Gong Hee Fot Choy
Book of Dreams
by Margarete Ward
Following the publication of my fortune-telling system, GongHee Fot Choy,many have requested that I publish a dreambook. This dream book is my response to the public's demand.
What Is a Dream?
First I will tell you how to distinguish between a real dreamand an unreal dream. Our soul is ever awake and guards ourbody both night and day. When the body sleeps the soul, likethe wireless waves of the radio, travels many places and sometimes contacts other souls, and in this way dreams aremade.
The unreal dream or nightmare, as some of us refer to a baddream, is caused by the body cramping the heart or you are lying in an uncomfortable position; or perhaps you have eatensomething that disagreed with you. The soul takes the bestcare of the body, and when this condition exists, the soul knows the body's needs, and at once the soul will record a terrible happening, to arouse the body so that it will change itsposition or wake up. You may dream that you are falling, orthere is a terrible fire, or a bad animal is chasing you—something most generally to scare you—and when you do awakenafter such a dream, you will feel weak or exhausted. This is caused by the body not properly resting. This dream is calledan unreal dream, so if you have such a dream, just disregard it for it has no meaning whatsoever.
A real dream is one that takes place and does not disturb you, and you can easily recall every incident afterwards. Itwill seem very real. Dreams like this have decided meanings. They come as a forewarning of approaching good or evil.
To have the best guiding dreams you should go to sleepwithout worry. If you have troubles, relax—try to dismiss them from your mind. If you will dismiss everything fromyour mind when you retire, your soul will record many happenings upon your blank receptive mind before you wake up.The soul goes here and there and contacts many places andother souls while the body sleeps, and the information thesoul gathers while the body rests will help you solve yourmany problems in your waking hours, and a neutral mind will help the soul in receiving messages others send you from adistance.
In this book I have given you the psychic interpretation ofnearly 600 dreams. The object of this dream book is to teach you to decipher your own dreams. It is very easy if you willquietly analyze everything you dreamed about.
The words I have selected to interpret for you are the mostoutstanding. Many words have a similar meaning and if Iwere to list all the meanings here, there would be much repetition. Many dreams, like words have a similar meaning. I havegiven you thorough interpretations for you to follow in deciphering your dreams; for instance:
Animals all come under the same classifications as far as interpreting their meaning. All flowers likewise have the samesignificance. All trees and shrubs indicate similar meanings.
Therefore, if I should list all of the different individualnames of similar things it would merely make a repetition. When you are interpreting your dream, keep this thought in mind. If you cannot find the exact thing you dreamed abouttry to find something listed in the book that is similar-something that falls into the same classification. Then quietly think of it and you will be surprised how you can interpret themeaning of your own dreams.
There are only three kinds of dreams—the actual contactsof your soul with others while you sleep, good prophecies,and warnings.
I hope this will teach you how to dream and how to interpret your dreams and may all your dreams be helpful, guiding
"And being warned of God in a dream, that they should not return to Herod, they departed into their own country another way."
Matthew ii, 12
Friends: While demonstrating my fortune telling game,GongHee Fot Choy,in stores throughout the country, I have metand talked to thousands of people. Many of them havebrought me their personal problems and I can truthfully saythat those who have followed my advice have been helped. Ihave shown them what can be done through the right thought. Each of us has his own problems, but no one has aproblem which cannot be solved if he will tune in to the higher power and trust that he will receive guidance.
How can we tune in to this higher power? That is what mostof us want to know. Everywhere we see people who observereligious forms, give to charity, etc., who yet do not receivethe blessings that are rightfully theirs. Why is this? Theanswer is that they are not using foresight. They lament that iftheir foresight were as good as their hindsight they would bemillionaires, yet they seem to make no effort to use or developtheir latent powers or intuition. If they would heed the signs and warnings which are plainly given, instead of complainingof their lot and asking others to do for them the things theyshould do for themselves, they would achieve success and win the things they desire.
We are warned again and again by dreams and signs, buthow many of us heed them? Read from the Bible the story ofthe king's dream interpreted by Daniel (Daniel 2) or ofPharaoh's dreams interpreted by Joseph (Genesis 41). Now,if God warned people by dreams in those days, do you notthink that He does so still? Yet how often do we hear one say,"So-and-so prophesied this accident," or "I had a feeling Ishould not do this, but I paid no attention to it," whereas, if he had heeded the warning he might have been saved disaster.We disregard these warnings, and when we must suffer the consequences we bemoan our fate. If we would only heed theinner voice, give thought to our dreams, and earnestlycultivate our foresight, we could not only avoid manytroubles but also achieve the success which we spend our energies in wishing for. And if the energy we expend in vainwishing, or in complaining, in gossip, envy and hate, wereturned into constructive effort, how much we might accomplish, how much sooner we should attain our goal, withplenty to use at our command
We must listen to the inner voices, and we must put forthour best efforts, but we must also have patience. We become too anxious. We cannot wait. But the forces of nature are not hurried and we must attune our lives to the higher forces thatgovern the world. Listen to the words which Jesus spoke to a multitude of anxious men and women on a Galilean hillside:
"Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, orwhatyeshall drink; nor yet for your body, what yeshall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and thebody than raiment? Behold the fowls of the air; for theysow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns;yet your Heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye notmuch better than they? Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature? And why take yethought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field,how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: Andyet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glorywas not arrayed like one of these."
Matthew 6:25-29
Many people pray for all sorts of things, and when theirprayers are said they forget what they have prayed for, orthey sit down idly, hoping that their prayers will bring themwhat they want without any effort of their own, that fortunewill fall into their laps. What we must do is to decide what it isthat we really want—setting our goal within reason and notexpecting miracles—then listen to the voice within, seek guidance from the higher power, have patience and confidence,and put forth earnest and steadfast effort to achieve ourdesire. If we follow this rule, we shall perhaps not attain thegoal we dreamed of, but we shall certainly come infinitelynearer to it than if we had spent our time merely wishing for itor seeking to attain it by lax, indifferent, or dishonest means.True, we will meet with reverses, but reverses are lessonsgiven to develop our souls and make us strong characters. Weshould not beg in prayer for the things we want. No one loves a beggar who is not willing to work for what he gets; and who knows that the Higher Power does not become impatient withus when we whine and fret, like spoiled children, instead of putting forth our best efforts to help answer our own prayers?We should talk to the Higher Power as we would to a father, knowing that He knows what is best for us and will help us if we help ourselves. If we give our very best to every task, nomatter how menial, using to the full all our God-givenpowers, and trusting our Father to know what is for our high est good, we may be sure that what is best for us will come tous in due time.
Never worry or lament over what is past.
Never indulge in self-pity; nothing can be more deadly toyour growth.
Be thankful that you have been chosen to carry a burden,for this makes you strong.
Never envy another person his luck. Things do not happenby luck. We earn what we get—if not in one way, then inanother.
Never wish that you had what belongs to another; wish thatyou had some like it. Do not envy another's wealth or success;be glad, as if he were one of your own. God has blessed him for something he has done, either in this life or in the one justpast. Make friends with those who have plenty, for they canteach you how to get things to use for yourself. Rememberthat nothing in this world belongs to us; it is merely here forus to use. We brought nothing here with us and we can takenothing away. Those who seem to have more than we, are merely using more than we are.
God has not made things in a small way; His blessings areunlimited. Therefore we should never be stingy or saving for tomorrow, for who promised us tomorrow? Live today so thattomorrow you may say, "Yesterday I lived." Tomorrow, ifgiven, will be taken care of.
Don't worry; worry is a poison that destroys.
Remember that charity begins at home. Look out first forthe needs of yourself and your own household. If all would dothis, there would be little need for us to take care of others.
If someone is ill, help him; if someone is hungry, feed him;then try to teach him how to tune in to the higher forces sothat he can care for himself in the future. Always seek to teachand help others, for there are many young souls here whoneed help.
When others are in sorrow or excited, remain calm. Knowthat whatever befalls them is for their own good. Even deathis but a graduation to a higher plane of life.
Clean your mind of evil thoughts about others. If othersrepeat evil gossip, do not listen; forget it; don't repeat it.
Things are usually different from what they appear. Remember that there is a reason for everything.
If you hear that an unkind thing has been said about you,treat it like a mud puddle; step over it, not in it. Thus you willsend the evil back to the sender and he will have it to cope with, for it did not belong to you in the first place.
About all, think healthy thoughts, and when things do notturn out as you had planned, remember the thing you wantedwas not meant for you and that there is something better instore for you.
If an enemy harms you by word or deed, wish him goodluck and happiness with all the sincerity in your heart. Do not seek revenge. There are other forces which will mete out justice, and we need not bother. Leave your enemy alone with histhoughts, and his own thoughts will be his punishment.
Never say, "I can't do this," or "I can't do that." Try. You will find you can. The wordcan't has done a lot of harm inthis world. The wordcan is the right word.
Since time has been set for our seasons, there is a time for everything. There is a time for work, a time for play; a time tosleep, a time to eat; everything has its rightful time. Since timeplays so important a role in our lives, I am putting into thisDream Book the Planetary Hours for each day of the year, so that you can see the most favorable time for all your undertakings, such as buying, selling, calling, or anything you wishto do. Consult the Planetary Hour Guide before setting thetime for doing anything that is important to you. Find themost favorable hour in which to do it. This Dream Book isdifferent from any other on the market. Its purpose is notmerely to interpret your dreams, but to teach you how to unfold the meaning of your own dreams so that you may use them to guide you. It would be impossible to print here everydream, but they have been so classified that the reader may quickly learn how to interpret his own dreams.
No matter how bad your dream may be, if there is somegood part in it somewhere, the good part modifies or lessensthe bad. On the other hand, if a good dream contains a little bad, you may be sure that the better part will prevail; thingswill change for the better.
I do hope that some day people will stop, look and listen to their small still voice that is always trying to speak to them. When they do, they will receive continual spiritual help. Weare all born prophets, but we do not use our gift. We are toobusy with worldly affairs to see the spiritual realm surrounding us. Why? Just because we can see the material things and cannot see the spiritual. We want proof to manifest itself in worldly possessions, and we want miracles to happen. We donot want to wait for the higher forces to give us, in duecourse, the things we should have. Oh, impatient people!How I would like to shake you when I see you take life so seriously, your faces all wrinkled with worry. The higher forceslove you as well as anyone else. Give them a chance to helpyou. Send out thoughts of love to everyone. Smile; it costsyou nothing. In the hurry of life, we forget to practice the little courtesies. Politeness is to the finish of living, as polish is to afine piece of furniture. No matter how fine the wood, it doesnot make a fine piece of furniture in its unfinished state. In thesame way, by failing to observe the common courtesies we lose the polish which makes life smooth and pleasant. The wordsplease andthank you cost us nothing and pay us much.
Try to smile even when you are sad of heart; it will become ahabit and will take you far by attracting the right vibration toyou; it will change your whole outlook on life. "Unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: butfrom him that hath not shall be taken away even that whichhe hath." (Matthew 25:29) Don't take life too seriously.Remember we are here to learn a lesson, and we are not here for long. Live and let live. By being generous we receive themore. If you buy new clothing, give your old to those who need it. The old garments will be new to them and bring themjoy. Clear out your closets and they will be filled. A closed hand cannot be filled. Do not worry about tomorrow, fortomorrow, if it comes, will take care of itself. Godhas put plenty within reach of all who seek it in the right way. Those who wait for Him to toss it into their laps will have little, but those who cooperate with Him will be blessed abundantly. We are here to learn, and the only way to learn is towork. So go out and gather in from near and far the bountifulsupply that is yours to use.
Sweet sleep be with us, one and all!And if upon its stillness fallThe visions of a busy brain,We'll have our pleasure o'er again,To warm the heart, to charm the sight. Gay dreams to all! Good night, good night.T. B. Aldrich Sonnet:"Sleep"
Dreams are the true interpreters of our inclinations, but art is required to sort and understand them.
Montaigne,"The Merchant of
Many persons I meet want to know how I happened to take upthe study of Chinese philosophy; and the teaching of their religions. In the following I will endeavor to explain.
When I lived in
The chair offered to me was dainty as could be, upholsteredin brocaded pink silk, and the framework was light and hand- carved. To be sure, it was not very comfortable; but it was, aswere all the other matching dainty pieces of furniture in theroom, a masterpiece of art. I had no more than been seated,than the servant left the room very politely, and closed the hall door silently. From another door, Mr. Ching made his appearance dressed in a gorgeous silk gown and a Chinese afternoon coat. Following him, bowing and smiling was one of hissix wives, the one that could converse in English. He greeted me by bowing and clasping his hands together, and so did his beautiful, cultured wife—for the Chinese do not shake hands.They think our custom of shaking hands is an awkward and uncouth way of greeting a friend. I do, too, since living in
After this call, his whole family looked upon me as a friend.I spent many happy days in this home, and there learnedmuch about the Chinese way of living. Their innermost thoughts were passed on to me as if I were one of the family. One of the events that happened while I was there was the engagement of Mr. Ching's eldest son. In
As the Chinese really know the art of living they make quitea celebration when one of their children is going to be married. The engagement party lasted ten days. All of us were putup in the best hotel in Soo Chow and the friends of Mr.Ching's family lavished big, luxurious dinners upon us in theirhonor, also sightseeing trips and all sorts of shows and entertainments.
Mr. Ching's six wives and I would go over to a big temple in Soo Chow every morning, to Chin Chin Joss, as they called it.This was a paying of their respects to their choice saint andGod. As I knew these ladies quite well by now I could askthem anything I liked without embarrassment to either themor myself.
The first morning I went with them I was amazed to see thelarge Chinese figures in the temple. Mrs. Ching, who spokeEnglish, told me all about each statue as we lighted punksticks to ask the spirits' blessing. She told me that these statueswere not idols as so many foreigners think; that each one ofthese statues represented the spirit of a saint that once lived inChina and was sent by God to help the Chinese people andthat they did not worship them as idols. She said these statueswere here so we would never forget them and so that when wewere in trouble or in need we could come here and ask their help. She said the Catholic Church has its statues and pictures of its saints and they are used for the same purpose—to helpthem concentrate in prayer. She told me that some of thestatues were 5000 years old, and led me down long rows ofbronze figures, telling me the history ot each saint as wepassed along and placing incense sticks before them. Shewould tell me stories about a few every day. Before we left thetemple we would throw some coins in the big box that stoodin front of the high altar. I think this system of collectingmoney for the church is so much nicer than ours because it does away with the embarrassment that goes with having a collection basket put in front of you at church while the congregation nearest you watch to see how much you contribute.
At this Joss house, or temple, I met a Chinese priest. Hisname was Low and he welcomed me the same as the Chineseladies. He had a small square board on which was a design composed of little squares. He closed his eyes in meditation. Then he wrote in Chinese characters on a small piece of paperand handed one to each of us in turn. Mrs. Ching interpreted what he had written for me. To my amazement, everything hepredicted happened that day.
I became so interested in this priest's strange powers that I asked Mr. Kwan Tsi Ching about it. He went into great detailto explain that these temple priests were men who lived goodlives and who had studied to commune with the spirits that had passed on. He also said he knew a priest in
When the priest at Soo Chow heard I wanted to study hisreligion he said he would send a brother priest to teach me. Soone day, soon after, my head servant came to me and announced the arrival of the priest. My servant looked at mevery inquisitively and said in pidgin English, "This man said he sleep on floor in servants' quarters, have got bed." I asked "Have you no bed for him?" The boy said, "He no want bed.He sleep on floor. All same very poor man." I did not questionmy head servant, for I knew in the course of study with thepriest, I would find out why he wanted to sleep on the floor.
My study with the pleasing, refined old priest began. Inever knew a man could be so close to God. I learned the artof concentration and learned not to think evil and all the otherfine teachings that went with this religion. He taught me that one of the most beneficial things was not to hate anyone, for hate is a deadly poison.
In the course of my studies with the kindly old priest, Lee Ming, I learned many things that I shall never forget and alsoacquired a philosophy that money cannot buy. He would sit on my big porch in the warm summer evenings sipping teaand tell me of the things that were to happen in the next hundred years, warning me to look out for this or that which wasto happen. He remained at my home for three months. Upon leaving he would not accept a penny from me so I insisted on making a donation to an orphanage with which he was closelyconnected; also to his temple. Later, during a trip to the
When I returned to
The reason I was inspired to make the fortune-telling game,GongHee Fot Choy, was to give the American people a littleof the fine philosophy of the ancient Chinese race.
While I studied with the priest Lee Ming, I compared our Christian religion with his teachings, and found our teachingsare somewhat similar to his. Lee Ming said that if there had been but one kind of Christian religion taught in
Lee Ming died in
The nations will bring about a sort of armistice to stop thewar for the time being, but not until great destruction hasbeen done. Then, as soon as the present generation dies andanother generation is raised, a new feud will spring up in
The destructive gases used in the next war will act like aboomerang and even destroy the nation that distributes them.This war will be the war of chemistry. The gas will be secretly developed in laboratories of the enemy. There will hardly be aliving thing left on earth. Then the yellow race, the Chinese, will rule the world; by that time Christianity will have circledthe earth and be preached everywhere— and then we shall seethe second coming of Christ. This will be a sad world whenthis present fighting has ceased. It is having its effect upon the children of
There should be a way to arbitrate our differences insteadof depending upon brute force. The countries of
unite in mutual helpfulness, such as exists between the statesof our
Now is the time for all of us to band together as did the forefathers of our country so that we may stand shoulder toshoulder with our President and other national leaders in preserving our democratic form of government.
When others, within our borders, seek to stir up strife or resort to excitement let us keep calm. Obey the laws of God andour country more closely than ever. Be ready to help thosewho may need help and try to look on the brighter side of life.We should find comfort in the knowledge that God is with usso long as we strive to live as He would have us live.
When our country is called to defend those righteous principles for which it has always stood let us do our part even tothe giving of our lives if necessary. As your life or my life onthis earth is so brief and it is how we live here that countsmost, not how long we live. This is not our permanent home but it is the place in which God has put us to learn of His willconcerning us and thus be able to follow in His ways whichare the ways of peace.
This war, as all wars, has been brought upon the people because they have chosen to worship the material man-made golden calf in the form of the dollar. Man has persisted inbreaking God's laws is why we are being punished. When wesee a building fall, shattered by a bomb, we see the nothing ness of man made things. Take hope in the fact that we livedyesterday, we are living today and trust that in the tomorrowGod will continue to take care of us. Have faith in the futureand at this time pray that those who govern our nation will be given Divine Guidance. If we trust God, with the love and innocence of a child, He will guide us through the uncertaindays to come. However, prayer alone is not the answer.
God also requires deeds of kindness, etc. Love thy neighboras thyself. Think on these things and then know that peace, justice and harmony shall prevail for those who walk in HisWays. And all that He asks for this great abundance is Love.
In closing let me warn you that we have perilous timesahead.
Remember it is what you do today that counts in your nextlife.
Please read in your Bible the following passages:
Nahum 2: 3-5 II Timothy 3: 1-10
Habakkuk 1: 6-10 II Peter 3: 8-10
Habakkuk 2:5-8 Luke 12: 51-57
"Yoursons and daughters shall prophesy, and youryoung men shall see visions and your old men shalldream dreams."
OThou, the Father of us all,
Whose many mansions wait,
To whose dream welcome each must come
A child, at Heaven's gate;
In that fair house not made with hands
Whatever splendor beams,
Out of Thy bounty keep for me
A little room for dreams.
R.U. Johnson,
"The Little Room of Dreams"
One of those passing, rainbow dreams,
Half light, half shade, which Fancy'sbeams
Paint on the fleeting mists that roll
In trance of slumber round the soul!
Thomas Moore, Lalla Rookh:"The Fire Worshipper"
Many people asked me, when they learned I was preparing adream book, whether the subjects appearing in their dreamscouldn't also be interpreted numerologically. Indeed they can, and the number associated with each dream subject or symbol(or combination of subjects) can be taken as the dreamer's "lucky" number for the next day or two following the dream.
You will see that each dream subject inThe Meaning ofYour Dreamsis followed by a number. To arrive at thisnumber an alphabetical-numerical table, in which each letterof the alphabet is assigned a number from one to nine, is consulted:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Therefore, if you dream of a cat you can turn to this table andtranslate the letters C-A-T into the numbers
No matter how many dream objects occur in a singledream, you can always determine your single-figure luckynumber in this manner. I have done the calculating for all the dream subjects included in this book, but no matter what youdream you can use this table to determine a lucky number.
ABACUS (2—The union of family or friend)To dream of an abacus indicates you have or will have a condition in your life soon that will puzzle you. To dream you canuse an abacus or are learning to use one, means you will overcome your future obstacles and profit by same.
ABALONE (7—A lucky dream)
To dream you gather or see abalones indicates you will havemany secrets. If you eat abalone someone will confide secretsto you.
ABANDON (6—Some new door opens)To dream someone leaves or abandons you indicates that youare worrying or will worry needlessly over the past. To dreamthat you abandon someone or something means the end of worry or some disagreeable condition in your life.
ABBEY (8—Money given unexpected)
To dream of an abbey, indicates that you are in need of concentration on all matters to direct your affairs wisely.
ABDICATE (9—An old condition ends)
To dream that you have to leave or give up something indicates that you should not be weak in your waking hours. Insist upon your rights in your future dealings.
ABDUCT (6—Mixed emotions—relax)
To dream that someone abducts you indicates someone will try to force you into some position or proposition that youdislike. If you dream that you escape, you will handle the situation to your advantage. If you do not escape, it is a warningto be careful of your affairs. If you dream that you abduct someone, do not force a future issue as it will not be best for you.
