Alexander Helios, Inc.
No copyright claims expressed or implied.
Contains Historical Facts only.
Native American Language Families and Tribes
Dedicated to the memory of ShupeShe*
The following Linguistic Guide to the Native American Language Families was created as a definitive, quick reference to the Language Stocks of the Native Americans. Every effort has been made to complete the work as accurately and simple as possible. Information contained herein begins from the early 1800's up to the most recent data available today. Therefore, many tribes are listed by their 'classical' names first, then are followed by their 'traditional' names and sometimes vice-versa. Occasionally, you will see tribes listed in more than one catagory which is to be expected because many tribes migrated into new areas at different times. The tribes listed here were scattered mostly over the North American Continent, however, the list does contain the northern Rim of Mexico, the Caribbean, Bahamas and up to Greenland then across the continent into Northeastern China.
It is the compiler's desire that this work be educational as well as entertaining for all who study it.
Researched, edited, typed and sequenced by Horatio Rybnikar. Should anyone find error or ommissions, please forward those corrections to the address above.
Title and Introduction Page 1
Contents and Dedication Page 2
Algonquin Page 3
Athapascan (Na Dene) Northern Tribes; Koluschan (Tlingit) Page 5
Athapascan, Pacific and Southern Tribes; Page 6
Beothukan; Caddoan Page 7
California and Surrounding Regions - Penutian Language Tribes:
Chimmesyan; Chinookian; Chumashan; Page 8
Copehan; Costanoan; Esselenian / Salinan Page 9
Hokan / Pomo (Kulanapan); Lutuamian; Mariposan Page 10
Moquelumnan; Page 11
Palaihnihan; Penutian; Pujunan Page 12
Quoratean; Sastean; Shahaptian; Yakonan; End Penutian Tribes Page 13
Chimarikan; Weitspekan; Yanan; Yukian; End California Tribes Page 14
Chimakuan; Chitimachan; Coahuiltecan; Eskimauan / Inuitt Page 15
Hopi; Iroquoian; Kalapooian Page 17
Keresan / Pueblo; Kiowan; Kitunahan; Kusan Page 18
Lakota / Sioux Page 19
Muskhogean / Creek; Natchesan; Page 21
Piman; Salishan / Flathead Page 22
Shoshonean Page 23
Skittagetan; Takilman; Tanoan Page 24
Texian / Western Caddo; Timuquanan Page 25
Tonikan; Tonkawan; Uchean Page 26
Wailatpuan; Wakashan; Page 27
Washoan; Wishoskan; Yuman; Zunian Page 28
Lesser Known Extinct Tribes Page 29
Index Page 30
3/26/14 - 3/26/91
ShupeShe was a great Chief of the Pottawotomi Eagle Clan and a member of the Grand Midewin Medicine Lodge of the Algonquin Nation. ShupeShe was descended from both the Miami and Pottawotomi tribes of the Northwest Territory. He was revered as a holy man and was one of the most respected elders of our contemporary times. ShupeShe influenced many scholars and impressed all with his incredible knowledge of the Native American Language dialects. ShupeShe lives on through the people he taught and the many good deeds he accomplished during his long and prosperous life. Gifted as he was, he became Keeper of the oldest Native American Manuscripts and Alphabets known to exist of the Pottawotomi, Ojibwa and Micmac, going back several hundred years. I sincerely thank the family of ShupeShe for allowing me to thoroughly study his accumulative notes, essays, reports, manuscripts, alphabets etc. which inspired this catalog listing of over 1450 extisting and extinct tribes.
I would also like to thank the Native Americans from these specific tribes who have assisted me greatly with this project: Miami, Pottawotomi, Apache, Lakota, Shawnee, Hopi, Navajo, Tsalagi and Kiowan. I wish all of those elders, brothers and sisters blessings from the Great Spirit and thank you's forever.