Sony Pictures Digital
Textures & Soundscapes: Robin Storey's Rapoon
Take your music on a vision quest with Textures & Soundscapes: Robin Storey's Rapoon. As a founding member of the prolific art music ensemble :zoviet-france: and the artistic genius behind more than a dozen critically-acclaimed solo releases as Rapoon, Robin Storey's achievements as a conceptual artist and sound designer remain completely fresh and uncompromised, even after more than twenty continuous years of work. Get a glimpse into the immersing, enveloping world of Rapoon�a neo-primitive depiction of a post-industrial dreamtime. Create a compendium of sonic images that are both unsettling and serene, and journey through ancient cultures from imaginary places with the loops in Textures & Soundscapes.
590 (486MB) original, royalty-free loops.

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Textures & Soundscapes: Robin Storey's Rapoon
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