ABHOR (8—Someone will ask you for a loan)
To dream that you abhor someone or something happens thatis distasteful to you is an indication that you will meet withsome condition of this kind which will be beyond your powerto eliminate. If this dream involves someone you know, their thoughts are not always the best toward you.
ABILITY (6—A new position, promotion or business)
To dream you have great ability indicates that you should putthis into practice. Choose something you like and stick to it and your future success will be assured. To dream you have no ability means that you are either doing too much daydreaming or are sending your thoughts in the wrong pursuit.Concentrate; be more definite in your decisions.
ABORTION (4—Suspicious friends)
To dream you have an abortion indicates the loss of prestige
and name. Be careful after such a dream.
ABSCESS (5—Choose food carefully)
To dream of an abscess on yourself or someone near you is anindication that an unpleasant condition or situation is ending. This symbol always indicates a better money condition in the near future.
ABUNDANCE (2—Comfort coming to you)To dream that there is an abundance of anything in your possession indicates that something you are doing will turn outbetter than you expected. To see an abundance of anythingmeans a new undertaking coming to you soon.
ABSENT (6—Privacy will be conducive to you)To dream that you absent yourself without telling otherswhere you are going indicates that someone is trying to pryinto your affairs. To dream of absent friends means that theywill return soon or you will hear from them.
ABUSE (3—Some past happening in your life is disturbingyou)
To dream that you are abused indicates that something willcause you to worry and you will be depressed and very blue.
ACADEMY (7—A gift of new magazines or books)
To dream that you see or attend one indicates that you willlearn something to your advantage very soon. Also indicatesthat you are in need of more knowledge to help you succeed inthe future.
ACCIDENT (5—Be careful in the street)To dream of an accident happening to you indicates that youwill have an argument. If you witness an accident means that you will hear someone else argue. Also this dream warns youto be careful so that you may avoid an accident.
ACCOMMODATE (3—Someone will want to borrow)
To dream that you have to accommodate people you dislikeindicates that someone will try to impose upon you. To haveothers accommodate you means that someone will repay you.To travel and find your accommodations poor indicates thatyou will have difficulty in making your living. Good accom modations mean that your living will be rosy for some time tocome.
ACCOMPLISH (9—Good Luck in store for you)To dream that you accomplish a difficult task indicates a reward in the future for work well done, and also honor will be bestowed upon you. If you dream that you cannot accomplishwhat you set out to do means obstacles or a disagreeable condition will be overcome by sheer grit and perseverance. Don'tgive up if this condition exists at present.
ACCORDION (7—The ending of restricted conditions)
To dream you hear or play this instrument indicates that youwill have to work, play and give much to gain happiness.
ACCOUNT (5—You waste your time in some way)To dream that you have an account at a store indicates youshould be careful how you spend your money. To have to givean account of your time to someone else means annoyancesand petty worries will assail you. To demand someone else toaccount to you for their time means that you are not spending your time in the most profitable way.
ACID (8—You will burn a hole in your coat)
To dream of acid indicates for you to beware of someone'ssharp cutting remarks; you will be hurt by their angry words.
ACCUSED (2—An untrue friend or relative)To dream that someone accuses you of something you did not do indicates that someone you have trusted is untrue. For youto accuse someone indicates that you should be on yourguard, as a dream like this indicates there is something that you should know concerning the party you accused or the one who accused you.
ACQUAINTANCE (4—You will attend a party)To dream you make the acquaintance of noted people meanssome very enjoyable situation is at hand. To dream that youdislike a new acquaintance means you should beware of someone you will or have just met.
ACQUIT (5—A court action, or you will sign a paper)To dream you are acquitted indicates the end of a financialburden.
ACROBAT (6—You will soon meet blowhard)To dream of an acrobat indicates that you will overcomemany obstacles in the near future and will profit by them. Beware of relatives or friends who applaud your success but who would never lend a helping hand, as these are indicated by thisdream.
ACTING (9—Popularity is awaiting you) To dream you are acting in a play indicates you will be calledupon to do something in the near future that pleases you; oryou actually will be in the limelight in some way.
ACTIVITY (1—You should go in and win)To dream you are very active is a good omen. To be aroundmuch activity means a brighter outlook in the future or inwhatever you are doing.
ACTOR (3—A bright proposition will be offered like the potof gold . . . but will be brass)
To dream you are a famous actor indicates you have ambitions that only perseverance will enable you to realize. Alsoindicates you have great desires. To talk to or see a famous actor means you truly have met the spirit of this actor duringyour sleeping hours.
ACTRESS (4—Beware of a new friend)Read actor.
ADAPT (6—A tedious task in store)
To dream you have to adapt yourself to others' ways indicates servitude is in store for some time to come. But if you dreamyou are very adapt to a new job or position, you can expectbetter times soon. To dream you have someone around you who adapts himself to your ways indicates prosperity comesto you through the co-operation of others.
ADDICTED (5—Tasks in store that annoy you)
To dream you are addicted to a habit of some kind indicatesworry or shows a weakness in your make-up that should becorrected. To dream someone else is addicted to a habit ofsome kind means you will be annoyed at the way someoneacts.
ADIEU (4—A new door opens)
To dream that you say goodbye to someone indicates youshould be careful of an accident. Goodbyes are not a verygood omen.
ADJUST (3—Gain through adjustment)
To dream you are sent to adjust a bill or you do adjust one indicates you will finish something you wanted done for a longtime. An adjustment of any kind means a loss or gain according to the way you dream about it.
ADMINISTER (4—Plenty of work for you)To dream you administer aid to someone hurt indicates youwill be called upon to do a favor for someone. To have someone administer something to you indicates gain. To be an administrator of an estate means you will be called upon to do a thankless job by thankless people.
ADMIRE (5—A desire fulfilled)
To admire someone or something in a dream indicates you arelonging for something you want. If you dream someone admires you, be careful of flattery and deceit.
ADMISSION (4—A Theatre party)
To dream you gain admission to a place of amusementwithout paying indicates you will be invited to a place whereyou will enjoy yourself.
ADMIT (2—Worry over fancied troubles)
To dream that you admit something means be careful of what
you do, as you may be watched.
ADOBE (9—A new home in the future)
To dream that you see an adobe house indicates you will facethe hard facts of life with faith and hope. Adobe mud meansyou will have a hard time financially, but in the end you willwin.
ADOPTED (2—You are lonely)
To dream of adopting someone indicates coming financialburdens.
ADORN (7—A good shopping trip)
To dream you adorn yourself in beautiful array indicates agood time and happiness are in store for you. Also you willbuy some new clothing.
ADULTERY (7—A short illness)
To dream you commit this act indicates you will be lied about.
Also see that your actions are up and above question. Todream someone else commits adultery means you should notlisten to all you hear.
ADVERSITY (5—A new world opens for you)To dream you meet with adversity indicates you are worrying. If this is the case and you dream about it, you should concentrate on things better. Know there is plenty here for you,and you must have your share.
AERIAL (1—You should follow your hunches)To dream of a large aerial indicates you should develop yourself to receive the thoughts of others.
AFFILIATE (6—A business proposition soon)
To dream you affiliate with someone means you will be mixedup in something you want to do—sort of undersided; or youare lacking on a decision of some kind. The need of concentration is indicated here.
AFFINITY (9—You will be called upon to make a vital decision)
To dream you have such a person indicates gossip. If youtruly have an affinity a dream of same is a forerunner of badluck. To dream of an affinity of any kind is a bad sign.
AFFLICTION (5—Worry over nothing)
To dream you are afflicted with some terrible disease or ailment and you really have none indicates you need to changeyour way of thinking. If you are really afflicted, think ofhealth and you will get it.
AFFRAY (3—Unpleasant callers)
To dream of an affray, if mixed in it or not, indicates enemies.
AFRAID (3—Be brave in your waking hours)To dream you are afraid indicates you are being warned thatall is not well. To see others who are afraid means you willhave courage when it is needed. Also you may be persecuted.
AFTERNOON (9—An unpleasant task finished)
To dream it is afternoon indicates something important is tohappen. Something very important will happen soon in the afternoon.
AGE (4—Prosperity with age)
To dream you do not show your age is a good dream. Todream you are old and wrinkled indicates worry and dissatisfaction in your work or in the place you live. To dream of oldpeople indicates long life.
AGGRAVATE (1—Be careful of a cut or burn)
To dream you are aggravated by someone's actions indicatesthe ones you dream about are not the friends they pretend to be. To dream you aggravate someone, you should curb yourways.
AGGRESSIVE (4—You will hurry to catch a car)To dream you are aggressive or around someone who is indicates you will encounter some very common people who willtry to use you for their gain. To dream you are aggressiveindicates for you to slow down.
AGITATE (9—Enemies, Gossip)
To dream that you hear someone agitating a crowd of peopleto strike or speaking to a crowd of people on any agitatingsubject indicates something will annoy you until you loseheart in whatever you are doing. To dream you are agitatingsomething indicates you had better have care in your wakinghours.
AGRICULTURE (9—A growing fortune)
To dream you are farming indicates you will be very happyand prosperous in the future. To dream of agriculture in anform is good.
AID (5—You will help with entertainment)
To dream you aid someone indicates you will be blessed for agood deed you do. To have someone aid you means you mightwant if you do not handle your money wisely.
AIM (5—Go in and win)
To dream you have an aim in life is a very fine dream;cultivate one in your waking hours. To aim at something, tothrow or shoot means be straight and forward in your dealings with others. It will reward you in the end. To see others aiming, especially at you, means someone will criticize you.
AIR (1—You will hear good music soon)
To dream of good fresh air indicates success. To dream the air is foggy, dirty, etc., means bad days ahead of you.
AIRPLANE (6—A hasty trip soon)
To dream of an airplane indicates you will receive hasty news or callers; or you will make a hasty trip. Something hasty willhappen soon in your waking hours.
AISLE (1—You will be proud of some achievement soon)
To dream you are walking down the aisle of any theater orchurch indicates you will be in the company of someone youwill be proud of.
ALBUM (4—You are retarded by living in the past)
To dream you see or look through a picture album indicatesyou will recall the past with old friends. If it is an old-time album containing dead relatives' pictures, they are wanting you to remember them.
ALIBI (6—You should try to work more)To dream you give an alibi is an indication that you shouldtake care in what you do in your waking hours. To hear othersgiving an alibi means be careful of lies.
ALKALI (1—You should be careful of medicine)
To dream the ground is covered with alkali warns you to becareful of your money, as you might come to want.
ALLEGIANCE (6—A good dream)
To dream you swear allegiance to the flag you can look forhonor to be bestowed upon you.
ALLEY (1—Care in buying land)
To dream you walk or drive through an alley indicates youshould be careful to do everything on the square. To see othersin an alley means you should be on your guard or you will becheated.
ALLIGATOR (5—You will meet a swindler)
To dream you see an alligator indicates strength and health. If
it chases you, read meaning of dreams in front of book.
ALLUSION (4—A misrepresentation, caution)
To dream you see a beautiful allusion indicates you should investigate thoroughly anything pertaining to business in yourwaking hours.
ALMANAC (9—Time limited on a business deal)
To dream you consult the almanac about days indicates that you should try to spend your time more profitably. It meansalso that you may be wasting your time.
ALPHABET (2—You will do intricate work soon)
To dream of the alphabet indicates that you are in need ofmore knowledge.
AMATEUR (7—Progressive work ahead)
To dream you are an amateur at any undertaking indicates anew adventure is coming your way. To listen to or see amateurs indicates you will have new views on life.
AMAZON (7—Aggressiveness by another)
To dream you see a large woman indicates you should strive for larger accomplishments in business, work, or art. Expansion of some kind is needed by you.
AMBITION (2—You will be enthused soon)
To dream you are full of ambition indicates future goodhealth.
AMBULANCE (9—Help from unknown source)
To dream you see or ride in one indicates danger; be carefulwhile in the street.
AMETHYST (See Jewels)
AMMUNITION (3—You waste your energy)
To dream of ammunition in any form indicates loss.
AMPUTATE (7—Severance of friendship)To dream you see an amputation or hear of one, yours orsomeone else's, indicates danger, loss, or separation. On awhole this is an unpleasant dream.
ANALYZE (3—A new proposition offered)
To dream you or someone is analyzing anything indicatesstrange facts will be revealed to you soon.
ANCESTORS (6—Spiritual help near)
To dream of your ancestors indicates they want you to remember them and to think of them often.
ANCHOR (5—Wasted time)
To dream of an anchor of a boat or that you anchor something
indicates you are not progressing fast enough.
ANCIENT (3—Lasting happiness)
To dream of an ancient place or thing indicates it will take time to accomplish whatever you are doing or going to do,but in the end it will be recognized.
ANGEL (3—A good dream)
To dream of an angel indicates happiness comes through beingkind to others.
ANGER (9—Dissatisfaction)
To dream you are angy or see others angry indicates you willhave something come up soon that really will make youangry. Guard against this if you can.
ANIMALS (6—A good dream)
When God created life upon the earth, He created the animalsfor man. We know that whatever God created was good;therefore a dream about animals of any kind is a good dream.Many people think that a dream about an animal of whichthey are afraid, such as snakes, is a bad dream, but this is not true. If the animals in the dream, no matter what kind of ani mals, are in good condition, the dream is a good omen; if theyare in poor condition, the dream is a warning and should be given special attention. Please read the story of Pharaoh'sdream (Genesis 41; 18-21, 28-31). The seven fat cattle stood for seven good years, while the seven lean cattle warned ofseven years of famine. To dream of being chased by an animal warns of a treacherous enemy.
To dream of any kind of a domestic animal is a good dream. Itindicates prosperity and an addition to what you own. Cowsin a pasture indicate contentment; horses indicate good luck,prosperity; cats indicate enemies that pretend to be friends;dogs indicate love and loyalty; young puppies indicate manyhappy hours in store for you. Young animals indicate the new things that are coming. Old animals as a whole are good luck.Wild animals of any kind means ungrasped opportunities. Asa whole, animals indicate coming opportunities; grasp them.
ANIMALS USED FOR WORK (7—Help from others)To dream of any animal which is used for work, such as thehorse, donkey, elephant or camel, indicates friendship.
ANNIVERSARY (2—You lament too much on past)To dream of an anniversary, yours or another's, indicates you are wasting time. After such a dream make a mental check ofyourself; concentrate and see if you are doing all you can.
ANNOYANCE (2—You take life too seriously)
To dream you are annoyed or you annoy someone else indicates this condition will arise. Be careful of your actions aftersuch a dream. If you are annoyed at what you hear, you will truly hear something that will annoy you.
ANTHEM (7—Loyal friends)
To dream you sing or hear a country's anthem indicatesrumors of war are imminent.
ANTIDOTE (7—False friends)
To dream you administer an antidote or take one yourself indicates that someone will talk about you, and you will makethem retract their lies.
ANTIQUES (7—A legacy coming)
To dream of antiques indicates a better living condition iscoming into your life—better times from past endeavors.
ANTISEPTIC (8—Retracted steps)
To dream you use same or apply it to someone else indicatesyou will be obliged to combat gossip.
ANTLERS (8—A trip to the country)
To dream of antlers of a wild animal indicates hard times andlost opportunities.
ANTS (9-Small bills to pay)
To dream of ants indicates petty gossip, trouble, worry, andsmall annoyances.
ANVIL (4—Good achievement near)
To dream of a blacksmith's anvil indicates through hard work you will achieve whatever you have set out to do. To see ananvil in use and sparks flying from same is the sign of abrighter future for you.
ANXIETY (8—Relaxation is needed)
To dream you are very anxious indicates there is somethingcoming soon that will make you so. This dream is a forerunner of anxiety of some kind.
APARTMENT (9—Suppressed desires)
To dream you occupy a nice apartment indicates contentment.To dream you are moving into a new apartment means you will have a mixed, unsettled mind for some time to come.
APE (4—Mockery)
To dream of an ape indicates that you should not imitateothers but do things in your own individual way.
APOLOGIZE (7—Be brave)
To dream you apologize to someone indicates you will be imposed upon. To apologize shows a weakness in your waking hours; curb this.
APOSTLE (7—A blessing for you)
To dream of one of the Apostles of the Bible indicates you willreceive a blessing from the Apostles if you will ask for it.
APPAREL (6—Good luck soon)
To dream you are beautifully dressed indicates good luck,good times. To be dressed in white is one of the best dreamsyou can have—white is excellent; red means love; blue meanscontentment to come; yellow means good luck in the future;brown means good work or position; black means sadness.The better you are dressed, the better the prosperity.
APPENDIX (8—You complain too much)
To dream of your appendix or someone else's indicates yourthoughts need changing; think always of good health.
APPLAUD (8—Something new for you)
To dream you applaud or someone applauds you indicatesyou will be chosen to do something that brings you before the public; or you get a better position—a better condition is indicated here.
APPLE (See Fruit)
APPRENTICE (8—You will do new work soon)
To dream you apprentice yourself to learn a trade indicatescoming opportunities.
APRICOT (See Fruit)
APRIL (2—Buying or selling, good)
To dream it is April indicates coming opportunities through something pertaining to the earth, such as agriculture, mining, oil, or land investments.
APRON (1—You should be neat, it pays)To dream of an apron indicates someone will try to cover up or hide something from you that you should really know. Bealert and find out something to your benefit.
AQUEDUCT (2—Money laid away for future)
To dream of a water supply indicates play is in store for you in
the future. Good luck will flow into your lap.
ARCH (3—You will visit a place of grandeur)To dream of a large archway indicates you will soon be inspired by a happening to do better work and greater things.
ARCHER (8—Aim high, you will succeed)To dream you take up this art or see someone who is an archerindicates you should try to improve your methods of doingwork. A lack of efficiency is indicated.
ARCHITECTURE (5—Big plans for the future)To dream you are an architect indicates your plans for the future are well founded. If you talk to one, it means you willplan with others to go on a pleasure trip. Beautiful buildingsmean a better future.
ARGUE (7—A dissatisfaction)
To dream you argue with someone indicates you will have anargument. To hear others argue means you will hear some thing you will disregard.
ARITHMETIC (7—A legal paper signed by you)To dream of figures indicates time. You should always try to remember the numbers you dream about as they represent thenumber of days when an important event will take place inyour life. If you try to figure up a column of numbers andcan't, it indicates much uncertainty around you.
ARM (5—Loving help)
To dream of arms, yours or someone else's, indicates the support of loyal friends. To lose an arm means you will lose afriend. A sore arm means you will hear of a sick friend.
ARMOR (2—Some one will scare you)
To dream of old-fashioned armor indicates time ill spent.
ARMY (3—You will be in a large crowd)
To dream of an army indicates confusion. To dream you are inthe army means there will be no change in your future welfarefor some time. For a woman to dream of a marching army indicates power over people, especially men. An army to business men indicates a smooth running organization.
AROMA (3—A good time in store)To dream of pleasant odors or perfume is a very happy omen.
ARREST (7—A past event annoys you)
To dream you are arrested is a warning that you should becareful and avoid being arrested; or something very annoyingwill happen.
ART, ARTIST (3—Hidden talent)
To dream you are an artist or are interested in art indicatesyou should develop your talents. They will finally makemoney for you if you desire. Sometimes a dead artist will contact a person during sleep, and he will help you. After such adrea cultivate any talent you have.
ART GALLERY (2—Refined friends)
To dream you visit an
ASH (1—A new future for you)
To dream of ashes indicates you should forget the past and start with new ideas, friends, etc. Ashes mean a finish ofsomething in your life.
ASPHALT (5—A sound prosperity)
To dream of asphalt or streets made of same indicates much hard work is in store for you and much progress is evident.Your views will broaden as you go along. A favorable dream.
ASSASSINATE (1—Scandalous news)
To dream of an assassination indicates a disaster near you or agreat scandal you will read about.
ASSAULT (3—An argument over a purchase)
To dream someone assaults you indicates you should be careful of an accident. To dream you hurt someone means youshould control your temper.
ASSEMBLY (6—You should be calm)
To dream you attend a large assembly indicates confusion.
ASTROLOGY (6—New study for you)
To dream of reading your horoscope or that you are interestedin astrology indicates that you should lay your plans now forthe future, and there is quite a distance for you to go before you reach the success you are after. Also you will find your life and work interesting.
ASYLUM (1—You will be called upon for advice)
To dream of an insane asylum indicates there are some peoplearound you who you think should be in one. Also some ideas you have are of no value. Be sure you are following work you like best after this dream.
ATHLETIC (6—You will garden if you have one)
To dream you like athletic activities indicates good health,
prosperity. This is a good dream.
ATMOSPHERE (3—You are dissatisfied)To dream of clean atmosphere indicates good times ahead.Foggy or murky weather means your affairs will be very uncertain. If you dream the atmosphere cleans up, good timeswill come after trouble.
ATTIC (1—Give and you shall receive)
To dream of an old attic indicates you should not neglect your
affairs. This dream indicates neglect of some kind.
ATTORNEY (1—You will sign legal papers)
To dream you employ an attorney or that you are studyinglaw or are an attorney, indicates a coming law suit.
AUCTION (2—You need to purchase something)To dream you attend an auction indicates you will get a bargain in something you buy. If you are holding the auction,you can look for some loss, worry, or a broken home. This indicates scattered forces.
AUDIENCE (8—To professional people a new contract)To dream you attend a show and there is a large audience indicates, if in business, good business. To a professional person,a large audience means wealth and popularity. A good dream.To other people it means pleasure to come.
AUGUST (9—An outing in the country)
To dream of the month of August indicates warm friendships
and many good times in store.
AUNT (2—Money received unexpected)To dream of an aunt indicates an inheritance.
