 01 22 Enlisted Mens Mess
- Glenn Millers Army Air Force Band 1944 04 08 Flying Home
- Glenn Millers Army Air Force Band 1944 11 20 Tail End Charlie
- Glenn Millers Army Air Force Band A Hot Time In Berlin 1944
- Glenn Millers Army Air Force Band A Lovely Way To Spend An Evening 1944
- Glenn Millers Army Air Force Band Armed Forces Radio
- Glenn Millers Army Air Force Band Artie Malvin Where Or When 1944 Radio To Germany
- Glenn Millers Army Air Force Band BeginThe Beguine from Afrs
- Glenn Millers Army Air Force Band Caribbean Clipper 1944 Radio To Germany
- Glenn Millers Army Air Force Band Dinah Shore All I Do Is Dream Of You 1944 Radio To Germany
- Glenn Millers Army Air Force Band Dinah Shore Stardust 1944 Radio To Germany
- Glenn Millers Army Air Force Band Drum Special 1944
- Glenn Millers Army Air Force Band Everybody Loves My Baby 1944 Radio To Germany
- Glenn Millers Army Air Force Band Farewell Blues 1944 Radio To Germany
- Glenn Millers Army Air Force Band Get Happy 1944 Radio To Germany
- Glenn Millers Army Air Force Band Harry James Jute Box Saturday Night 1944
- Glenn Millers Army Air Force Band Holiday For Strings 1944 Radio To Germany
- Glenn Millers Army Air Force Band I Lothe You 1944
- Glenn Millers Army Air Force Band In The Mood 1944
- Glenn Millers Army Air Force Band Irene Manning Begin The Beguine 1944 Radio To Germany
- Glenn Millers Army Air Force Band Jack And Jill 1944
- Glenn Millers Army Air Force Band Jeep Jockey Jump 1944 Radio To Germany
- Glenn Millers Army Air Force Band Johnny Desmond All The Things You Are 1944 Radio To Germany
- Glenn Millers Army Air Force Band Johnny Desmond And The Crew Chiefs Ive Got A Heart Filled With Love 1944
- Glenn Millers Army Air Force Band Little Brown Jug 1944 from Radio
- Glenn Millers Army Air Force Band Londanary air 1944
- Glenn Millers Army Air Force Band Moonlight Serenade 1944
- Glenn Millers Army Air Force Band Moonlight Serenade Show Closing Good bye As Glenn Leaves To Ww2 1944
- Glenn Millers Army Air Force Band One O Clock Jump 1944
- Glenn Millers Army Air Force Band Over There
- Glenn Millers Army Air Force Band Ray Eberly At Last 1944
- Glenn Millers Army Air Force Band Ray Eberly Moonlight Cocktails 1944
- Glenn Millers Army Air Force Band Ray Mckinley Beat Me Daddy Eight To The Bar 1944
- Glenn Millers Army Air Force Band Ray Mckinley Cow Cow Boogie 1944
- Glenn Millers Army Air Force Band Serenade 1944
- Glenn Millers Army Air Force Band Smoke Gets In Your Eyes 1944 Radio To Germany
- Glenn Millers Army Air Force Band Swing Low Sweet Chariot 1944 Radio To Germany
- Glenn Millers Army Air Force Band Tex Beneke Meloncholly Baby from Afrs
- Glenn Millers Army Air Force Band The Crew Chiefs Put Your Arm sAround Me Honey
- Glenn Millers Army Air Force Band The Music Stopped
- Glenn Millers Army Air Force Band Victory Polka 1944
- Glenn MillersArmy Air Force Band Body And Soul 1944 Radio To Germany
- Glenn Millier Chattanooga Choo Choo
- Glenn Millier Dipper Mouth Blues
- Glenn Millier Dont Sit Under The Apple Tree
- _Glenn Miller Bugel Call Rag live 1939
Alton Glenn Miller was born on March 1, 1904 in Clarinda, Iowa, and died December 15, 1944. As a child, Glenn earned money by milking the cows on his parents farm and with that money purchased a trombone that he played in the town band. In 1923 he went to the University of Colorado at Boulder, but music was always more important than school, and he missed a lot of classes because he accepted every playing opportunity that he could. He failed many of his subjects, and eventually left college to pursue music full time. From 1939 until his death in 1944 his band was the most popular band of the land. In 1942 at the age of 38 he quit his popular band and being too old to be drafted into the Second World War he tried to enlist in the Navy, but they turned him down. He wrote to an Army Brigadier General pleading to be allowed to enter the service and lead a “modern Army band.” He was accepted and became a Captain and played trombone with an Army dance band in service clubs and on the army radio network. He then was allowed to form a large marching band, but when he tried to modernize the marching band music to the more modern blues/jazz/swing style he met some resisitance from the brass. His new music style was so popular with the soldiers that he was eventually allowed full artistic control. In the summer of 1944 he took his band to England to play concerts for the soldiers in England and on mainland Europe. He also recorded songs to use as propaganda radio broadcasts aimed at Germany. At this time his band also recorded some songs with Dinah Shore, but before they could be released, Glenn disappeared in a plane flight over the English Channel on his way to a concert in Paris. These recordings were never released until 1994 when their copyright expired, and we are fortunate to have several of them here.