Brown’s Gas Book 2 two Build a high quality Brown’s Gas electrolyzer that will exceed the performance of ANY known commercial machine to date by George Wiseman Brown’s Gas. Book 2 presents a simple electrolyzer design that can be built quickly, with inexpensive, readily available materials, using standard workshop tools and abilities. Further, it can be built to huge sizes. This Do-It-Yourself version is not only more efficient than the commercial units, but will teach you all you need to know about your electrolyzer: its design; assembly and operating parameters. So, you’ll be able to fix it yourself if anything goes wrong. HHO gas hydrogen electrolizer fuel from water this is amazeing. a tortch that can burn up to 7000 degrees or higher and burn right through a brick and its fuel comes out ouf your tap. with a little imagination one could run their car off of this stuff or at the very least they could SIGNIFICANTLY reduce their gas consumption. I would like to see someone build a steam turbine generator that would power a home-- big bucks to the guy that can do that. good luck!!! Build.a.high.quality.Browns.Gas.HHO.Hydrogen.Generateing.electrolyzer