To see an aurora indicates you should not be discouraged byfalse promises. Be careful what you hear, see, or do after thisdream.
AUTHOR (2—You should make future plans)To dream you are one or talk with an author is a good sign. Itmeans there is something you will do in the future that youwill accomplish through the reading of books. It indicates yourequire study
AUTOGRAPH (8—Visitors soon)
To dream someone wants your autograph indicates that youshould be careful of any papers you sign in the near future. Tolook through an autograph album means fond memories.
AUTOMAT (1—Food for thought soon)To dream you eat there indicates you may make a wrongmove and lower your living standards. Be careful after thisdream; it is not favorable.
AUTOMOBILE (5—Take things slowly)To dream you own one indicates coming success. To ride in one means hard work and few pleasures ahead. To wreck onemeans you should be careful of your affairs. There is a warning here for you; also means don't try to slide over your workor affairs; if you do you will lose out in the end.
AUTOPSY (9-You are discontented)
To dream you are present at an autopsy indicates you areeither following the wrong pursuit or are disgusted witheverything in general. An upset mental or physical conditionexists—discontent.
AUTUMN (6—New furniture or clothes)To dream of a beautiful autumn indicates the coming of prosperity and the disagreeable things have passed.
AVENGE (9—You need relaxation)
To dream you avenge some wrong indicates someone is anenemy to you.
AVIATOR (5—You will reach a high goal)To dream you are an aviator indicates you should be careful ifyou have a dangerous work. This is a warning of danger toyou. To dream of a famous aviator on a long, dangerous journey means you will escape a terrible accident.
AWAKEN (1—A bright idea comes to you)To dream you are awakened out of a sleep when you really arenot is a warning to attend to something in your waking hours,or of danger of some kind. Be careful.
AX (7—Sharp tradingor bargains)
To dream of an ax indicates sharp bargains will bring you success. To be cut with an ax means be careful what you sayabout others. An ax is not a favorable dream.
AXLE (6—A good dream)
To dream of an axle of any kind means support from others.
Oh! the perjury of men! I find that dreams do notalways go by contraries.
Henry Fielding
BABY (3—An upsetting condition)
To dream of a baby indicates financial worries and troubleand sadness. I hate to tell you this about a nice, sweet baby,but when I have something of great importance to decide and Iam bothered about a decision, a baby is ever present with mewhile I sleep.
BACHELOR (1—Selfishness near you)
To dream you are a bachelor or of one, means you should beware of becoming selfish. Also indicates loneliness.
BACK (8—A friend will return)
To dream of your back indicates you should watch thoseabout you. You will gain valuable information.
BADGER(I—A new purse or briefcase)
To dream you see a badger indicates loneliness.
BAG (1—You should save for the future)
To dream you have a bag full of something indicates plenty in
the future for you. If it is empty, there is loss.
BAGPIPE (2—A theatre party)
To dream you hear or play a bagpipe indicates you are wasting time or someone will talk so much to you that you will become tired—a blowhard.
BAIL (6—Some one will ask you for a loan)To dream of furnishing bail, or of securing bail for yourself,indicates you should use caution, as there is someone whowishes to use you for his own ends in a way which would becostly to you. This is not a good dream.
BAIT (5—Money, but handle wisely)
To dream of bait for fish of any kind indicates trickery. Beware of something being falsely represented after such adream.
BAKE, BAKERY (1—Pride in accomplishment)
To dream you are baking indicates you will achieve somethingsoon that you will be proud of. If your baking turns out badlydon't be disheartened in your waking hours; things will be inyour favor in the end. To dream of a large bakery indicates changes and prosperity.
BALL (9—A trip soon)
To dream you attend a ball indicates an invitation is coming your way. To dance with a nice partner while there means asea voyage—pleasure mixed with sadness.
BALLGAME (8—Retarded ambition)
To dream you play ball or attend a ballgame indicates life andenergy. You are wishing or you are seeking too muchpleasure.
BALLOON (2—A misrepresentation)
To dream of a balloon indicates honor bestowed upon you. Asurprise for you.
BAMBOO (3—This is a good dream)
To dream of bamboo is an indication of long life.
BANANA (6—A dinner party)
To dream of a banana or a banana plant indicates moneycoming to you.
BAND (3—You will attend a theatre)
To dream of a band indicates happiness. To dream you play ina band indicates many opportunities will come to you. This is a good dream.
BANDAGE (9—You see freedom from boredom)
To dream of a bandage indicates that you will be suppressed inwhat you want to do. This is not a very good dream.
BANDIT (5—Caution should be used)
To dream of a bandit indicates that you should beware ofthieves.
BANK (1—Security in old age)
To dream of a bank or anything or person pertaining to a
bank indicates future prosperity.
BANKRUPT (4—You need new lines if in business)
To dream you go into bankruptcy, or your business is failing,if this should be a true condition, indicates you should not actimpulsively in disposing of your business, as time will take care of the situation. To dream of bankruptcy when your business is in good condition indicates that some people bear watching.
BANQUET (8—Business deal at mealtime)
To dream of a banquet indicates if the food is good and youenjoy yourself that you will have prosperity for some time to come. If you are disappointed in the banquet, what you have planned will not materialize up to your expectations.
BAPTIZE (7—A blessing from heaven)
To dream that you are baptized or you witness a baptism indicates that you will tell someone that you are going to washyour hands of some business deal. The turning of a new leaf in your life is indicated.
BARBER (1—A new venture)
To dream you are a barber indicates that you will have to dosome work or a favor for someone whom you dislike. Todream you are being barbered for a special occasion indicatesthat, if single, you will be married; if married, you will attenda wedding.
BARN (8—Plenty of work in store)
A barn full of hay indicates abundance. Also see Barn underHorse.
BARREL (2—Fun and laughter)
To dream of a barrel, if full, indicates plenty in store for you.An empty barrel indicates you will have to hustle to makeends meet.
BASKET (4—A friendly gathering)
To dream of a market basket indicates plenty through thrift.Fancy baskets, like a sewing basket, indicate pleasure andwork combined.
BAT (5—A good dream)
To dream of a bat is good luck. To kill a bat in a dream is badluck.
BATH (4—A good dream)
To dream of bathing in the bath tub indicates the closing ofold undertakings and the beginning of new ones. To bathe in abeautiful clear river or large body of water of any kind indicates new opportunities, new prosperities. This is a very gooddream.
BATTLE (6—This is not a good dream)
To dream of seeing or participating in a battle indicates rumors of war.
BAY (1—Change and a trip)
To dream of a beautiful bay indicates prosperity is in store.
With ships sailing on same means many trips and changes for you. If the waves are rough, many ups and downs are in storefor you. A very full life is indicated on the whole. A gooddream.
BEACH (1—Summer pleasure)
To dream of a beautiful clean beach indicates pleasure and prosperity. With the waves gently rolling in, new opportunities will come to you in abundance. If the waves and ocean arerough, some of the opportunities will be difficult to handle. If the beach is dirty, it means hard work and struggle before youfinally reach success.
BEACON (4—A spiritual help)
To dream of a beacon that guides the ships or airplanes indicates a ray of hope guides you.
BEADS (4—Love and friends)
To dream of stringing beautifully colored beads indicatesvaried tedious small tasks will confront you. To pray therosary beads means a blessing.
BEANS (5—You should change your thoughts)
To dream of a bean field, or of gathering, cooking or eatingbeans indicates hard times for the dreamer.
BEAR (8—A good dream)
A bear indicates a new friend to be made.
BEAVER (8—A new coat for you)Indicates the purchase or a gift of a new fur piece.
BED (2—A wedding or birth)
To dream of a beautifully made bed indicates harmony. Beautiful bed covers indicate hope. A beautiful bedroom means a change for the better in the future. A beautiful bedset with spacious drawers in the dresser indicates plenty coming your way. A beautiful bedroom is a good dream. A dirty, poor bedindicates your lot will be hard for some time. A poor bedroommeans poor management.
BEDBUG (5—A loan paid)
To dream there is a bedbug in your bed indicates that a changeis needed badly in your life. To kill bedbugs means you will overcome obstacles and profit by same.
BEE (3-Money)
To dream of the busy, little bee is an indication that youshould apply yourself diligently. The more bees the more prosperity is in store for you.
BEER (3—Not to plan more than you can do)
To dream of drinking beer indicates you should beware ofreckless waste.
BEGGAR (8-Waste)
To dream of a beggar indicates loss. Be careful of your purseafter this dream.
To dream you hear a bell ring indicates danger. Wedding bellsmean happiness. Church bells indicate a blessing.
BERRIES (4—Work and money)
To dream of gathering berries indicates tedious work ahead.
To eat berries indicates coming luxury.
BETRAY (8—A friendly enemy, jealousy)To dream that someone betrays you or your confidence indicates this will take place. Beware of the one if you know the party you dreamed betrayed you.
BETTING (5—Do not waste)
To dream of betting indicates that "willful waste makeswoeful want."
BIBLE (3—You need spiritual help)
To dream of the Bible, especially if you read it, indicates ablessing bestowed upon you. A good dream.
BICYCLE (5—Slowly but surely success)
To dream you are riding a bicycle indicates health and plentyof hard work are in store for you.
BILL (8—Slowly but surely you will succeed)
To dream you owe a bill or you worry about a bill indicatesyou should concentrate and clear up the worried conditionthat surrounds you. To pay a bill indicates you will finish a hard task.
BILLBOARD (3—A new popular friend)
To dream of a billboard or the advertising thereon indicatespopularity coming your way. Be pleasant to everybody.
BILLIARDS (5—Want through pleasure)
To dream of playing billiards is a warning not to waste yourtime.
BIN (7—Money through thrift)
To dream of a bin filled with whatever it is supposed to contain indicates an inheritance. If the bin is empty, you will be disappointed in the amount of an inheritance you receive.
BIRD, BIRD'S NEST (6-Good luck and money)
To dream of a beautiful bird of any kind is a good news omen.
BIRTH (3—A new position)
To dream of a birth indicates new opportunities.
BIRTHDAY (6-Time well spent)
To dream it is your birthday indicates you will receive a gift.
To dream of someone else's birthday indicates you will have agift.
BISHOP (7—Solace from friends)
To dream of a bishop indicates you will be called upon to givealms.
BLACKBOARD (6—A spiritual message soon)
To dream you write, or see writing, on a blackboard indicatesthat something hidden will be made known to you.
BLADDER (1—You will hear exaggerated opinions)
To dream of a bladder, yours or another's, indicates annoying inflated ideas. Don't take stock in what you hear in the nextweek.
BLIND (5—You will investigate a new deal)To dream of window blinds indicates hidden secrets that youwill find out. To dream of a blind person indicates you will be called upon for sympathy. To dream you are blind you will bedeceived in business or a love affair.
BLOOD (3—An injury, be careful):
To dream of blood indicates sickness. Be careful after this
dream; watch your health.
BLUSH (8—If single, a new love affair)
To dream you see someone blush indicates purity of heart. Ifyou blush, you will be esteemed by others.
BOAST (3—Be careful in conversation)
To dream you hear someone boast or you are boasting yourself indicates false hopes.
BOAT (2—Smooth sailing, with plenty to do)
T o dream you own a boat or go boating, indicates you willattend a picnic.
BODY (1—Good health and happiness)
To dream you have a good strong body indicates you will beblessed.
BOILS (3—Select your food carefully)
This indicates money and sickness.
BOMB (5—Disturbing vibration around you, relax)To dream of a bomb indicates war.
BOOK (7—Take up a new hobby, it will pay)
To dream you see many books or are reading books indicatesyou need knowledge in whatever you are doing.
BOOTS (8—A trip will be offered)
BORROW (6—You will be delayed)
To dream you borrow money indicates a loss. For someone toborrow from you indicates the loss of a friend. To borrow atall is a poor sign.
BOTTLE (2—Good luck in store from past efforts) To dream of fancy bottles means happiness. Bottles full of perfume indicate luxury and prosperity. Ordinary or commercialbottles indicate that many services will be rendered you.
BOUQUET (2—Happy days ahead)
To dream you receive a bouquet of flowers, if single, means aproposal; if married, an invitation to the theatre.
BOWLING (9—Hard work to achieve)
To dream you are bowling or in a bowling alley indicates aswift completion of what you are doing if all the pins falldown. If a few stand up, you will have just than many obstacles to overcome before you reach success.
BOX (5—Abundant future)
To dream of receiving a box indicates coming presents. Abeautiful box, new clothing.
BRACELET (See Jewels)BREAD (See Baking)
BREATH (9—Do not let others dominate you)To dream that it is difficult for you to get your breath indicates adversity.
BREWERY (6-A good dream)
To dream of a brewery indicates money.
BRIDE (2—See wedding, a good omen)
To dream you are a bride indicates much happiness is in storefor you. To wear the dress of a bride means good luck andsocial honor will be bestowed upon you. This is a good dream.
BRIDGE (9—Look forward, you will win)To dream you cross a bridge, no matter if it is rickety, narrow,or long, and you reach the other side safely indicates a complete change in your life and affairs. If the bridge breaks downor you turn back, it means trouble.
BRONZE (8—You will buy a lasting object)
To dream of bronze, any object, indicates wealth coming yourway.
BROOM (9—Evil thoughts from others)To dream that you sweep with a broom indicates worry and trouble and gossip, petty jealousies; but in the end you willsweep them all up and get rid of them.
BROTHER (4—Friendly help from others)
To dream of your brother indicates support from your family.
BUCKET (7—The fulfillment of a hope)
To dream of a bucket of clear water indicates health. A fullbucket of anything else indicates gains.
BUDDHA (4-Spiritual help)
To dream of a Buddha indicates wealth, health, and happiness. To dream of a broken Buddha indicates a death of aclose relative or someone you love dearly.
BUGGY (8—A good dream)
To dream of an old-fashioned buggy indicates prosperity willcome slowly but surely.
BUGS (4—In an orchard, plentiful harvest)To dream of bugs indicates petty annoyances.
BUNTING (5—You will attend a picnic, celebration)
To dream of bunting indicates patriotism.
BUOY (9—Care in travel)
To dream of a buoy indicates you should take great care inyour business dealings, your work, or in anything you do during the next week.
BURDEN (1—Check your attitude towards work)To dream you are loaded down with a burden of some kind in dicates over-work or sickness.
BURGLAR (See Thief)
BURR (5—A severed friendship for the best)
To dream you have a burr in your clothes, thorns or stickers
of any kind, indicates unpleasant visitors.
BUSINESS (9—Prosperity ahead)
To dream of business or that you are full of business indicatesthat if you hold the thought of business in your waking hours, good business or work will come your way.
BUTCHER (5—Tears will fall)
To dream of a butcher indicates sadness.
BUTTERFLY (5—New gay clothing for you)
To dream of a beautiful butterfly indicates you will receive abeautiful gift.
BUZZARD (8—The clearing up of a bad situation)
To dream of a buzzard indicates you will be forced to havedealings with a miserly, common person. This party will positively aggravate you.
A Friday night's dream on the Saturday told, Is sure to come true be it never so old.
William Hone
CABIN (2—Be more aggressive and win)To dream of a nice cabin in the mountains indicates promotion in your work or successful business. To dream that your home is an old run-down cabin is a warning for you to makemore effort so you can obtain the better things that are herefor you.
CABLE (5—Hard work and good health for you)To dream of a strong cable supporting any large object indicates that you will have the support of loyal staunch friends.
CACTUS (4—Do not argue or fight)
To dream of a cactus indicates you will have a strong enemy.
This is not a good dream.
CAGE (7—Unleash yourself and go forward) To dream you are imprisoned in a cage indicates you are usinglimited thoughts. Birds imprisoned in a cage indicate delayednews. Wild animals in a cage represent ungrasped opportunities and you are not acquiring the worldly possessions that are here for you.
CAKE (See Bake)
CALENDAR (4—A good dream)
To dream of a calendar, with one month more prominent thanthe rest, indicates that something very fortunate will take place in that month. To dream that you consult a calendar andyou remember the date indicated, something will take place on that date that is very important to you.
CALF (See Animal)
CALL (1—Some one in the spirit world is helping you)To dream you hear someone calling your name, if the party is dead that is calling you, indicates they want to commune withyou and are trying to do so. To hear someone who is alivecalling your name indicates hasty news. To have someone call on you indicates an invitation. For you to pay a call indicatesyou will have a party at your home and send out invitations.
CAMEL (See Animals)
CAMERA (5—Plan for the future)
To dream you own a camera indicates travel. Taking pictures indicates that the things you are doing at the present time willplay an important part in building your future. To dream of taking pictures of landscapes indicates that at some time in your life you will own a farm. Taking pictures of your friends indicates they are thinking of you.
CAMEO (1—You will study ancient history)To dream of a beautifully carved cameo or silhouette indicatesa new admirer, if single; a lovely new friendship is indicated for married people.
CAMP (5—Rugged work in store for you)
To dream you are camping indicates good health in the future.
CAMPUS (1—Studio or a hobby soon)
To dream of a beautiful campus indicates that the knowledgeyou have gained in the past will be of great benefit to your future success.
CAN (9—A dinner party postponed)
To dream of a can, like the can used for preserving foods, indicates a small gift is coming to you. The more cans, the betterthe gift will be.
CANCER (8—A gift of a twining plant)
To dream you or someone else is afflicted with cancer indicates there are damaging thoughts about you. Concentrate toclear this up.
CANDLE (3—Kind words will be spoken to you)To dream of the soft light of a candle indicates future contentment and happiness.
CANDY (2—A happy drive in the country)To dream of candy indicates flattery. To lovers it means pleas ant hours together.
CANE (5—Cooperate with others)
To dream you walk with a cane indicates you are dependingtoo much on someone else. To dream you discard a canemeans a more independent and better future is in store foryou.
CANOPY (2—Pleasure and laughter)
To dream of a canopy indicates happy days and much comfort are in store for you. To dream of a covered wagon means hard times are ahead of you.
CANTEEN (7—The fulfillment of a hope)To dream you use a canteen containing a good supply of waterindicates future success. An empty canteen means many obstacles are ahead of you.
CAPTAIN (8—Not a good dream)
To dream of a captain on board ship indicates a coming seavoyage. To dream of a captain in the army indicates servitude and rumors of war.
CARAVAN (4—A slow move indicated)To dream you are a part of a caravan or see a caravan indicates through striving for something new or trying to make achange you will meet with confusion. This is not a gooddream unless it is an elegant, well-appointed and well-directedoutfit; then it means you will join with others in a large project, whereby you will meet with success and profit.
CARDS (9—Relax and concentrate on what you want)
To dream you play cards indicates new opportunities will bepresented to you. To tell your fortune by cards indicates there is something of importance you want to know and by right concentration you will find this out.
CARNIVAL (8—a gift of a glass object)
To dream that you attend a carnival indicates that you willcome before the public in the future in no uncertain way. Thisis a good dream.
CARPENTER (3—You should buy a home or build one)
To dream of a carpenter indicates you will succeed in ridding
your mind of petty worries.
CARPET (9—Comfort to come)
To dream of a luxurious carpet or rug indicates long life, comfort, and financial gains in the future. A ragged, dirty carpet is a warning that carelessness may cause a great disaster in your life, financially and otherwise.
CARTOON (5—Do not believe all you hear)To dream you enjoy a cartoon in the newspaper indicates youshould cultivate your sense of humor, and it will better yourfuture success.
CASH (4—Investigate a new way to earn money)
To dream of cash, a cash box, or a cashier, indicates comingdanger. Be careful after such a dream.
CASTLE (6—A new home indicated)
To dream you see an old castle in the distance indicates you should not cultivate morbid desires. A beautiful
CAT (6—Be careful in handling a sharp object)
To dream of a cat or kitten indicates someone you trust is nottrustworthy and this party will take advantage of you the first time an opportunity presents itself. This is not a good omen.
CATACOMBS (5—You will attend a funeral)
To dream that you visit the old catacombs in
CATALOGUE (4—A shopping trip soon)To dream you look through a catalogue indicates that manyopportunities are coming your way. If nothing attracts yourinterest while looking through it, you will blindly pass upthese opportunities.
CATTLE AND SHEEP (7—a good dream)
A dream about cattle or sheep is a good omen. A herd ofgood, fat cattle, sheep or goats indicates money, entertainment and travel. There is no better dream than a green fieldfull of fat cattle. But if the animals are poor and sick, look outfor loss of fortune and sickness.
CAVALRY (1—Horses are always good luck)
To dream of cavalry indicates that special protection surrounds you in time of need.
CAVE (4—Protection in time of danger)
To dream of a cave indicates deceit. Something is being keptfrom you which you should know.
CEMENT (6—Plan a solid foundation for the future)
To dream of cement in any form indicates in the near futurethat you will meet with some hard, cold facts that will be difficult for you to decipher.
CEMETERY (4—Follow your next bunch)
To dream you visit a cemetery indicates that someone whohas passed on is trying to communicate with you. After this dream, relax upon retiring so this party may contact you.
CHAIN (8—Be more flexible in your opinion)
To dream of a chain of any kind indicates endless worries. Thelarger the chain, the greater the worry.
CHAIR (3—Comfort in old age)
To dream of a chair indicates financial, moral, or spiritualsupport in time of need. This is a good dream.
CHAIRMAN (4—Honor to a close friends)To dream you are made chairman of an organization, committee or meeting, indicates order, and also indicates that you should not waste your time.
CHALK (8—Forget the past, tomorrow is golden)
To dream you see or write with chalk indicates great hopesyou are holding will materialize into nothing.
CHAMPION (7—Praise from loyal friends)To dream of a champion or that you are a champion indicates that something you will do in the future will be more successful than you expected.
CHARIOT (2—You will meet a famous person)
To dream you see an old fashioned chariot with beautifulhorses indicates that you will profit by your old-fashionedideas. This is a good dream.
CHEAT (1—Be careful of a stranger—soon)To dream you are cheated or are cheating someone indicates you are either careless or courting danger. A warning of careis indicated here.
CHECK (3—You will receive a loan)
To dream you receive a check indicates you should be carefulof false promises.
CHECKERS (9—Money from many sources)
To dream you are playing checkers or see checkers indicatesmany new friends.
CHERRIES (4—A good dream)
To dream of picking or eating cherries indicates gain.
CHESS (9—A card party invitation)
To dream of playing chess indicates you are wasting yourtime.
CHESTNUTS (3—A gift of fruit or candy)
To dream of chestnuts indicates some hard problems to besolved.
CHILDREN (1—You will hear of a birth)To dream of children indicates worry.
CHIMES (3—A blessing from Heaven)
To dream of hearing beautiful chimes indicates harmonious days ahead.
CHIMNEY (2—A family gathering soon)To dream of a high chimney indicates you will aspire to greatthings in this world. A chimney and a fireplace in a home in dicate domestic contentment in the future.
CHIN (7—Do not be selfish)
To dream of a strong chin indicates strength of character andgood health. To dream you are displeased with your chinmeans ill health.
CHOCOLATE (1—If single, a new admirer)
To dream you eat or drink chocolate indicates flattery fromthe opposite sex.
CHOIR (8—You will attend a christening)
To dream of a choir, or of singing in a choir, indicates happydays and blessings ahead.
CHOKE (6—Do not listen to petty gossip)To dream that you are choking or that you choke someone indicates you know secrets that someone is afraid you willreveal.
CHRIST (5—Divine love for you)
To dream of Christ or of His picture indicates that you areblessed. This is one of the best dreams that anyone couldhave, for your spirit to see or contact the Almighty Being. His spirit is seldom seen or contacted.
CHURCH (7—A wonderful dream)
To dream of a church indicates good luck and happiness are instore for you. To dream you enter a church filled withgrandeur means you will be inspired to greater achievementsin life. To attend a church wedding indicates that you will beesteemed through your ways of administering justice toothers. To attend a funeral at a church indicates the passing ofworry and trouble and hardships. To dream of a church oranything pertaining to it is a good dream.
CHRYSANTHEMUM (9—A good dream)To dream of this flower indicates long life.
CHRISTMAS (9—a spiritual blessing)
To dream of Christmas indicates mixed joy and sadness. Alsoa family reunion.
CIGAR (See Tobacco)
CISTERN (7—Look forward, not down)
To dream of a cistern indicates doubtful days ahead.
CITY (3—You will work with a large organization)To dream you are in a large city means a confused state ofmind. Also it indicates a change of some kind. Concentrate so that you will do the right thing at the right time.
CLAMS (3—Be more generous with yourself)
To dream of a clam indicates that you should not be stingy orself-denying; there is plenty here for all of us.
CLAIRVOYANT (5—You should listen to good advice)To dream that you visit a clairvoyant indicates that there is actual contact with the clairvoyant while you slept and youshould pay attention to the message received.
CLAY (5—You will buy or sell pottery or glass)To dream of clay indicates the receipt of money.
CLIMBING (6—Do not listen to nagging people)
To dream of climbing a ladder indicates hard work in store.Climbing a hill and reaching the top indicates hard work withprosperity to follow. To dream of climbing but failing to reachthe top indicates the frustration of your plans, or that a re tarding condition exists.
CLOCK (8—A big surprise for you)
To dream someone gives you a clock indicates a time will beset soon for some important event in your life; to a single person, a proposal. A clock also indicates slander.
CLOTHING (7—A door closes, another opens for you) To buy a new dress, coat or hat or anything new in the line ofclothing indicates happiness, prosperity and honor. To dreamof ragged clothes, or that you are ashamed of your clothes, indicates that you should guard against a slovenly attitude toward life in general.
CLOUDS (2—You will go to a funeral)
This dream indicates mourning.
CLOVER (See Hay)
CLUB (2—Much ado about nothing)
For a woman to dream she is very busy with club meetings indicates her attention is needed in her home. For a man todream of his club indicates loneliness. To form a club indicatesyou should keep your nose out of other people's business. To dream you attend club meetings indicates a dinner party.
COACH (3—A new business deal soon. Change.)
To dream you travel in a stage coach indicates retarded progress; in a beautiful railroad coach or bus, you are on the rightroad to prosperity.
COAL (4—Plenty indicated)
To dream you see coal indicates plenty in the future and manywarm friends.
COAT (See Clothing)
COBWEBS (6—A young person, a new sweetheart)
To dream you see cobwebs is a warning to stay clear of the entanglements of others. Choose your company very carefullyand the places you go.
COCOANUT (7—You will face hard facts gracefully)To dream of a cocoanut indicates difficulties.
COFFEE (4—Good health indicated)
To dream you are drinking coffee or see it or smell the aroma of coffee indicates disappointment and deceit from an unexpected source. This is not a good dream.
COFFIN (8—A death in the neighborhood)
To dream that you select a coffin for someone you know indicates this party may fill a coffin before long. Also to see a coffin indicates that there is an emptiness in your life.
COLLAPSE (2—Look after your own business first)
To dream you see some object collapse indicates that youshould attend to your own affairs and leave others alone.
COLLEGE (5—Take up a hobby, it will pay)
To dream you are entering college indicates new investments,new enterprise, new opportunities are in store of you.
COMEDY (See Theatre)
COMET (See Star)
COMMITTEE (2—Work and no gain, charity)To dream of a committee or that you are placed on a committee indicates you will be called upon to give advice to others.
COMMUNION (9—A blessing comes to you)
To dream you make your first communion indicates that greathappiness is in store for you.
COMPANY (6—You need a vacation)
To dream you have much company indicates popularity in thefuture. To dream that your company hinders or annoys you means you are blasé.
COMPASS (5—A goal will be reached by you)To dream of a compass indicates that you are longing to makea trip. By the right concentration and planning you will ac complish your desire. This is a good dream.
CONCERT (5—You will go to a ball)
To dream you attend a concert or hear good music indicatesan invitation to a very brilliant affair.
CONFETTI (2—If single, a proposal)
To dream of confetti indicates an invitation to an outdoordance or a skating rink.
CONSCIENCE (9—The finish of an unpleasant task)
To dream that your conscience hurts you indicates, if youhave done something that is not right in your waking hours,you should not let the sun set until you have righted thiswrong.
CONTRACT (4—You will sign a legal paper)To dream you contract to buy something or sign a contract indicates you should use great caution regarding any paper youmay sign. This is a warning that care should be taken in thismatter.
CONVENT (3-Study the Bible)
To dream ofa convent indicates you will meet a refined, cultured person and will benefit by being in their company. Todream you enter a convent as a nun means you should bemore religious or study spiritual subjects.
CONVENTION (5—You will be in the limelight)
To dream of a convention indicates happiness, a meeting withan old friend, a family reunion, or that you will take part insomething where there is a large gathering of people. To dream of attending a convention indicates good business,work and honor in store for you, or the settlement of a per plexing problem.
CONVICT, CONVICTED (5—Ignore gossip you hear)To dream you are a convict indicates that there is somethingin your past which worries your conscience. To dream you arefreed indicates that you will be freed from this worry. To dream that you have been wrongfully convicted indicates thatyou are afraid of what people may say about you.
COOK (8—A good dream)
To dream you are cooking indicates your past endeavors will have something to do in forming your future. The more cooking and fussing you do indicates the more you will have tosolder your past forces together to benefit your future.
CORN, CORNMEAL (5—Rich living ahead)
To dream of corn or corn meal indicates coming money.
CORN FIELD (5—Unexpected money)
To dream of a green corn field indicates that your endeavorswill ripen into money.
CORNS ON TOES (3—You will buy new shoes)To dream you have corns or callouses indicates retarded progress or that you will be taken advantage of by a friend orsomeone in your near family. This is not a good dream.
CORSET (3—Change your style of dress)To dream of a corset indicates you are surrounded by limitedthoughts and suppressed in your desires. To dream youdiscard a corset means you will overcome such a condition.
COSMETIC(6 —You will meet a dainty person)
To dream of cosmetics indicates that you should try to expressbeauty in everything you do. This will be to your advantage.
COTTON (6—Future stability)
To dream of fields of cotton indicates plenty. Cotton clothingindicates comfort and stability.
COUNTRY (8—Expansion in affairs needed)
To dream you are in the country and enjoying yourself indicates a change in your affairs or a move.
COURT (5—Be careful if you sign a paper)
To dream you are in a court at law indicates trials and tribulations are before you. Be careful of everything you do aftersuch a dream, as you truly may end up in a real court. This isnot a good dream.
COUSIN (9—You will give a present)
To dream of your cousin indicates financial burdens.
COW (See Cattle)
COWARD (1—Deceit is evident)
To dream you encounter a coward indicates you should havestrength in your waking hours, as someone may harm youwithout your knowledge.
CRACK (9—A break in life for the better) To dream of a large crack in a wall, the ground, or in a dish indicates a separation and a break coming in your life. If youmend a broken dish you will take up an old issue where youleft off or recover something that is rightfully yours.
CRADLE (7—If a housewife, house cleaning)
To dream of a cradle indicates many cares in the future.
CREDIT (5—A good dream)
To dream you ask for credit and it is refused indicates you will be snubbed by someone you meet in the near future. To dreamyou have credit, or credit is offered you, indicates you are laying a substantial foundation for the future.
CREMATE (2—A debt paid)
To dream of a cremation foretells the termination of something that has been worrying you.
CREPE (2—Need of a gayer dress)
To see crepe hanging on a door indicates a death in the immediate neighborhood. To wear crepe indicates you will shedtears.
CRICKET (6—You will hear the sound of money)
To hear a cricket in a dream is a forerunner of good luck.
CRIMINAL (7—Do not lament over the past)
To dream you are a criminal is a warning against an accident. To associate with criminals indicates you should choose yourfriends wisely.
CRIPPLE (7—Change your outlook on life)
To dream of a deformed or crippled person or to dream thatyou are crippled indicates that something or someone is tryingto retard your progress. After this dream be on the alert forany unexpected condition that may arise. This dream is always a warning that something is not right.
CROCHET (See Sewing)
To dream you crochet or see someone else crochet indicatesthat you should be careful that you do not become entangledin petty gossip and neighborhood scandals.
CROCKERY (See Dishes)
CROQUET (8—If single and young, don't be too retiring)For a young girl to dream she plays croquet indicates she might become an old maid. To dream of playing croquet indicates you should use more up-to-date methods in your business.
CROSS (2—A blessing is corning)
To dream of a cross of any kind indicates faith. Also meansvictory over your trials and tribulations in this life.
CROSS ROADS (5—You will make a wise decision)To dream of cross roads indicates you will be undecided in amatter in the near future where two propositions will be offered at once. This is a good dream.
CROW (See Bird)
CROWD (9—If in business, great demands on you)To dream of being in a crowd where there is pushing andshoving indicates hard work in the future, or a struggle to accomplish something that is important to you.
CROWN (1—This is a good dream)
To dream that you admire a beautiful crown indicates comingpower over others. To wear a beautiful crown means great happiness in store for you.
CRUTCHES (7—Expand your views on life)To dream of using crutches indicates that you are the kind ofperson who depends on others to do for you what you shoulddo for yourself. If you are ill and dream of using crutches, the dream indicates that you will have a speedy recovery.
CRY (1—Your pent-up emotions need releasing, laugh)
To dream that you cry or see others crying indicates that youwill feel badly or cry about something.
To dream you look at crystal dishes, a crystal ball, oranything that is beautifully transparent indicates that you willmake very fortunate decisions on any business propositionthat is presented soon; or you will be very capable in the tasksset before you. You should hold a clear, direct thought onwhat you want after this dream.
CUPBOARD (8—A kitchen shopping trip)To dream your cupboard is clean and well stocked indicatesyou will be well taken care of in your old age. To dream of acupboard filled with beautiful dishes indicates that you willdo much entertaining in the near future.
CUPID (8—If single, a proposal)
To dream of cupid indicates that someone will bestow much love upon you.
CURSE (3—You will meet a disquieting person)To dream you hear someone curse or place a curse on someone indicates you will meet or contact something very distasteful soon.
CURTAIN (5—A change needed)
To dream of curtains indicates that you should not be toohospitable. Ragged curtains indicate slander.
CUSTOM HOUSE (1—An unjust bill will be presented)
To dream you have your luggage passed through the customswithout trouble indicates a long trip by water for you. Todream you have trouble with customs indicates difficulty on atrip or in shipping merchandise. Be careful about shipping after such a dream.
CUT (8—Plan well ahead and go ahead)
To dream you cut your hand or person indicates someone will expose a secret you have. To cut out a dress or a pattern indicates through planning you will make your future a success.
"And the angel of God spake unto me in a dream, saying 'Jacob': And I said 'Here I am.'"
Gen. xxxi,
DAIRY (See Milk)
DAMAGE (4—Avoid an accident, careful)To dream that you see or damage something yourself is a warning that something around you is not right. Use careafter such a dream.
DANCE (9—If single, a trip with a new admirer)
To dream you dance indicates you will handle coming careslightly. To dance with beautiful new shoes indicates a seavoyage. Dancing is a very good dream.
DANDELION (See Flower)
DANGER (4—Avoid hostile people)
To dream of danger warns you to be careful in your wakinghours.
DARKNESS (1—Plan your affairs better)To dream of darkness indicates that you should guard againstdoing things blindly without due consideration. Also youshould look out for slander. There is something hidden fromyou, you should know. Stop, look and listen!
To dream of a beautiful day indicates happiness; a rainy day,sadness.
DEATH (See Funeral)
To dream of a death in your immediate family indicates unnecessary worry on your part. To dream you see someoneelse indicates that you really have.
DEBT (4—Security established, honor)
To dream of bills you owe indicates they will be paid. Todream you are in debt when you are not indicates you shouldnot worry, but should have confidence, and the future will bewell taken care of.
DECEIVE (7—Be careful of new acquaintance)
To dream you are deceived indicates you should be on yourguard to prevent this.
DECEMBER (1-A big change)
To dream of the month of December indicates a happy changecoming into your life by the next December.
DECORATING (4—A better condition ahead)To dream you are decorating, remodeling, or reclaiminganything is a wonderful dream. It indicates prosperity, money, and you will enjoy the better things of life.
DEED (9—You will buy or sell something)To dream you do a good deed indicates you will have a gooddeed done unto you without your knowledge. A deed to property indicates prosperity and a fulfillment of a wish, worldlygains.
DEER (5—Love, if single)
To dream of this graceful, beautiful little animal indicatessomeone will bestow great love upon you.
DEFEND (2—You will give to charity)
To dream you defend yourself or someone else indicates afavor returned when you need it the most. To defend anothermeans you will have to doa favor
DELAY (2—You will have a disappointment)
To dream of missing a train, boat, bus or plane, or you arehaving great difficulty in packing, dressing, or preparing for atrip, or are frustrated in any way, indicates that you will beprovidentially prevented from doing something that wouldbring you harm.
DERRICK (5—You will buy stock)
To dream of a derrick indicates that you will build great hopesfor some undertaking or project.
DESERT (8—You need more sunshine)
To dream of being in a dry burning desert indicates that it willbe a long time before you will make any money. To dream ofvegetation flourishing in the desert indicates that you willstart with little and make much.
DESK (3—Answer letter, some on waits news)To dream you have a desk loaded with papers indicates scattered energy in the wrong direction. To dream you have aclear desk means you will finish a task you set out to do, andyou will benefit much by the same.
DEVIL (7—You will meet a devilish old person)
To dream of the devil, which we all know is a myth, indicates a warning that you should choose your company wisely. Thisis not a good dream.
DIAL (8—Go in and win, try)
To dream of a sun-dial or the dial on the face of a clock indicates that it is trying to warn you that you are wasting valuable time.
DIAMOND (3-See Jewels)
DIARY (3—Some one is watching you)
To dream of keeping a diary or reading a diary indicates thatin the future someone or something will force you to give anaccount of your time.
DICE (3—Be careful)
To dream of throwing dice indicates many changes are in storefor you. Good luck and bad luck mixed.
DICTIONARY (1—You will study a hobby)To dream you consult a dictionary or see one indicates youshould take stock of everything around you as there is something you should know about.
DICTAPHONE (5—Listen, make your own decision) To dream of a dictaphone indicates you find out someone's secrets, much to their dislike.
DIET (2—Spend time outdoors, get sunshine)
To dream that you are on a diet indicates ill health.
DIRT (6—Clear your mind of old ideal)
To dream things around you or something is dirty indicatesthat you will be very disgusted with something that happensafter this dream. To dream you are cleaning a dirty place indicates the fulfillment of some desire.
DIFFICULT (See Delay)DIGGING (See Shovel)
DISASTER (5—Be careful if you drive)
To dream of some great disaster indicates that this is a forerunner of some disaster.
DISEASE (9—Unwarranted worry; stop this)
To dream that you have a disease indicates that you shouldtake care of your health.
DISGRACE (2—You will hear gossip)
To dream that you are disgraced or disgrace of any kind indicates you should pick your company wisely, as this is not agood dream.
DISHES (See Cupboard)
DISROBE (9—New clothing or toilet articles)
To dream that you disrobe indicates that you will discover thereal facts of something you want to know.
DIVE (4—A new business venture)
To dream you dive or see diving indicates you will plunge blindly into business or investments. If you see the diverswimming after the dive, the investments will be successful.
DIVORCE (4—Do not worry; cheer up)
To dream of a divorce indicates that care should be taken toprevent a loss or a separation. This is not a good dream.
DOCTOR (3—Solace from a professional person)
To dream of a doctor indicates you will receive assistancefrom a source you least expect in time of need.
DOG (8—A good dream)
To dream of a dog, inasmuch as this animal is the most highlydeveloped spiritually, is a warning or prophecy of some kind.
These animals indicate friends or foes. To dream a dog lovesyou indicates love from your family or friends. To dream theysnarl at or bite you indicates they are trying to warn you of enemies or approaching danger. A sick dog means sickness toa friend or yourself. Try to place your interpretation regarding a dream of a dog so that you can place yourself as beingthe recipient of a message. To dream of a dog indicates good.
DOLL (7—A new ornament for you)
To dream of a beautifully dressed doll indicates happy daysare ahead of you. A broken or dirty doll means the loss of a valuable.
DOOR (7—Look into a new proposition soon)To dream of an open door indicates you will receive a wel come from someone you least expect. A closed door indicatesyou will be an unwelcome guest and you will find out manysecrets to your advantage.
DOVE (See Birds)
DRAGON (5—If in theatrical world—fame)
To dream you see a large dragon or any prehistoric or mythical animal is an indication of good luck. It also implies that you should endeavor to write your name in the sands of time.This is an encouraging and a good dream.
DRESS (See Clothing)
DRILL (1—Be true to yourself)
To dream you are drilling, or watching a drill working indicates that you should use strength and skill in your wakingmoments to cope with the things and work you have to do.This dream indicates that you should show strength in allmatters of life.
DROUTH (5—Be careful of a burn)
To dream of a drouth indicates war, pestilence and plagues.
DROWNING (3—Watch your cigarettes)
To dream that you are drowning or that you see anotherdrown is a warning that you should beware of fire.
DRUGS (6—You will visit a sick person)
To dream of drugs, herbs, or anything used in making drugsindicates that you will be called upon to nurse someone.
DRUM (2—If you drive a car, watch traffic signals)
To dream of hearing a drum beat indicates that you should becareful to avoid accidents in traffic.
DRUNK (5—You will attend a banquet)
To dream of being drunk or of seeing another in that conditionis a warning to you against intemperance in your emotions, as well as in eating and drinking.
DUCKS (4—Money you did not work for)
To dream of ducks indicates an inheritance for you but troublein collecting it.
DUMP (9—Waste)
To dream of a large dump with all sorts of tangled refuse is awarning to take very good care of your health and business.
DUNGHILL (6—Health, wealth and happiness)
This dream means money.
DUST(I—Do not listen to flattery)
To dream the air is full of dust indicates angry words. Alsosomeone will try to do you a wrong and cover it up withsmooth talk. Be on your guard after this dream.
DYE (7—A new suit or dress purchased)
To dream of dyeing anything indicates a change with profitfor you.
DYNAMITE (1—Not a good dream, waste)To dream of dynamite indicates war.
Come to me darling; I'm longely without thee; Daytime and nighttime I'm dreaming about thee.
Joseph Brenan
EAGLE (See Birds)
EAR (6—Laughable gossip)
To dream of an ear indicates news.
EARTH (7—A very good dream)
To dream of clean earth indicates new opportunities are coming. To dig in a garden means prosperity. To dig a hole in the earth indicates you will unexpectedly discover something that has been hidden from you.
EARTHQUAKE (8-Be careful of loss)
To dream of an earthquake indicates loss of property.
EAT (8—This is a good dream)
To dream you are eating indicates the fulfillment of some desire you have. To eat with others means enjoyment. To serveothers while they are eating indicates gain through hard work.
ECLIPSE (6—A proposal, if single)
To dream of an eclipse of the moon or the sun indicates a decided change is coming in your life.
EGGS (2—Money through investment)
To dream you find a nest of eggs indicates you will make a discovery that will benefit you. Broken eggs mean you will losesomething. To dream of eggs in general is a good dream.
ELECTRICITY (3-Unlooked for help)
To dream of using electricity in any way indicates you will receive strong support from others. This is a good dream.
ELEPHANT (9—Good luck ahead)
To dream of an elephant indicates health and long life.
ELEVATOR (See Climbing)
ELOPE (8—If single, a proposal)
To dream of an elopement, yours or someone else's, indicatesthat you should not overlook your obligations and surmountany obstacle in front of you. Don't shirk your responsibilities.
EMBRACE (2—Love from those you embrace)
When you dream that you embrace a loved one you actuallydo so in spirit.
EMBROIDER (See Sewing)EMERALD (See Jewels)
EMPIRE (3—A vision from the past)
To dream you see a mighty empire indicates that one time inyour past history you were the head of an empire and yoursoul has gone to visit its old place of inhabitance.
EMPTY (7—Careful to whom you make a loan)
To dream that you think a vessel is full but it really is emptyindicates that a disappointment is coming your way.
ENEMY (8—Take heed)
To dream you have an enemy indicates you really have one.Whatever you dream about the enemy you can look for this tomaterialize in your waking hours.
ENGAGEMENT (1—Be constant, it pays)To dream you have become engaged, if single, indicates yousoon will. To have any type of engagement indicates that youshould be very exacting in whatever you do in the future. Tobreak an engagement means lost esteem.
ENGINE, ENGINEER (9—Change for the better)
To dream of an engine or an engineer indicates that you willtake a trip.
ENTERTAIN (7—A wonderful trip in store)
To dream you entertain or are entertained indicates happinessis in store for you.
ENVY (See Hate)ERMINE (See Fur)
ERRAND (6—A long standing debt paid)
To dream you go on an errand for someone indicates you willbe asked to do something within a week. For someone to doan errand for you indicates someone will be very grateful toyou.
ESCAPE (4—You will escape an injury)
To dream you escape from jail or from someone who is pursuing you indicates victory over enemies.
ESTATE (7—You will receive a legacy)
To dream you inherit an estate, or are handling an estate, indicates that a will will be made in your favor.
EUROPE (8—Friends at a distance want you to write)To dream you are traveling abroad indicates your soul reallydoes visit there while you sleep, especially if you recall plainlythe buildings and places where you thought you visited whenyou were asleep.
EXCHANGE (4—Two opportunities for you)To dream you exchange something indicates you will havetwo opportunities presented to you and you have a hard timedeciding between the two.
EXECUTE (2—The ending of a disagreeable situation)
To dream that you witness or read of an execution indicatesthe passing of something disagreeable out of your life.
EXHIBIT (5-You will buy furniture)
To dream of a beautiful exhibition of pictures indicates coming prosperity. This also applies to statuary or anything in line of art.
EXILE (1—You will be lonesome)
To dream you are in exile indicates that you will visit a jail, hospital, or some large institution. To dream you are forsakenby your friends or loved ones indicates you will be repri manded for something you do or say.
EXPLODE (9—not a good dream)
To dream of an explosion is an indication you will receivestartling information or news. The louder the explosion, themore people that will be involved. This also applies to ammunition or anything capable of making a loud noise. Also indicates shattered friendships.
EXPLORE (5—Go in and win)
To dream that you explore or of a great explorer indicates thatyou should expand in your activities. The need of expansion is indicated here.
T o dream that you exterminate bugs or any kind of pest indicates you will cast aside petty worries and by doing so youwill gain in the future, as these small insects indicate money.
EXTRAVAGANCE (4-Buy what you need)
To dream you are extravagant indicates there is plenty herefor you, and you should use all efforts to get this. This is agood dream.
EYE (8—A shrewd deal)
To dream of your eyes or someone else's indicates newfriends. If there is something wrong with the eye, your friendwill have many faults. If the eyes are beautiful, a beautifulfriendship is indicated.
EYE GLASSES (9—Follow your hunches)
To dream you wear eye glasses or are fitted for them indicates there will be a change of outlook on your life.
Dreams are the true interpreters of our inclinations,but art is required to sort and understand them.
FABRIC (3—New clothing)
To dream of beautiful fabrics indicates you should choosewisely in your waking hours.
FACE (6—Plan and face hard facts)
To dream of a beautiful face indicates you will have a lovelyfriendship with someone. An ugly face means someone willtry to use you for his gain.
FACTORY (7—A very good dream)
To dream you are in a factory humming with activity indicates opportunities, a new venture, and busy days ahead for you.
FAILURE (9—Do not worry, relax and work)
To dream that you are a failure indicates you lack concentration. There is success and plenty here for everyone. Thisdream means you should strive harder to succeed.
FAINTING (8-Do not be deceived)
To dream of fainting or of seeing another faint indicates youshould beware of false friends.
FAIR (7—Beware of fair weather friends)
To dream of attending a fair or participating in one in anyway indicates that you will expend much money and effort with no return.
FAIRY (5-Heavenly plans work well)To dream of a fairy means good luck.
FAKER (5—Be careful when you shop)
To dream of a faker indicates care should be taken to avoidmeeting with one.
FALLING (7—Some food you have eaten disagrees with you)To dream of falling indicates a sudden loss.
FAME (7—A very fine dream)
To dream you are famous is a very good dream. This can berealized if you will put much effort in what you are doing. Todream you are with famous people indicates popularity.
FAMILY (9—A burden lessens)
To dream you have a large family or of your family indicatesyour assistance or financial help is or will be needed by then.
FAMINE (3-Plan wisely)
To dream of a famine indicates your spiritual help will beneeded by many.
FAN (3—Frivolous company)
To dream of a fan indicates disputes.
FARM (2—A good dream)
To dream you live on a large farm indicates coming comfortand security.
FAT (Plan your diet wisely)
To dream you are fat indicates coming riches.
FATHER, FATHER-IN-LAW (4—Do not let others boss you)To dream of your father or father-in-law indicates prosperous days ahead also support from your immediate family.
FATIGUE (6—Relax, it will help you)
To dream you are tired indicates you need rest.
FEATHER (9—Money, plenty of money)
To dream of feathers indicates light, flowery talk; foolishness.
FEBRUARY (6—You will buy new clothes)
To dream of the month of February indicates a change in yourwardrobe.
FECES (2—Be careful in the street)
To dream you step in such indicates you will be called uponand forced to deal with repulsive, ignorant, common people.
FEET (8—Do not mix in others' troubles)
To dream that you have beautiful feet indicates you willfollow the right path to success. To have sore, crippled feetmeans that you will have many hardships and obstacles toovercome.
FENCE (6—You seek privacy)
To dream of a high fence indicates you surround yourself withbarriers of thought that keep you from succeeding as youshould. To dream you are trying to climb a fence indicatesbetter conditions in the future.
FERN (See Rower)
FEVER (2—Family troubles)
To dream you have fever indicates you will have anargument.
FIELD (9—Prosperity and money)
To dream of beautiful green fields of corn, wheat, hay, anysort of vegetable or fruit, indicates plenty is in store for you.Dried, barren fields means you are lacking in concentration.Never hold a thought of poverty in your waking hours.
FIGHT (5—Sidestep a quarrel)
To dream of a fight indicates you should be careful in yourwaking hours.
FILM (4—A beautiful new home)
To dream of a film indicates what you are doing at presentseems very blank now but it will develop into something verybeautiful.
FILTER (7—Shun questionable people)
To dream of a filter indicates you must strive to separate thegood from the bad. By so doing, prosperity is in store for you. This applies to friends as well as any endeavor you have.
FIND (6—A gift for you)
To dream that you find something indicates a gift or a new discovery of some kind. To return to its rightful owner whatyou find indicates success through honesty.
FINE (7—Use care in your dealings)
To dream you pay a fine in court indicates care should betaken so that you do not lose a valuable. There is sort of a hidden loss indicated here.
FINGER, FINGERNAILS (5-You should take music lessons)Beautiful fingers or fingernails indicate achievement.
FIRE (2—Hold your temper)
To dream of fire in any capacity indicates the loss of prestigeand reputation through the fiery words from an enemy'stongue. The greater the conflagration the more loss you will have through the enemy's slander. Fire is not a good dream.
FISH (6—A good dream)
To dream of fish in any capacity indicates sharp bargains andmoney coming your way. Shellfish indicate secrets and profits. Scaly fish indicate money and good times. Fish, as a whole, indicate plenty.
FISHING (9—A good dream)
To dream you are fishing indicates that you should stick toone thing and not change from one thing to another. To catchlittle fish, means little success; big fish indicates big success.Not to catch any fish indicates you will be disappointed in money matters. To eat fish means knowledge is gained.
FLAG (8—You will enjoy a great display)
To dream of a flag indicates that you will feel very patriotic.
This is a good dream.
FLEET (3—A very good dream)
To dream of a large fleet indicates spiritual protection fromyour enemies.
FLOOD (7—Be careful of moths)
To dream of a flood indicates coming famine.
FLOWERS (8—A good dream)
To dream of beautiful flowers indicates romance. If single itindicates a wedding. Flowers indicate the addition of newrelatives in the family. To dream of flowers, on the whole, is abeautiful dream for the future. This includes any kind of aplant, shrub, or blooming flower. They all represent new,beautiful things that are coming into your life.
FLY, FLY PAPER, FLY TRAP (7-Do not chase the butterfly)
This dream indicates that you will conquer your enemies andsucceed.
FLYING (See Aviation)
FLYING(I—A trip by plane)
To dream of flying indicates that you should aim for thehigher, more spiritual things in life. Through this a greatchange will come into your affairs.
FOOD (4—You will be invited to dinner)
To dream of well-cooked food indicates the arrival of unexpected guests. To cook and bake and prepare food indicateshappiness and prosperity. Food, on the whole, is a very good dream.
FOREST (2—A good dream)
To dream of a forest indicates great wealth. To dream of beinglost in a forest is a warning that you should be careful not towaste this inheritance. If the trees are dead, or if a fire hasswept the forest, this indicates loss of an inheritance or a dissipated fortune.
FORT, FORTRESS (5—Not a good dream)To dream of a fort or fortress indicates war.
FORTUNE TELLER (9-Spiritual help needed)
To dream of a gypsy fortune teller indicates that you willgiven bad advice. To dream of visiting a spiritualist mediumindicates the need of advice.
FOUNTAIN (1—Beautiful days ahead)
To dream of a beautiful fountain with cool water flowing outof it indicates happiness and contentment of mind.
FOWL (2—Plan well, you will succeed)
To dream of chickens indicates a smooth-running home. Fowlof any kind is a very good dream. To kill chickens indicates worries. To cook and eat chickens means desires will be fulfilled.
FOX (You will buy a new hat if a male)
To dream of shooting a fox indicates that you will buy a newfur piece. To see a wild fox indicates you should beware of acunning person.
FRECKLES (7—Scattered fortunes)
To dream of freckles on your face or someone else's indicatesthat the lot of the freckled person will be feast or famine.
FRIEND (2—A party and plenty of gossip)
To dream of a friend in need indicates you will be called uponto help a friend. To dream of friends in general is a very goodsign.
FROG (1—If young, obey your elders)
To dream of a frog or toad indicates you should not disregarddiscipline from someone as this is meant for your own good.
FROST (See Snow)
FRUIT (2—A good dream)
To dream of any kind of fruit indicates health, wealth, andhappiness in the future.
FUNERAL (5—There is a new position for you)To dream of a funeral or anything pertaining to the dead indicates a great change is coming into your life. If you happento weep at a funeral, it means you will be greatly disturbedover this change, but it will be the best for you in the end. Todream a friend of yours dies, indicates someone you knowwill pass on.
FURS AND FUR-BEARING ANIMALS (1—Money)To dream of fur-bearing animals indicates good fortune instore for you. If the animals are in good coat and the fur ingood condition, you may expect good business andprosperity. To dream of killing these animals also indicatesgood times to come. To buy or wear beautiful furs in a dream indicates coming honors. To dream of beautiful furs indicatesplenty.
FURNITURE (6—Lasting contentment)
To dream of beautiful modern furniture indicates good luck.To dream that your furniture is old and out-of-date indicates that because of a lax condition on your part, you are not getting the most out of life. Furniture is a good dream.
We that are twain by day, at night are one. A dream can bring me to your arms once more.
Lizette Woodburn Reese
GAMBLE (4—A new job for you)
To dream you are gambling indicates that you should notwaste your time on games of chance. To dream you winmeans good luck is coming your way.
GARDEN (4—A good dream)
To dream you walk or work in a beautiful garden means contentment.
GAS (9—Do not listen to idle gossip)
To dream of gas indicates you should beware of fire.
GASOLINE (—A trip for you)
To dream you buy gasoline is a warning you should be saving with your money. To dream you run out of gasoline indicatesdelay, loss of money.
GATE (Go in and win)
To dream you enter a beautiful, wide gate indicates a changeis coming into your life. To find a closed gate indicates a largeobstacle to surmount.
GEOGRAPHY (3-You will buy property)To dream of geography indicates a coming trip.
GHOST (6—Spiritual help offered)
To dream of a ghost indicates that chances are your soul reallyencountered one.
GIFT (6—A good dream)
To dream you receive a beautiful gift is a premonition you willreceive one soon.
GLASS (4—Secrets disclosed)To dream of glass indicates a smooth life ahead.
GLOVES (8—Take care in business dealings)
To buy, sell or wear gloves indicates you will meet anunderhanded stranger in the very near future. Beware!
GLUE (9-Your friends will be loyal)
To dream of glue in any way indicates that you are capable of controlling many things at one time.
GOAT (7—A good dream)
To dream of a goat indicates good luck, health and long life.
GOLD (2—A good dream)
To dream of gold indicates work, pleasure, travel, and gainare in store for you very soon.
GOLF (4—You will visit the country)
To dream of golfing indicates you should not waste yourenergies on vain pursuits.
GOPHER (6—Care is needed in work or home)
To dream you see or are bothered with gophers indicatessomeone is trying to undermine your position or business.
GRADUATE (5—A new door opens for you)To dream that you graduate from some school of learning indicates a new position in life for you.
GRANDPARENTS (Help from friends or relatives)To dream of your grandparents indicates love from the opposite sex.
GRAPES (3—Liquor will be given, a present)To dream of a grape arbor or fields of grapes indicates unlocked for prosperity. This is a good dream.
GRASS(I—A. very good dream)
To dream of flourishing well kept grass indicates nearness andrefinement, and also prosperity in the near future. Dead grassindicates wasted worldly goods. Green grass is a good dream.
GRASSHOPPER (7—You will have a garden, watch it)To dream of grasshoppers means that a plague will sweep the country.
GRAVE (8—Tears over the past, don't lament)
To dream of an open grave indicates a death in your familysoon. A closed grave means there will be no death near to youfor a long time.
GRINDSTONE (8—Follow your next hunch)
To dream of a grindstone indicates you should sharpen yourintuition; grasp troubles firmly and they will turn into money;be positive in your convictions and firm in your demands. To dream of sharpening knives on a grindstone indicates a newopportunity. If you succeed in putting a good edge on the knife, you will have success in this new undertaking.
GROCERY (1—You will go shopping)
To dream of a grocery indicates many opportunities are coming your way—big and little. There will be so many, becareful you select the right one.
GUITAR (4—A harmonious home)
For a single person to dream of a guitar indicates coming loveand marriage; for a married person, harmony in the home.
GUM (5—Avoid others trouble)
To dream you are chewing gum is an indication that youshould not repeat something you hear. If this gum is smearedon you, you will get into trouble if you do repeat what youhear.
GUN (6—A past incident bothers you)
To dream of a gun and that someone is trying to shoot you indicates that you should beware of an enemy.
GYPSY (2—Be careful of a loss)
To dream of a gypsy indicates you will take a trip intoprimitive country. Be careful that you do not lose your way orsomething on this trip.
Come to me in my dreams, and thenBy day I shall be well again,For then the night will more than pay The hopeless longing of the day.
Matthew Arnold
HAIL (See Snow)
HAIR (9—A visit to the barber or beauty parlor)
To dream that you are brushing and have beautiful hair indicates you should entertain bright hopes for the future. Tohave thin, ugly hair indicates you are not managing your affairs in the proper way.
HALL (6—A new home)
To dream of a large hall and you enter same indicates a mammoth opportunity is coming your way.
HAMMOCK (1—Comfort through right decision)
To dream you are lying in a hammock in the cool shade indicates a wedding among your close friends.
HAND (9—You will receive some jewelry)To dream your hands are beautiful and white indicates a present from someone to adorn them. If they are ugly and red, itmeans sickness.
HANDKERCHIEF (5—You will buy linen)
If a single person, this dream means flirtation; if married, newfriends.
HAPPY (3—Laughter is good for the soul)
To dream you are happy indicates you really will be veryhappy.
HARDWARE (6—New cooking utensils or tools)
To dream of hardware of a hardware store indicates plenty ofhard work in store for you.
HAREM (9—You will have many admirers)
To dream of a harem indicates that your soul really did peekin on one while you slept.
HARVEST (3—A good dream)
To dream of harvesting a large crop indicates wealth. A poorcrop means poverty.
HAT (2—Do not be vain)
To dream of buying a new hat indicates new knowledge.
HATE (7—No one is big enough to hate)
To dream you hate a person indicates that that person hatesyou.
HAY (7—Abundance coming)
To dream of fields of uncut hay, grain or clover indicates agreat inheritance or great wealth in the future. Baled haymeans that wealth in stocks or bonds will be inherited. Hay or grain in any form is a good dream.
HEALTH (6—Remember we are all perfect)
To dream you have good health indicates you will have goodhealth in the future.
HEARSE (See Funeral)
HEART (7—Some one will bare their heart to you)To dream of heartache or of a pain in the heart indicates thatthere is a depressing condition about you, and you should getto work and eliminate it.
HEAVEN (I—A wonderful dream)
To dream of heaven indicates that your soul may have visitedthere while you were asleep.
HEDGE (2—Private affairs will turn out well)
To dream of a hedge indicates you should keep your privateaffairs to yourself as someone may try to pry into them.
HELL (1—Choose new friends carefully)
To dream of Hell, since there is no such place, indicates youshould not be led by foolish fancies. Pay no attention to the flattery of a new friend or admirer.
HERMIT (1—Take up a hobby)
To dream of a hermit indicates you should cultivate friends soyou will not be lonely.
HIVES (9—A troublesome issue is settled)
To dream you have hives indicates that lies will be told aboutyou.
HOG (3-Money)
To dream of hogs indicates plenty.
HOME (5—You will improve your surroundings)
To dream of home or of the home folks is a good omen.
HOMESICK (2—Do not lament over past)
To dream of being homesick means that there is in your hearta longing for days that are past which cannot be gratified.
HORN (1—Go out and win, circulate)
To dream of playing a horn or any other kind of wind instrument indicates that you will become popular and gain a betterposition in life if you will be more aggressive.
HORNET (8—Angry words, be careful)
To dream of a hornet means you should look out for danger.
HORSE (2—Good luck)
The horse represents faithful friends. To dream of riding ahorse indicates good health. To buy a horse indicates a newfriend or a new love affair. To sell a horse or to see a sick horseindicates the loss of a friend. To steal a horse is a warningagainst ill-gotten gains. To drive one means honor in the nearfuture. A field full of horses all fat and full of life indicatesmany new influential friends are in store for you. To enter a barn full of horses indicates that you will start a new businessenterprise, or that a new position will be offered you, or a raise of pay. To dream of a riding master indicates you shouldwatch out for a domineering person. Plowing with a horse indicates hard work and good money in store for you within three months. Driving a team hitched to a wagon indicates slow but lasting prosperity. To curry a horse indicates thatyou will help a friend. A curry comb is a sign of hard work ahead. Ponies indicate new babies in the family circle. A muleindicates that a constant friend will help you in need.Beautiful harness, bridles and saddles indicate that thedreamer will purchase new clothes through the help of a friend. To dream of a horse trader warns you against a deceitful friend.
HOSPITAL (1—Take care of your health)
To dream of a hospital in any way indicates a sick spell.
HOWL (4—A death in the neighborhood)
To dream you hear a dog howl or any other animal indicatesloneliness in your life.
HUNGRY (3—Eat and meditate)To dream you are hungry indicates you truly are.
HUNTING (3—Not a good dream)To dream of hunting indicates want.
HUSBAND (6—If married, buy nice things to please him)To dream of your husband indicates he has your welfare atheart. To dream he is not true indicates you both haveenemies.
Dreams are true while they last, and do we not live indreams?
ICE CREAM (3—A banquet)
To dream of eating ice cream indicates coming good times.
IMPLORE (4—Listen to a good friend)
To dream you implore someone for something you want orsomething you want them to do indicates your desires are not best for you in your waking hours.
INCENSE (6—A prayer is needed)
To dream of smelling or burning incense indicates a blessing,and future happiness. This is a good dream.
INCLINE (3—Crowning success is coming)
To dream you go up a long incline indicates much tediouswork is in store for you but it will be crowned with success. Togo down an incline indicates you should go slowly in whatever you do and guide your affairs well.
INDIAN (6—A spiritual guidance given)To dream of an Indian of any kind indicates you have a guiding spirit. Try to cultivate this Indian's friendship in thought.
INK (7—You will sign a legal paper)
To dream of using ink in writing indicates something you dowill have a lasting memory.
INSECTS (8—Constant money, small allowance)
To dream of insects of any kind indicates small gains andsmall worries.
INSTRUCT (7—Your help will be needed)
To dream of instructing someone or many indicates youshould develop some talent you have. Also you have someknowledge that you could impart to others that would benefitthem.
INSURANCE (5—Security in old age)
To dream you have insurance or about insurance indicatesyou will be protected by loving friends in time of need. Alsoindicates you should not worry about anything for you arespiritually protected.
INTERPRET, INTERPRETER (8—Gossip)To dream you take an introduction or give one indicates youwill make new friends in the spirit world, also new friends in your waking hours.
INVENT (3—Go in and win, luck ahead)To dream you invent something or are interested in inventions means you should cultivate the thought along this line. Thereis something you should invent for this dream is trying to convey it to you.
INVITATION (7—A wedding)
To dream you have an invitation indicates you will receive aninvitation. This is a good dream.
IRONING (5—Work, pleasure and money)
To dream of ironing indicates that you will straighten outyour affairs and your difficulties to your satisfaction.
ISLAND (5-You will buy or sell land)
To dream you are on a beautiful island indicates you will possess sometime in life a lovely home or estate. Also indicateslonely days ahead for you.
IVORY (7—A good dream)
To dream of ivory in any form indicates you will leave a lasting memory here on earth of some achievement that you do while here. Also indicates you will have to combat stubbornthoughts of old people. Ivory also indicates long life.
In blissful dream, in silent night,There came to me, with magic might,With magic might, my own sweet love, Into my little room above.
JAIL (5—Nagging friends or relatives)
To dream of a jail or you are in jail indicates a nagging condition around you. Also you are not permitted to expand anddo the things you want. Jail indicates the retarding of progress. Concentrate to overcome this condition. Jail is not agood dream.
JEWELS (2—A good dream)
To dream of precious jewels is a very good omen. If youdream of gold jewelry, it indicates kindness, purity of heart,and good deeds. If you dream of possessing diamonds, itmeans you will have a very brilliant future. Precious stonesindicates that time is precious so you must use it to good advantage. To be given a beautiful ring indicates eternal friendship and love from someone. To lose your jewels indicates your time is wasted and the loss of friends. As jewels alwaysrepresent time, and also precious stones of any kind, to dreamof these is always an indication that you should spend yourtime well and learn something to your advantage.
JOKE (9—Fun but expensive)
To dream of playing a joke or having a joke played on you indicates you will find out something you dislike.
JOURNEY (9—Concentrate on your problem)To dream of a journey indicates an upset condition of yourmind. It also means you are trying to make a decision on an important matter. If the journey is pleasant, the decision willturn out right. If the journey is unpleasant, it indicates youshould concentrate to make the right decision.
JULY (5—If married, new dishes and table set)
To dream of the month of July indicates social activities andgood times in store.
JUMP (6—Practice cultural actions, it pays) To dream you are jumping or people are jumping around indicates you should be more dignified and use poise to gain success.
JURY (2—Disregard others' advice, use your own)To dream of a jury indicates that much criticism is comingyour way. Use your own good judgment and pay no attentionto this criticism.
It is the fault of dreamers to fear fate.
Stephen Phillips
KANGAROO (1—Slow down, relax)
To dream of a kangaroo is a warning against leaping beforeyou look. Do not make hasty decisions.
KETTLE (1—A better home with contentment)
To dream of a boiling kettle indicates a change of affairs for you.
KEY (5—A new offer soon)
To dream of a key indicates you will be taken into a new business. Something you will go into with the help of friends. This is a good dream.
KILL (9—The end of a disagreeable condition)
To dream you see something killed or to dream you kill something indicates the loss of something, the ending of something,which happens very abruptly. If you kill something that attacks you, you will overcome your enemies. To kill somethingaccidentally means loss and worry through neglect on your part.
KING (5—You will meet a famous person)
To dream of a king in any way indicates high honors will bebestowed upon you. This is a very good dream.
KISS (4—A friendly help, when needed)To dream you are kissed means warm friendship and helpwhen it is needed. To have a woman bestow a kiss on awoman indicates deceit. To be kissed by your sweetheart, ifsingle, means a coming engagement.
KITCHEN (7-You will remodel a house)To dream of a beautiful kitchen indicates a new home.
KITE (9—Unlocked for opportunity soon)
To dream of a kite indicates high ideals which you shouldcultivate as they will carry you to success.
KNOCK (9—A spiritual message awaits you)To dream you hear someone knock on your door indicatessomeone wants to call on you. To hear a knock of any kind indicates news is coming.
Some must delve when the dawn is nigh;Some must toil when the noonday beams: But when night comes, and the soft winds sigh,Every man is a King of Dreams.
Clinton Scollard
LABORATORY (1—You will hear of a great discovery)
To dream of a well-equipped laboratory indicates you shouldfollow a pursuit along this line.
LACE (3—A wonderful dream)
To dream of beautiful hand-made lace indicates you shouldfollow a pursuit along this line.
LACE (3—A wonderful dream)
To dream of beautiful hand-made lace indicates beautifullasting deeds that will endear you to your friends long afteryou have gone. This is a good dream.
LADDER (8—If you own a home, you will paint it)To dream you climb a ladder indicates that you should be sureyou want what you are after for fields look very green from a distance. To go down a ladder means a disappointment.
LAMP (6—A guiding light to help you)
To dream you light a lamp indicates a sudden enlightenmenton some subject or work you are doing which will please you very much.
LANE (5—A good dream)
To dream you stroll in a beautiful lane indicates a better condition in your life in the future. If this is a long lane, you will prosper more as time goes along.
LATE (2—Do not waste your time)
To dream you are late and your time is limited and yourclothes just won't go on while you dress, and when you dosucceed in getting dressed, you miss your car, all this indicatesyou are retarded by others for you would be successful if you could do as you wish.
LAUGH (4-Tears)
To dream you laugh or hear someone laughing indicates insincerity of friends.
LAW SUIT (6-You may be called as a witness)
If you dream of being sued, beware of envy or trickery on thepart of the one suing. If you are suing, be careful to be just andupright in your dealings.
LAWYER (3—A legal paper to sign)
To dream of a lawyer or judge indicates you will hear an argument pro and con by two people, also a friend talked aboutand befriended.
LETTERS (9—Hasty news soon)
To dream of letters indicates you really will receive a letter. Towrite one means someone is longing to hear from you. Hastynews indicates news of a wedding, birth, or a death. Letters of any kind indicate news.
LIBRARY (4—You will buy a picture)
To dream of a library indicates knowledge; you will learnsomething in the near future which will be to your advantage.
LICENSE (4—You will give charity)
To dream of buying a license of any kind indicates waste ofmoney and servitude. Take care after such a dream.
LIES (9—Do not share in idle gossip)
To dream someone lies to you or about you indicates that thisgenerally is true. If you recognize the guilty party, be careful in their company and avoid associating with them at all.
LIGHTSHIP (9—Be careful if you fly or sail)
To dream of a lightship warns you to be very cautious in yourwaking hours for danger is ahead.
LINEN (9—A good dream)
To dream of beautiful linens indicates plenty is in store foryou, comfort and a good home.
LIQUOR (2—You will attend a party)
To dream of liquor indicates plenty and squandered money.
LOAD (5—A good dream)
To dream of carrying a load of any kind indicates illness. Atruck load or car load of provisions or of anything useful indicates plenty.
LODGE (7—An invitation to join one soon)
To dream of a lodge or an order of some kind indicates hiddensecrets will be discovered.
LONELY (2-Make new friends)To dream you are lonely indicates sadness.
LOOM (See Weaving)
LOSE (6—Cheer up, better days ahead)
To dream you lose your way indicates a troubled mental condition. To dream you lose an address where you live or where you are going indicates you will lose out in some new undertaking. There is a retarding here of some kind.
LOVE (9—If single, a proposal)To dream that others love you indicates that they really do.
LUCK (2—Think good luck, it will come)
To dream you have good luck means you really will have. Todream you have bad luck indicates you should change yourway of thinking.
LUMBER (8—Work you like)
To dream of lumber or a lumber yard indicates a new home. Ifyou are a working person, there is much work in store foryou. To dream of cutting lumber indicates you should formwell made plans. Lumber, on the whole, is a lucky dream.
LUXURY (See Abundance)
I arise from dreams oftheeIn the first sweet sleep of night,When the winds are breathing low,And the stars are shining bright.
MACHINE (8—A new job or business for you)
To dream of a machine or machinery of any kind indicatesfast progress to future success.
MADONNA (8—Give thanks in prayer)To dream of a Madonna indicates refinement, kindness, andloving thoughts bestowed upon you by others. This is a gooddream.
MAGIC (6—Do not hide your talents)
To dream of magic or magicians indicates you will discoverthat someone is trying to cheat you. If you enjoy the magic, it indicates unlooked-for gains.
To dream of a magnifying glass indicates plenty. Your plansfor the future will turn out better than you expected.
MANIKIN (8—Kindness pays)
To dream of a manikin or an artist's model indicates that youare either following a vain pursuit or a vain person around annoys you. Also indicates you are in need of sympathy.
MANTILLA (1—You will attend a fiesta)
To dream of a beautiful mantilla indicates refinement, culture,and pleasant days ahead.
MANUFACTURING (3—If in business, new ideas pay)To dream of manufacturing anything indicates an unstabledisposition. To dream of success in manufacturing indicates a change of position.
MANUSCRIPT (8—Someone is awaiting a letter, write)
To dream of manuscript indicates that to succeed you willhave to work hard.
MARBLE (6—A beautiful home and income)
To dream of the month of March indicates a great changecoming in your life.
MARKET (5—New things for the home will be bought)To dream of a well stocked market indicates that a plentifulsupply will be yours as you grow older. To dream of a poorly stocked market indicates want in the future.
MARRIAGE (See Wedding)
MASK (8—You will uncover deceit)
To dream you wear a mask indicates you should not try todeceive anyone for your actions will be detected. To dream someone else wears a mask means you will soon discoversomeone is trying to deceive you or hide something from you.
MATCH (9—Do not quarrel)
To dream of matches, if single indicates a passing fancy; ifmarried, a quarrel with your mate.
MAUSOLEUM (See Funeral)
MAY (3—A potted plant will be given you)To dream of the month of May, if single, indicates a proposal.
MEADOW (See Grass)
MEASURE (1—Do not cheat yourself)
To dream of measuring something indicates someone will bevery exacting with you.
MEAT (3—Health, wealth and happiness)To dream of meat of any kind represents strength.
MEDAL (8—Popularity and fame in store)To dream you receive a medal, or are decorated with greatpomp and splendor, as this is a good dream, indicates that youwill receive a high honor.
MEDICINE (See Drugs)
MELON (5—You will buy stocks or bonds)To dream you cut or eat a big juicy ripe melon on a hot day indicates prosperity. If the melon is green, or if you have only asmall portion, indicates an investment that will turn out to be no good.
METAL (6—A good dream)
To dream of gold indicates wealth and purity of heart. Ore indicates opportunities will be presented to you in a crude state.All metals represent good things in some form. Also metals are a good dream. To dream of mining metals indicates an inheritance.
MESSAGE (See news, Telephone)
MILK, MILKING (9—a Christening)
To dream of milk or milking indicates good health, and an addition to the family circle. To one in the dairy business, it indicates many new customers.
MILL, MILLER (1—Detailed work in store)To dream of a mill or a miller indicates that you will display a finesse in your chosen work which will bring you success andrecognition. If you are a manufacturer, your product will be in demand. To dream of a mill or miller indicates refinement.
MINISTER (8—Prayer is needed)
To dream of a minister indicates you will be reprimanded forsomething that you do.
MISER (1—Buy what you need)
To dream of a miser is a warning against thinking in a small,petty way, for if you do you will bring poverty upon yourself.
MISTLETOE (1—Happiness ahead)
To dream of being kissed under the mistletoe, if single, indicates a proposal; if married, a flirtation.
MONEY (9—A good dream)
To dream you possess a large amount of money indicates that you will possess it if you hold the right thought toward it. Tofind money indicates loss and disappointment. Money, on the whole, is a good dream. After such a dream, think progressiveprosperous thoughts. Follow your intuition.
MOON (3—If single, a new admirer)
To dream of the moon in any way indicates you will have lovebestowed upon you in your darkest hours.
MORTGAGE (7—A new lease on life soon)
To dream that you buy, sell, or execute a mortgage indicatesworry, loss and debt. To dream of paying a mortgage indicates release from obligation, or the happy solution of anannoying condition.
MOSQUITO (3—Ungrateful relatives or friends)
To dream of mosquitoes indicates that you will be bothered byborrowers who will never repay their obligations to you.
MOTH (2—Be careful of cigarettes)
To dream of moths indicates loss of clothing or bed clothingby fire. This is not a good dream.
MOTHER (7—A blessing from her)
To dream of your mother, whether she is dead or alive, indicates that you have communed with her.
MOUNTAIN (8—A wonderful dream)
To dream you are in some vast mountains indicates you willaccomplish some very big things in life. A very deep canyon means you should take care in what you do. A big cliff protruding from the side of a mountain indicates danger. Todream you climb a mountain indicates through hard work avery high position in life is awaiting you. To dream of mountains is a very good dream.
MOUSE, MOUSE TRAP (1—Beware of a thief)To dream of a mouse indicates that there are those who are envious of your possessions or talents. To dream of catching amouse in a trap indicates that you thwart an enemy.
MOVING (8-A new life)
To dream you are moving indicates a dissatisfied condition exists in your surroundings. To dream you are packing and preparing to move indicates you will overcome this condition.Moving indicates a change of some kind in your life.
MUD14— A hard fight, but you will win)To dream of mud indicates that you will have to wade overand through many people in order to succeed, but class themas mud on your feet and go ahead.
MULE (6—Stubborn associates encountered) To dream of a mule indicates that you will encounter an ignorant and stubborn person. Ignore such a person.
MUSEUM (See Antiques, Art Gallery)
MUSIC (2—A good dream)
To dream you hear beautiful music means you truly do. To dream that you are endeavoring to play any kind of an instrument or you hear someone trying to play an instrument indicates that there will be many people in tune with your efforts.Music and musical instruments of any kind is a very gooddream.
MUSTACHE (9—Dress well, it pays)
To dream you have a mustache is a warning against becomingslovenly in your habits.
/had a dream which was not at all a dream.
NAIL (9—Be careful of a sharp object)
To dream of a nail of any kind, fingernail or iron nail, indicates you will discover the truth of something that has beenworrying you.
NAKED (8—Beware of borrowers)
To dream you are stripped of your clothing indicates a jealousperson will defame your character and your name. You will have much petty jealousy to combat.
NAVY (8—Talks of war)
To dream of the navy or someone connected with the navy indicates rumors of war.
NECKLACE (6—Do not make hasty promises)
To dream of wearing or receiving a necklace indicates a vowmade which must be fulfilled.
NEEDLE (9—You will hear sharp words)To dream of needles indicates people will pry into your affairs. To sew with needle indicates you will successfully evadethem. Any pointed thing, like a pin or needle, indicates meddling and worry.
NEGRO (5—You will hear good music)To dream of Negroes means harmony in the things you do.
NEIGHBOR (6—Flowers will be given you)NEST (See Eggs)
NEWS (7—Important news on radio)
To dream of hearing or reading important news is a forerunner of news to come.
NEW YEAR'S DAY (5—A new beginning soon)
This dream indicates a new start in life; if you are happy,prosperity. This is a good dream.
NUMBERS (2—Good dream)
To see numbers in a dream indicates good luck.
NUN (4—Loneliness)
To dream of a nun indicates sadness.
NURSE (5—You will visit the sick)
To dream of a nurse indicates good health. To dream of nursing someone indicates sickness.
NUTS (2—An unexpected package arrives)To dream of nuts of any kind indicates the secret support ofyour endeavor without your knowledge. To dream of nuts ofany kind is a very good dream.
Meet me in Dreamland, sweet dreamy
Dreamland, There let my dreams come true.
Beth Slater Whitson
OCEAN (2—A good dream)
To dream of the ocean means you are of a restless nature andyou should cultivate a more serene nature to succeed. Todream you sail on the ocean is a very good dream as itforetells some of your dreams will come true. To travel on a large ocean liner means some great desire you have will be fulfilled. To dream of boating means slow progress especially if you have to row the boat. To skip along over the water in amotor-driven boat means fast progress. To dream of a clear lake of water is a very good dream. Water means life. If youdream you are by a peaceful lake, your life should be very serene for some years to come, especially if there are manytrees and grass nearby. To dream of a clear river means thatthrough life you will never want, but you will have to travelsome rough places to succeed. To dream of muddy or dirtywater means to be careful you do not do something to dirtyyour name.
OCTOBER (6—A good dream)
To dream of the month of October indicates a picnic in thecountry.
OFFICER (8—If you drive, look out for a ticket) To dream of an officer of the law indicates trouble.
OIL, OIL FIELD (See Derrick)
OLIVES (1—Unlooked-for riches)To dream of olives indicates plenty.
ORIENT (9—A mysterious visitor)
To dream of the Orient indicates you will solve an unsolvedmystery.
ORPHAN (9—Some one needs your sympathy)To dream of an orphan indicates loneliness.
OSTRICH (See Birds)OWL (See Birds) OYSTER (See Food, Fish)
In dreams doth he behold her
Still fair and kind and young.
Andrew Lang
PAINT, PAINTING (6—A good dream)T dream of painting anything indicates a big change cominginto your life. The more you paint, or have painted, the bigger the change. This is a good dream.
PALL BEARER (See Funeral)
PALMISTRY (7—You will find out the true facts)
To dream of having your palm read indicates a long life.
PARADE (9—You will chat, laugh and dance)
To dream of witnessing a parade indicates an invitation tosome place of amusement.
PARALYSIS (3—Do not complain)
To dream of paralysis indicates frustration in your efforts.You can overcome this by concentration.
PARDON (See Convict)PARK (See Grass)
PARROT (7—Do not believe all you hear)To dream of a parrot indicates that you will be annoyed by aperson who talks too much. It is also a warning for you to bridle your own tongue.
PARTING (4—A new door opens for you)To dream of parting indicates tears.
PARTNER, PARTNERSHIP (2—Beware of waste)
To dream of a partner or partnership is not a good dream.
Take good care of your finances in the future.
PASSENGER (5—You will be asked for a loan)To dream you carry a passenger indicates that you will be annoyed by spongers.
PASSPORT (7—Be careful of valuable papers)
Trouble over a passport indicates coming trouble over papersof some kind, possibly loss of papers.
PASTRY (8—Do not waste food)
To dream of eating pastry indicates waste.
PAWN SHOP (4—Not a good dream)
This dream indicates want and waste. This is not a gooddream. To buy something at a pawn shop indicates gain.
PEACHES (See Fruit)PEARLS (See Jewels)PEARS (See Fruit)
PELICAN (See Birds)
PEN, PENCIL (8—Answer your letters promptly)
A dream of pen or pencil indicates news; also a gift from adistance.
PERFUME (See Aroma)
PHOTOGRAPHY (See Camera, Art Gallery)
PHYSICIAN (See Doctor)
PICNIC (See Entertainment)
PIG (See Hog)
PIGEON (See Bird)
PILLOW (See Bed)
PIMPLE (See Boils)
PLOW (See Horse)
POLICE (See Officer)
POTATO (See Vegetables)
POTTER'S FIELD (See Funeral)
PRACTICE (8-Added pleasures)
PRAIRIE (3—Everything will be better for you)
To dream of a prairie indicates a great expansion in youroutlook on your life and work.
PRAYER (1—A wonderful dream) PREGNANCY (See Baby) PRIEST (See Minister)
PRINT (5—Strive hard to please others)
To dream of printing or typing anything indicates you will dosomething to leave a lasting impression here. This is a gooddream.
PRIZE (2—Radio announcement soon on prizes)
To dream you win a prize indicates there is much happiness instore for you.
PRIZE FIGHT, PRIZE FIGHTERS (7—Not a good dream)
To dream of attending a prize fight, a bull fight or a cock fightindicates that you will be subjected to brutal treatment at thehands of ignorant people. For a fighter to dream of winning afight indicates that he will lose. As fighting is such an un necessary evil, this is a bad dream.
PROGRAM (7—You will hear a famous person speak)To dream of a program or that you are reading one indicatesmany changes of all kinds will be in your life. Each changewill be for the better.
PROPERTY (7—Buy property)
To dream you own much property indicates many worries;also coming wealth. On the whole, this is a good dream.
PROPOSE (5—new business deal soon)
To dream someone proposes to you, if you are single, meansyou really will be proposed to. To others, a business proposition will be offered.
PROWLER (8—Guard your purse)
To dream you hear a prowler on your premises indicates people are snooping into your affairs. Be on your guard, after thisdream.
PUMP (3—Steady income indicated)
To dream you pump at an old-fashioned well indicates hardwork is in store for you. To see an electric pump at work indicates you will profit by someone else's labor or efforts.
PURCHASE (2—A good dream)
To dream you are shopping or buying real estate or anythingin large quantities indicates you will make well-laid plans for the future. This dream indicates expansion of some kind.
PURSE (7—Money coming unexpected)
To dream you lose your purse indicates a lost opportunitythat would have been very profitable for you. To findanother's purse indicates an opportunity will be offered and itwill be profitable if you accept it. To return a purse to itsrightful owner indicates you will share your profits withothers.
PUZZLE (7—Study is needed; read good books)
To dream you are working a puzzle or something puzzles youindicates it is a warning you are wasting valuable time.
PYRAMID (5—Listen to a friend's advice)To dream of the Pyramids indicates you should avoid frivolous endeavors and take up more stable and lasting endeavors.
Is this a dream? Oh, if it be a dream, let me sleep on,And do not wake me yet!
QUARANTINE (3—Be more receptive to others' opinions)To dream you are in quarantine indicates you are holding alimited thought around you. Concentrate on this as expansionis needed.
QUEEN (8—A good dream)To dream of a queen is a very good dream.
QUICKSILVER (1—Take your time on a decision)
This dream indicates quick wealth; also that you should exercise care in conserving it. As this dream represents haste, it isa good dream.
QUILTING (1—You will purchase bedding)To dream you are quilting indicates through hard work andefficiency your future will be very successful. To dream of aquilt indicates you will profit through others.
In thoughts from the visions of the night, when deepsleep falleth on men.
Job, iv,
RABBIT (7—A child will visit you)
To dream of rabbits indicates plentiful food.
RACE (9—Be progressive)
To dream you attend the races or take part in a race indicatesyou should be constant in your endeavor in order to win inwhat you are doing. It is an indication you should keep upwith the times in all things.
RADIO (2—Spiritual guidance)
To dream you listen to the radio indicates a still voice will impart a message that will be of benefit to you.
RAFFLE (3—A lucky gamble; go and win)
To dream of a raffle or you win at a raffle indicates you willtake some chances in business in the future.
RAILROAD (See Travel)
RAIN (6—A good dream)
To dream it is raining indicates the termination of some unpleasant affair in your life. After this rain, if you see a beautiful rainbow in the sky, it indicates you truly will find a pot ofgold at the end of the rainbow. To dream of dew, fog, or mist indicates a clearing condition will come into your life. A hardstorm with lightning and thunder indicates true darkness willcome into your life before the dawning of this new era, butafter the rain the sun will shine again for you. This is a good dream for a good change is indicated.
RAKE (8—You will clean out old clothing)To dream of raking leaves or grass indicates thrift and prosperity.
RANSOM (See Money)
RECITE (6—Others need your advice)
To dream that you are called upon to recite or make a speechindicates your opinion is very much valued among yourfriends.
REGRET (1—Forget the past; look to the future)
To dream you regret something you have done indicatessadness.
REJUVENATE (7—A good dream)
To dream you have your face or body rejuvenated in any wayindicates added strength and vitality—good health.
REPAIR (4—Thrifty times ahead)
To dream you are repairing, mending, or beautifying anything indicates coming prosperity.
RESCUE (6—You will be called upon to help)
To dream of rescuing another indicates a birth in the family.
RESIDENCE (1—A good dream)
To dream you build or buy a beautiful home indicates this is avery good dream. To dream of anything pertaining to thehome—lovely furniture, etc.—means future prosperity, contentment. To dream you are losing your home indicates a lax condition in your management of affairs.
RESIGN (2—Stick up for your rights)
To dream you resign your position indicates that you should remain where you are. To resign yourself to some annoyingcondition indicates a weakness in your character that shouldnot be tolerated.
RESORT (5—A vacation soon, or trip)
To dream you take a vacation at a lovely summer resort indicates a new romance for the single people and good times for the married folks.
REST (You should relax and read)
To dream you are resting means you really are.
REVENGE (4—Give good for evil, it will pay)
To dream you revenge or are revenged indicates this is not agood dream. You truly have enemies.
RICE (8—Constant income)Rice indicates plenty from many sources.
RIVAL (8—An unsettled condition)
To dream you have a rival indicates you should do a little investigation to see if you really have. This is not a good dream.
ROAD (2—New adventure)
To dream you travel over a big, wide road indicates plenty isin store for you and it will be easy for you to get. A roughroad indicates you will succeed but only by the sweat of yourbrow.
ROOF (9—Lay up money for a rainy day)To dream you have a good roof on your home indicates good fortune protects you. A leaky roof means your affairs are not well planned.
ROPE (9—Good help from others when needed)
To dream of rope indicates robust health.
RUBBER (5—Be pliable in your opinions)To dream of rubber indicates a tendency to be too yielding foryour own good. Stand up for your own rights. This dream also indicates an inheritance.
RUINS (9—Try harder, you will succeed)
To dream of seeing ruins indicates trials, tribulations andwaste. This dream is a warning that you should guard againstdrifting into a lax and shiftless attitude toward life.
RUNNING (7—Smile and forget yesterday)To dream of running away or trying to hide from a person orthing indicates that an unsatisfactory condition in your pastlife still reaches you with its vibration. You should disregardthis dream and try to forget the past.
RUPTURE (2-Be careful)
T dream you have a rupture is a warning to guard against injuring yourself.
If I may trust the flattering truth of sleep,My dreams presage some joyful news at hand.
SADDLE (See Horse)
SAILOR (2—Clouds of war)
To dream of a sailor or a soldier indicates protection fromloved ones in time of need.
SAINT (9—Pray for what you want)
To dream of a Saint and you know which saint it is indicates
he will grant your favor if you ask it of him.
SALE (1—You will be very busy)
To dream of a sale or you are selling things indicates profitand a busy time ahead for you.
SALT (7—Your opinion will be sought)To dream of salt indicates good health.
SAMPLES (4—You will buy many small purchases)
To dream of samples indicates a shopping trip to purchasesmall articles; also a gift.
SAND (See Desert)
SAW (7—A change is needed)
A saw indicates the loss of a friend, or the severing of diplomatic relations.
SCALES (5—Justice for a wrong deed)
To dream of scales indicates you should show justice andmercy to those dependent upon you. If you have a law suit itwill be decided in your favor. This is a good dream.
SCANDAL (9—If a professional person, a new contract)
To dream of scandal indicates that you will acquire fame, orthat you will meet a famous person.
SCARAB (8—Good luck in store for you)
To dream you see a scarab or possess one indicates long life.
SCRAP BOOK (1—Good days to come)
To dream of a scrap book indicates that you will talk over thegood times of the past with a friend.
SCYTHE (8—You will divide with a relative)
A scythe indicates a new start in life coming soon.
SEAPORT (See Water)
SEED (6—A new job or business soon)
To dream you are planting seed or planting anything indicatesfrom your endeavors you will reap a good harvest. This is agood dream.
SERMON (3—Your prayers will be answered)
To dream you hear a good sermon at church indicates you willbe inspired to great accomplishments.
SERVANT (9—You will be called to help others)To dream of a servant or help in any capacity indicates thatthrough others you will succeed. After this dream be loyal,just, and accommodating to people around you and yourfellow workers.
SEWING (5—A good dream)
To dream of making new clothing indicates new clothes forthe sewer. To dream of patching old clothes indicates that youtry too hard to economize. There is plenty here, and you should reach out for your share. Making a beautiful quilt indicates prosperity. Scissors indicate sharp bargains, especially ifthe scissors are very sharp. Needles and thimbles indicate help from friends. Sewing, on the whole, is a very nice dream.
SHADE (1—kindness shown from friends)
To dream you stop in the shade of a beautiful tree indicatesyou will meet a friend whose company is very refreshing toyou.
SHAKE HANDS (9—A greeting awaits you)When you dream you shake hands with a person, whether living or dead, this is not really a dream but is an actual greeting—your spirit is making contact with the person while yourbody sleeps.
SHELL (2—A present)
To dream of shells means wasted time.
SHOES, SHOEMAKER (3—A good dream)
To dream of new shoes indicates a trip by water. To dream ofa shoemaker indicates that you will meet a very fine travelingcompanion. Any kind of foot wear indicates travel.
SHOVEL (9—Money through work)
To shovel clean earth means prosperity. To clean up dirt andrubbish with a shovel indicates coming wealth. The more you shovel, the greater the wealth.
SILK (6—You will buy new clothing)
To dream of silk or silk worms indicates spiritual blessing.
This dream is a good omen.
SILVER, SILVERWARE (4—A good dream)
If a young woman dreams of silver, she will be married soon.For a married person to dream of beautiful silverware indicates an inheritance. To dream of mining silver indicateshealth and wealth. Silver or silver money is a good dream.
SIN (6—Keep yourself above reproach)
To dream that you sin indicates you will be ashamed of something in your waking hours.
SING (4—Tears and sadness)
To dream of singing indicates bad luck, sorrow, and tears.
SINGLE (3—If married, company visits)To dream of being single indicates loneliness.
SKATE (2—A good dream)
To dream you skate in a lovely skating rink indicates aftergreat effort your life will run smoothly.
SKIN (8—You will visit a barber or beauty parlor)
To dream your skin is beautiful indicates happiness. If yourskin is rough, red, and pimpled indicates money, a change,and tears.
SLAUGHTERHOUSE (7—Be careful in traffic)
This dream indicates a death, disappointment or sadness. Thisis not a good dream.
SMOKE (9—Go in and win)
To dream you smoke or you are around somebody who issmoking indicates you will conquer future obstacles by concentration. You will dream about doing many things, butthrough a lax condition on your part they will never develop.
SNAKE (5—Avoid drink; not good for you)To dream of a snake does not mean an enemy as most peoplethink; it only means that you or someone about you has lowdesires. After this dream choose your associates wisely and refrain from pastimes where morals are concerned that mightruin your health. Snakes indicate infection.
SNOW (8—A wonderful dream)
To dream you awake in the morning and the ground iscovered with beautiful white snow indicates a wonderfulchange is coming into your life. To dream of frost and icemeans a slight change in your life. Anything pertaining tocold weather is good.
SOAP (6—A good dream)
To dream of soap in any form indicates passing fancies. Don'ttake petty worries too seriously.
SOLDIERS (4—Not a good dream)To dream of soldiers indicates war.
SOWING (5—Plenty of action)
To dream of sowing means money going out and money coming in.
SPICE (7—Perfume will be given)
To dream of any kind of spice or seasoning of any kind indicates a mixed fortune.
SPIDER (8—Annoying letters)
To dream of a spider indicates enemies, deceit, and entanglements if you are not careful. This is a bad dream.
SPINSTER (3—You will plan a knitted dress)
To dream of an old maid indicates you will have to help an oldrelative.
SPONGE (4—You will go fishing or near water)
To dream of a sponge indicates you may encounter inflated
ego, either yourself, or someone else.
SPUR (2—If you ride, be careful)
To dream of a spur indicates you will witness some cruelty.
SPY (6—Be careful what you say or write)
To dream of a spy indicates someone is trying to pry into youraffairs. Be on your guard.
STAR (4—Fond hopes realized)
To dream of the stars indicates happy days are ahead for you.
STORY (7—A spiritual help near)
To dream you hear a beautiful story indicates that some spiritreally does tell you that story.
SUGAR (3—A friendly caller)
To dream of sugar indicates flattery from the opposite sex.
SUICIDE (See Funeral)
SUN (9—A new opportunity soon)
To dream the sun is shining brightly and it is a lovely day indicates coming prosperity. To dream of an eclipse of the sunmeans there will be a big change in your life, the passing of theold and the coming of the new.
SURVEY (2-Make well laid plans)
To dream you are surveying indicates your plans will be laidand will materialize.
SWAMP (9—You will discover a hidden asset)
To dream of a big, wild swamp indicates you will make a bigdiscovery or perfect an invention.
SWAN (See Birds)
SWEETHEART (7—Love and happiness in store)
To dream of your sweetheart indicates happy days ahead.
SWIMMING (See Water)
SWING (9—Balance your judgment)
To dream you are swinging indicates you should be very constant in your endeavor.
SYMPATHY (9—A blessing)
To dream you sympathize with someone indicates your soul encountered someone who really needed sympathy, and you truly gave this sympathy while you were asleep. To dream someone gave you sympathy indicates somebody did sympathize with you.
And the King said unto them, I have dreamed a dream, and my spirit was troubled to know the dream.
Dan. ii, 3
TABLE (4—Plenty in store for you)
To dream of a beautifully set table with lovely silverware andlinen and dishes indicates happiness is in store for you—company and entertainment. This is a good dream.
TABLOID (8—Bright entertainment soon)
To dream of a tabloid indicates a bright outlook in what youare doing. This is a good dream.
TALK (8—Beware of a new acquaintance)
To dream you hear much talking and undertone indicates atroublemaker is at work; be on your guard.
TAMBOURINE (1—A beggarly gift received)
To dream of a tambourine indicates you will be approachedby a beggar.
TAPESTRY (7—A good dream)
To dream of a beautiful tapestry indicates good fortuneahead.
TATOO (1—Not a good dream)
To dream you see a tattoo or have one put on your body indicates you should be careful so as not to become involved inscandals that will harm you for the rest of your life.
TAXES (6—Poor bargains)
To dream of paying taxes indicates a waste of money.
TEA (8—Good health)
A dream about tea, tea cups, tea kettle, or anything pertainingto tea, is a good dream. It indicates pleasant social life in thefuture.
TEETH (4—Petty annoyances)
To dream your teeth hurt you or you lose them indicates youshould see that they really do not pain you while you sleep before you take stock in this dream. To dream you visit a dentist means you will have new friends. To dream you lose the fillings or the caps off your teeth means disagreeable words.Teeth on a whole are petty worries. I never take much stock insuch a dream. Teeth are so sensitive and so near the brain thatthey register every little thing there. Just disregard a dream about teeth.
TELEPHONE (1—You will receive hasty news)To dream you talk over the telephone with the dead or the living indicates they are trying to send a message through toyou.
TENANT (2—You will meet a hateful person)A dream of a tenant is not a good dream. It means disappointment or disillusionment.
TENT (5—A trip to the country hunting)
To dream of a tent indicates coming hardships.
THEATER (5—A gay party)
To dream of a theater in any capacity indicates that youshould not spend your time with too many frivolous things.
THIEF (3—Guard your purse)
To dream of a thief indicates you should beware of enviousfairweather friends or new acquaintances. To dream that you steal, or see others stealing, indicates you should beware ofsickness or accident.
THIMBLE (See Sewing)
THRESHING (5—Riches through labor)
To dream of threshing indicates that you will collect a debt of long standing.
THREAD (See Sewing)THUNDER (See Rain)
TOBACCO (5—Beware of fire)
To dream of tobacco in any form indicates that you shouldbeware of reckless spending on frivolous objects.
TOMB (See Funeral)
TOOLS (9-A good dream)
To dream of any kind of tool indicates success will come to you through the clever way you use the tools that are put inyour hands or the opportunities that come your way.
TOURIST (See Travel)
TOYS (7—A children's party soon)
This dream indicates pleasant pursuits, happiness, and a visitfrom a child.
TRAIN (8—A good dream)
To dream you are traveling on a train indicates an upset mental condition, that you are trying to make a decision whichwill eventually lead to a change of some kind.
TRAP (1-A small theft)
To dream of any kind of a trap or that you trap something indicates some kind of a trick may be played on you or someonemay try to cheat you.
TRAVEL (6—A good dream)
To dream of planning a long trip indicates a great change in your life in the future—a move, a sale of property, buying a home, or some other vast change. Travel, on the whole, indicates a restlessness within. Sailing on a beautiful ship andreaching foreign soil indicates a new position or new business—a complete change in your occupation; a change for thebetter in your finances. To dream of snipping by water or anyother way, large consignments of merchandise indicates profitable returns in the future from your endeavor. This is agood dream, as travel indicates change.
TREASURE (8—Unexpected money)
To dream of a buried treasure indicates someone's flatterymay try to mislead you; be careful.
TREE (3—A good dream)
To dream of trees, soft wood, hardwood, or any kind of tree,indicates strength, good luck, prosperity, stability. Dead treesmean lost opportunities.
TROPHY (3—A present soon)
To dream you win or see a beautiful trophy indicates you willachieve success, honor or fame. This is a good dream.
TROUSERS (9—You will go shopping)
To dream of trousers indicates the purchase of two new articles of clothing.
TRUNK (3—You will travel)
To dream of a trunk and lovely baggage indicates you willgather together opportunities and use them to your advantages. Lovely baggage in any form is a very good dream.
TUNNEL (See Cave) TURTLE (See Animal)
TWIN (3—Small annoyances)
To dream of a twin of anything indicates a double portion ofsomething is coming your way. This is a good dream.
TYPE, TYPING, TYPEWRITER (3—A good dream)This dream indicates you should be careful about what youput into writing or about what you sign. It also indicates plenty of hard work in store, with much detail.
Is this a dream 1 Oh, if it be a dream, Let me sleep on,And do not wake me yet!
UMBRELLA (3-You will uncover deceit)To dream of an umbrella indicates someone will try to coverup or hide some nice thing you have done and take the credithimself. Be on your guard after dreaming of a sun shade ofany kind.
UMPIRE (1—Give kindly, fair advice)
To dream of an umpire means you will be called upon to settlea dispute. Keep out of this if you can.
UNIFORM (6—Indicates servitude)
To dream you see or wear beautiful uniforms indicates pridein something you are doing or an honor will be bestowedupon you.
UNION (1—A business union to your advantage)To dream you unite yourself with others indicates as yougrow older you will develop a very fine, strong character. This is a good dream.
"God came to Lahan, the Syrian, by night, in a dream,and said unto him, take heed that thou speak not toJacob, either good or bad."
Gen. xxxi, 24
VACANT (7—Look for a new home)
To dream you walk through a vacant house or building indicates that you are not grasping opportunities and you are justmarking time. Also indicates a dissatisfied condition exists.Try to overcome this.
VACCINATE (6—Look at the label then purchase)
To dream of bein vaccinated indicates that you will receive agift which you do not care for.
VALENTINE (3—Aloving thought sent to you)
To dream of this beautiful love token indicates love andesteem and happiness. An ugly valentine means an insult.
VASE (See Art Gallery)
VAULT (4—Hidden assets)
To dream of a locked vault indicates someone is withholdingfrom you something that is rightfully yours. This is for their own selfish gain. Make an investigation and see if you can discover what this dream is trying to tell you.
VEGETABLE (7—A good investment soon)To dream of cooking, preparing, eating or raising vegetablesthat grow above the earth indicates money made throughcommerce. To dream of vegetables which grow under theearth indicates money made through oil or mining.
VEIL (3—You will take treatments for your hair)To dream you wear a veil or see others wearing one indicates you should not let others lead you into something you do not want to do.
VELVET (See Silk)
VIOLET (See Flower)
VISIT (7—A spiritual visit indicated)
When you dream of visiting with a person, your spirit actually does make contact with that person while you sleep.
VOLCANO (1—Beware of a fight)
To dream of a volcano indicates a stormy argument.
VULGAR (9—Change some of your friends)To dream you see or hear vulgarity indicates someone willconduct themselves in such a way as to make you unhappy intheir company. This is not a good dream.
That holy dream—that holy dream,While all the world were chiding,
Hath cheered me as a lovely beamA lonely spirit guiding
Edgar Allan Poe
WAGES (See Money)
WAIT (8—Go forward and win)
To dream you are waiting for someone or someone is waitingfor you indicates you are wasting time. You are not making the most of your opportunities. Don't put off until tomorrowwhat you can do today.
WALKING (5—A good dream)
To dream you are walking indicates health, strength, and success.
WALL (3—A change for the better)
To dream of a wall indicates obstacles. To climb over a wall indicates that these obstacles will be overcome. To dream ofpainting or papering the walls of your home indicates a change for the better coming into your home.
WANT (4—Do not be sloven)
To dream of poverty or you are in poverty indicates that youshould practice thrift and keep your affairs up and aboveboard. This is a warning that it might actually happen to you.
WAR (6—Indicates war)
To dream of war indicates you will hear much wrangling between nations which will worry you considerably.
WART (8—Do not speak of an old disagreement)
To dream of warts indicates small worry and some money iscoming your way.
WASHING (9—A fresh start for you)
To dream of washing clothes and working hard at it indicates you will make a great change in your household, and you willclean out all the petty annoyances that bother you.
WATCH (See Jewels)
WATER (4—A good dream)
To dream of vast bodies of water, such as the ocean, a largelake or big river, on the whole is a very fine dream. To dreamof swimming indicates that your affairs will run smoothly forsome time to come. To dream of a ship docking indicates a pause before prosperity. To dream of an industry where wateris used in vast quantities indicates prosperity. A dream ofclear water in any form is a good dream. Muddy water indicates worry and trouble. To dream of many ships and boatson the water indicates vast fortune.
WEATHER (8—A good dream)To dream the weather is mild and delightful indicates happiness and good health. Foggy weather indicates sadness. (See Rain.)
WEAVING (2—A new venture soon)
To dream of weaving indicates that you are laying a solidfoundation for the future. Be patient and you will succeed.This is a good dream.
WEDDING (3—A good dream)
To dream of attending a beautiful wedding indicates great happiness coming into your life. Trying on wedding clothes, whether you are married or single, is a very good dream. Ifsingle, it indicates a new sweetheart and a proposal. To dreamof trying on a wedding ring, if single, indicates a marriage within a year. To dream of your own wedding ring indicates apromise to be paid. A beautiful wedding on the whole, is a very fine dream.
WEED (1—Caution in business)
To dream of weeds in your garden indicates people will try toput obstacles in your way so you will not succeed. To dreamof destroying these weeds means you will triumph over yourenemies.
WEIGHING (See Scales)
WELL (7—Good advice from a friend)
To dream of an old-fashioned well where you draw the water up in a bucket indicates great satisfaction in what you are doing and you will see the day to show those who told you youwould fail that you really have succeeded.
WHARF (See Water)
WHARF (3—You are longing for a trip)
To dream you are on a wharf and it is loaded with merchandise and big steamers are tied to the wharf indicates a long seavoyage. This may not take place at once, especially if the wharf is loaded with merchandise. The merchandise indicatesthat this is coming. To sail on a beautiful steamer from this wharf indicates new adventure and happiness in store for you. This is a very good dream.
WHEEL (8—Do not bear the burden of others)
To dream of wheels indicates you will spend much time instraightening out your tangled affairs.
WIDOW (2—You will start something alone, it will be good)To dream of a widow or you are a widow indicates sadness,loneliness, and a change for the better in your life.
WIFE (7—A good dream)
To dream of your wife indicates that she loves you.
WIG (3—Study and read)
To dream of a wig indicates that someone is trying to hideknowledge from you.
WILD ANIMALS (9—A good dream)
To dream of wild animals which are used for food is a goodomen. It signifies plenty. To find them dead in the woods indicates waste and warns of coming loss.
WILL (See Estate)
WIND (5—Hasty news on the radio)
To dream the wind is blowing gently means happiness. Astrong gale means danger, trouble, and angry words. Becareful after you dream of a wind storm.
WINDOW (7—Try and you will win)
To dream you look out of the window indicates a very smallthing is keeping you from the success that is yours. Investigate.
WINE (6—A good dream)
To dream you drink wine indicates coming prosperity. In factto drink mildly of any wine or hard liquors means the same.To dream you become intoxicated means you lose opportunities through a lax condition or action on your part. Liquor of any kind represents prosperity. After you dream of liquor, conduct yourself and your affairs so you may profit from thisdream.
WIRE (1—You will see many animals soon)To dream of wire indicates that you will have friendly supportand cooperations in your work. This is a good dream, unlessit is barbed wire, which warns you of danger.
WITNESS (1—A good dream)
To dream you are called upon to be a witness indicates youwill have to help your friends.
WOLF (See Animal)
WOOD (3—New furniture)
To dream of cutting wood, a big wood yard, or any form ofwood indicates that you should use your ideas and experiences of yesterday to succed in the future. Wood is a very finedream.
WORK (4—Good days ahead)
To dream you have work to do indicates you will have plentyto do. This is a good dream.
WORMS (7—Money from the earth)
To dream of worms indicates that you will have work to dowhich is dirty and distasteful.
WORRY (8-Sadness)
To dream you worry or grieve is an indication that you arenot concentrating on what you really should don.
WOUND (See Accident)WRECK (See Accident)
WRINKLE (2—Not a good dream)
To dream you see someone else or your own face wrinkled indicates petty worries will assail you. It also indicates worrycan do more harm than a hard sick spell.
WRITE (3—You will be very busy)
To dream you are writing letters or anything else indicatesyou will sign a note and care should be used as to what youput in writing.
"And he said, hear now my words, if there be a Prophetamong you. I the Lord will make myself known untohim in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream."
Numbers xii,
YACHT (See Water)YARDSTICK (See Measure)
YARN (4—You will be invited to a luncheon)
To dream of yarn or that you are knitting indicates a warmfriendship or a happy gathering. This is a good dream.
YEAST (7—Forge ahead)
To dream of yeast means you should beware of people's inflated ideas. It also indicates you will rise above your presentstation in life through your own efforts.
ZIPPER (9—Ask questions, it will help you)To dream of a zipper indicates someone will keep from yousomething you really should know. After this dream be a littleinquisitive and investigate. Also indicates you should keepyour own affairs to yourself.
ZODIAC (3—A welcome change)
To dream of a zodiac indicates there will be a big change inyour life before the year has passed.
ZOO (1—Loss through carelessness)
To dream of a zoo or a circus or anywhere animals are confined means you are not doing the things you should becauseyou would rather enjoy yourself instead of working.. This isan indication that you should stop chasing the butterfly andsettle down to good solid work; otherwise you may be confined due to a shortage of funds.
He whom a dream hath possessed knowethno more of doubting.
Shaemas O'Sheel
My Chinese teacher in the Orient taught me that planetaryhours were very important to everyday life. To make them assimple as possible, so that anyone can understand and use them, I have given you here a brief Planetary Guide.
The astrological day begins at the exact moment of localsunrise, and the night begins at local sunset. The time betweensunrise and sunset is divided into twelve equal parts, each of which is called one planetary hour. Similarly the time from sunset to sunrise is also divided into twelve equal parts whichconstitute the planetary hours of the night.
The first planetary hour, starting from sunrise on any day, is ruled by the planet ruling the day itself. The succeedinghours are ruled by the planets in a definite and fixed succession, known as the Chaldean order, which is as follows:Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, and Moon. Thuson a Sunday the first hour from sunrise is ruled by the Sun, the next hour is ruled by Venus, the next by Mercury, the nextby the Moon, the next by Saturn, and so on in the same orderthroughout all the remaining hours of the day and night. It isa simple matter to work out the planetary hours for any givenday once the times of sunrise and sunset have been taken fromthe almanac, but for those who need merely a close approximation there are numerous mechanical devices on sale thatgive the commencing times of each hour for various latitudes and their planetary rulers at a glance. Therefore it is necessaryto know the times of sunrise in your own locality, since that tells us when the planetary day begins. The time of sunrise depends on the longitude of any given place, and of course itvaries with the seasons. However, thedifference in time at these various places does not change. Get your local time of sunrise each day as a starting point.
The planetary hour depends on the day of the week and the position of the sun during that day, and of course we know theposition of the sun is never the same in the various time zones.
Sun |
Mon |
Tues |
Wed |
Thhhur |
Fri |
Sat |
Sun |
Moon |
Mars |
Mer |
Jup |
Yen |
S'tn |
Yen |
S'tn |
Sun |
Moon |
Mars |
Mer |
Jup |
Mer |
Jup |
Yen |
S'tn |
Sun |
Moon |
Mars |
Moon |
Mars |
Mer |
Jup |
Yen |
S'tn |
Sun |
S'tn |
Sun |
Moon |
Mars |
Mer |
Jup |
Yen |
Jup |
Yen |
S'tn |
Sun |
Moon |
Mars |
Mer |
Mars |
Mer |
Jup |
Yen |
S'tn |
Sun |
Moon |
Sun |
Moon |
Mars |
Mer |
Jup |
Yen |
S'tn |
Yen |
S'tn |
Sun |
Moon |
Mars |
Mer |
Jup |
Mer |
Jup |
Yen |
S'tn |
Sun |
Moon |
Mars |
Moon |
Mars |
Mer |
Jup |
Yen |
S'tn |
Sun |
S'tn |
Sun |
Moon |
Mars |
Mer |
Jup |
Yen |
Jup |
Yen |
S'tn |
Sun |
Moon |
Mars |
Mer |
Mars |
Mer |
Jup |
Yen |
S'tn |
Sun |
Moon |
Sun |
Moon |
Mars |
Mer |
Jup |
Yen |
S'tn |
Yen |
S'tn |
Sun |
Moon |
Mars |
Mer |
Jup |
Mer |
Jup |
Yen |
S'tn |
Sun |
Moon |
Mars |
Moon |
Mars |
Mer |
Jup |
Yen |
S'tn |
Sun |
Yen |
S'tn |
Sun |
Moon |
Mars |
Mer |
Jup |
Mer |
Jup |
Yen |
S'tn |
Sun |
Moon |
Mars |
Moon |
Mars |
Mer |
Jup |
Yen |
St'n |
Sun |
St'n |
Sun |
Moon |
Mars |
Mer |
Jup |
Yen |
Jup |
Yen |
S'tn |
Sun |
Moon |
Mars |
Mer |
Mars |
Mer |
Jup |
Yen |
S'tn |
Sun |
Moon |
Sunday is ruled by the Sun
Monday is ruled by the Moon
Tuesday is ruled by Mars
Wednesday is ruled by Mercury
Thursday is ruled by Jupiter
Friday is ruled by Venus
Saturday is ruled by Saturn
In seeking to avail oneself of the planets the chart belowshould be considered. These influences are affected by the relative position of the planets at any given time, but in generalthe following holds good:
Good Bad Neutral
Venus Mars Mercury
Moon Uranus Neptune
The Chinese lunar year is divided into 12 months of 29 or 30days. The calendar is adjusted to the length of the solar yearby the addition of extra months at regular intervals.
The years are arranged in major cycles of 60 years. Eachsuccessive year is named after one of 12 animals. These 12-year cycles are continuously repeated. The Chinese New Yearis celebrated at the first new moon after the sun entersAquarius—sometime between January 21 and February19.—Information Please Almanac, 1982.
Rat 1888 |
Ox 1889 |
Tiger 1890 |
Hare 1891 |
Dragon 1892 |
Snake 1893 |
Horse 1894 |
Ram 1895 |
Monkey 1896 |
Rooster 1897 |
Dog 1898 |
Boar 1899 |
1900 |
1901 |
1902 |
1903 |
1904 |
1905 |
1906 |
1907 |
1908 |
1909 |
1910 |
1911 |
1912 |
1913 |
1914 |
1915 |
1916 |
1917 |
1918 |
1919 |
1920 |
1921 |
1922 |
1923 |
1924 |
1925 |
1926 |
1927 |
1928 |
1929 |
1930 |
1931 |
1932 |
1933 |
1934 |
1935 |
1936 |
1937 |
1938 |
1939 |
1940 |
1941 |
1942 |
1943 |
1944 |
1945 |
1946 |
1947 |
1948 |
1949 |
1950 |
1951 |
1952 |
1953 |
1954 |
1955 |
1956 |
1957 |
1958 |
1959 |
1960 |
1961 |
1962 |
1963 |
1964 |
1965 |
1966 |
1967 |
1968 |
1969 |
1970 |
1971 |
1972 |
1973 |
1974 |
1975 |
1976 |
1977 |
1978 |
1979 |
1980 |
1981 |
1982 |
1983 |
1984 |
1985 |
1986 |
1987 |
1988 |
1989 |
1990 |
1991 |
1992 |
1993 |
1994 |
1995 |
1996 |
1997 |
1998 |
1999 |
2000 |
2001 |
2002 |
2003 |
2004 |
2005 |
2006 |
2007 |
Each of the twelve animal signs of the Chinese zodiac has itsown special attributes and characteristics.
In Chinese astrology, a most favorable sign. Rat people aregenerally both physically attractive and charming and have many acquaintances, though only a few close friends. Theytend to be quiet, secretive, critical, and a bit self-centered.They are often late bloomers, coming into their own at ageforty. Politics, government jobs and business are good careers for Rat people to pursue. Rat people are highly emotional andlavish with their affection; they are likely to have manylovers.Compatible signs: Monkey, Dragon, Rat.
Outwardly patient and placid, the Ox, once crossed orangered, is unlikely to forgive or forget. Ox people are regularin their habits, and have a strong sense of direction. They aremodest and understated in manner, but can be plagued by the need to be perfect in everything they do. Ox men and womenare very devoted to home and family, and if you want afaithful partner you would do well to marry an Ox. They are generous and caring and believe that to give is better than to receive.Compatible signs: Rooster, Snake, Ox.
Tigers are cautious—they distrust their first impressions andare slow in forming judgments. They are hard workers andtheir thirst for knowledge is immense; they tend to do well financially. Tiger people are well-liked and respected butnevertheless, they often lack self-confidence. Tiger people areusually not very demonstrative with their affections, butyoung Tiger men and women tend to play romantic games. Itis best for Tiger people to marry later in life when they willprove to be faithful mates.Compatible signs: Dog, Horse,Tiger.
Hare (or Rabbit) people do well in speculation or games ofchance, but are often too conservative in nature to take advantage of this characteristic. Because they are objective,meticulous, and hold to traditional values, Hares are oftenattracted to careers as lawyers or diplomats. Hares can beshow-offs, and crave luxury and the gratification of sensualappetites. Rabbits are slow to form relationships but aretender and gentle and giving to loyal friends and mates. Butwatch out, spurn a Rabbit and love turns quickly to hate.Compatible signs: Goat, Boar, Hare.
Dragons are not always what they seem. They can appear tohave everything going for them, as love, success, and the respect of others come easily to them, yet they can be unhappy,insecure individuals. To compensate for feelings of inadequacy, Dragons can be bossy and opinionated. Dragon people possess leadership qualities and personal magnetism, but theyare advised to use these talents with discretion lest they offendtheir friends. Their exacting standards can lead to disappointments in love; Dragons tend to promiscuity in youth which can inhibit their ability to form lasting relationships.Compatible signs: Monkey, Rat, Dragon.
The Snake is glamorous and vivacious and seeks to associatewith others who enjoy the elegant life. While often sympathetic to those less fortunate, the Snake can be narrow-mindedand stingy. They are smart and talented but frequently reluc tant to put their brains and talents to good use. Snakes can appear calm and content, but they are sensitive—easily hurt anddeeply pained by rejection. They are very romantic and tendto be monogamous, but they can move quickly to a new loveaffair if the first one fails.Compatible signs: Ox, Rooster,Snake.
Those born in the year of the Horse are gregarious and fun-loving. They are generally very attractive and tend to be flamboyant in dress and manner. Horses are charismatic and popular, but can cause their loved ones grief as they tend to prefer the social whirl to domestic life. They can be quick-tempered,impatient, and unsentimental; their cleverness and ability aspublic speakers make them good politicians. Horses areromantic, but fickle, and they are often more interested in the physical aspects of a relationship than in the emotional ones.Compatible signs: Tiger, Dog, Horse.
Sincere and sensible, Ram (or Goat) people are nature lovers,or very religious, and they work well with their hands. Goatpeople are often not very adventuresome; cherishing their creature comforts, they seek security and the good life. Ramstend to try for financially advantageous marriages, but when they fall deeply in love there are no strings attached—they doeverything in their power to make the loved one happy. Goatpeople are passionate, frank, and fastidious.Compatiblesigns: Boar, Hare, Ram.
The monkey is talented, intelligent, and has a fine memory inaddition to a lively sense of humor. While these people aregifted and often successful financially, their attention span is brief—if they cannot see immediate results they often abandon a project. Even though Monkey people can be shy, theydo well in groups and social situations. Monkeys are trusting,romantic and idealistic. They make devoted and faithfulmates.Compatible signs: Rat, Dragon, Monkey.
Rooster people are plucky, adventurous, and flamboyant.Blessed with intelligence, imagination and artistic ability, theymake sure that everyone knows it. Candid and outspokenthey can hurt feelings even though their instincts are soundand their advice good. They make tender, considerate andforgiving mates.Compatible signs: Horse, Tiger, Rooster.
People born in the year of the Dog make excellent friends.They keep confidences and are gracious and responsible. Theyare sensitive and can be quick to anger, but the anger neverlasts and there is nothing malicious about them. Inwardly,Dog people are never quite sure of themselves and they tendto be pensive and fretful, therefore they can be jealous and suspicious in romantic relationships, prone to imaginary anxieties. They need a lot of loving reassurances.Compatiblesigns: Tiger, Horse, Dog.
Boars possess all the most desirable traits of human nature—they are loving, trustworthy, loyal, gentle and faithful. They are modest and unassuming, and so their excellent qualitiesmay not be readily apparent on first acquaintance. They prefer a quiet life of comfort and financial security and whileshy, they can be quite lively with close friends. In romantic relationships they are very vulnerable and they become quite involved emotionally.Compatible signs: Hare, Ram, Boar.
October 16,1890—October 17,1977
In 1981, asGong Hee Fot Choy Tells Your Fortune wasrepublished in a new edition, bringing the total copies in printto 500,000, and as this expanded edition of theDream Book was being planned, we interviewed her husband of 49 years,Edward Arnold Winfield —The Publishers
Tell us about Margarete Ward's early years.
Margarete was a little over a year old when her mother and father died. I think it was during a flu epidemic in 1891. Ialmost died myself in the worldwide flu epidemic in 1918. Shewas raised by relatives—her stepfather's name was Ward too,and I think he was her father's cousin. He and his wife had two children of their own. Margarete considered them herhalf-brother and half-sister. Her stepfather worked for therailroad, he was the boss of the gang that works on therailroad. He would work one place along the tracks for six months or so and then move on, so the family lived all overwhen Margarete was growing up. She lived in Ohio, in Kan sas, in Cheyenne, Laramie, Salt Lake, Albuquerque, Needles. She lived in Denver, too; as close as I can figure it she was 10 years old then. She went to school there for a year or two with the nuns. They do a very good job of teaching, you know, and they helped her a lot. But, on account of all the moving, herschooling was broken up. She had very little formal education, though I think her stepfather did try to teach her a little.Her stepmother just sort of cracked the whip on her all thetime and Margarete had a lot of hard work to do when shewas a little girl.
When did she leave home?
They were in San Bernardino when she became of age. She16 or 18 and she got away from the family. The moviebusiness was just starting up. She met Mac Sennett, Ruth Roland, and Pearl White who played in all those old serialsthat leave you in a state of suspense so you'll come and see thenext one. She could have worked there if she wanted to, but she didn't go for that. She didn't like the movies, she mighthave been famous if she had.
So what did she do instead?
She went into partnership with another woman, modeling andselling dresses. I don't think she did any of the sewing, but she helped with the design of the dresses. She was in that businessuntil World War I was over and then she went to China, toShanghai. She'd always wanted to go to China and when she talked about it as a child, her stepmother used to get mad and slap her down. Her stepmother thought it was fool's talk.
She was in Shanghai until about 1925, as far as I can figure,working for selling and importing companies and sailing back and forth across the Pacific.
Did she speak Chinese?
No. She learned a few words and evidently she could speakenough to get along. Most of the business people she dealtwith spoke English, so she didn't really need to speak Chinese.The people she met and did business with in China liked her real well, and she liked it over there from the way she talked about it.
What did she do when she came back in 1925?
She went back to Los Angeles. She met Charlie Chaplin then,and Sid Grauman, the man who built all those theaters around L.A. She was the one who talked him into building theChinese Theater. She worked for him when he designed and built it and he paid her for helping with it.
When did you meet her?
We met in 1928 at the Ambassador Hotel. We metaccidentally. She had been living with some relatives, but when we met she had her own apartment on Oxford Street,and she had a police dog. It wasn't long after we met that we went to Reno and got married on April 23, 1928. She was 37then. I'd just about given up the idea of getting married butwith her it was quite different. We had similar tastes and therewas very little conflict.
Did she keep working after you were married?
Well, she had just written a story for Charlie Chaplin and waskind of freelancing that way. She was also working in realestate—she was in Texas on a real estate deal just before I met her. She was really an active woman.
After we were married, she was tired of traveling; she hadalready seen the world and she was ready to settle down.
Did she start writing then?
She had started to work onBom to the Purple before we weremarried and in the early '30s she decided to put the fortunetelling game(Gong Hee Fot Choy Tells Your Fortune)together. She wanted to do something that would be an accomplishment. I said go ahead and see if you can get someoneto print it. She got a company in L.A. to print the book and we put up all the money. I remember telling her that we wereputting hard-earned money into this (it was the Depression then, remember) and I wanted to proofread it myself. Theprinter didn't proof it at all, I made all the corrections. Iwanted to make it perfect but she said no. She said it was goodenough and so we went from there. It was first published in 1932 or 1933. I told her she was not charging enough for the book. The cost was $1, and the deluxe edition was $3.
How wasGong Hee Fot Choyreceived?
Oh, it was successful, it sold right off the bat. It was so successful that someone tried to copy it and went to the sameprinter. The other people never got anywhere with the game,but it caused some trouble between Margarete and the printer.When the first printer died, Margarete started filling orders herself. We'd take them down to the post office. Then a company in Chicago took it over for a year or two, before westarted printing it in Reno. That's when I started to figure out how many different arrangements of cards on the board werepossible, how many different fortunes there could be. Theprinter and I worked out the number and took it to many,many places. I found a book on algebra and it proved that wehad done it right.
When did she write theDream Book?
She did theDream Book right after the fortune telling game. And then she publishedBorn to the Purple, the book she wasworking on before we met. I still haven't read the bookthrough. She wrote poetry too. She planned on getting someof her poetry together for a book but her health was failingand she couldn't work like she used to. She would read herpoetry to me as she wrote it and I helped her with itsometimes. I thought I would complete and correct andpublish her poetry someday.
Did a lot of people want to talk to Margarete about herpsychic ability?
Yes, but it was a real drain on her. In L.A. they would say youwere doing it for the money and she didn't like that. Shewanted to print her book on prophecy but she was held backby the printer. I told her to be more forceful, but the printer didn't want to do it. But she knew the truth about things, sheknew it alright.
Did Margarete feel success in her life?
Yes, she felt a certain amount of success. She finished herbook and her game but she had visions of doing more. Peoplealways wanted her to demonstrate herGong Hee Fot Choyand she did a lot of that in department stores. She got a lot of fan mail which she always tried to answer. And a man in San Francisco wrote a song for her called "Margie."
What did she do for pleasure?
We used to make pleasure trips out of our business trips. She didn't like night clubs or that stuff. We didn't go to the moviesmuch, but after 1948 they started showing them on televisiona lot, so we watched television for pleasure. And she reallyliked her dogs.
Didn't she believe in reincarnation?
Yes, we both did. But she didn't like death at all. She would never go to any funerals, she always sent me. She thought she was going to die a lot of times. She was sick in the 1930s and then she got stronger. At the last she had arterial sclerosis andshe had had several strokes. When she was younger, death was horrifying but when death came to her she was not afraid because she had faith in what was after death. She stood up todeath perfectly. She was a very happy person.
By Margarete Ward
Some time during the nightMy soul wandered away
To a far distant land
Where I lived another day
I stopped there to gatherSome lotus flowers rare,
And watch the golden fishA swimming here and there
My friends were now waiting,And a good tiffin too;
Time flies, I had to goNothing else could I do
I was driving my carAs in days long ago
Going to a tiffinIn a cave far below
Many trees were holdingThis old swinging bridge;
I tripped over it lightlyFar away from the edge.
So I promised myself
I would return another dayTo walk over this bridge
And watch the fishes play.
The streets were so narrow I parked on a ledge
I had to pass overA rustic old bridge.
My arms full of flowers In this cool shady spot,
I hated leaving there,The tropic sun, was so hot!
Just then I awakened
By the mocking birds' callI found it was morning
And a dream after all.