bulbs amounted to about 8 watt. Especially striking in this connection is the considerably higher current-power in the bulb-circuit being about 12 times bigger than the current coming from the two batteries.

We have also absolutely made sure that from the batteries no other conducters led to the apparatus than those into which my instrument was built-in.
The fact that an increase of power from the battery to the terminal clamps of the effective circuit in the plate-system take place, could, indeed, not be tested on different parts of the apparatus by a direct measuring of the power itself, because Mr. Coler declared that when switching on an instrument in the interior of the system, probably the "adjustment" would be disturbed.

I have therefore tested the decrease of tension in the single plates on a load of three lamps by means of a millivolt- meter, make of Hartmann & Braun, Nr. 462375, in order to get at least in an indirect way an explanation for the increase of current.
This examination showed a remarkable increase of tension-losses with a distinct maximum on the third-last plate of the one row. These estimates too are compiled in the table at the end of this judgment.


The result of the investigation showed an astonishing working of the apparatus, which, without further researches cannot be explained or compared with the hitherto known characteristics.

Regarding the Cause of the observed characteristics, especially the solution of the question, where the energy in the apparatus orginates, no explanation can be given yet, after the short and simple tests.

Solely the conjecture can be expressed that the magnet- system is the source of the energy. If therefore seems desirable to clear this point by further thorough and systematic examinations.
For this purpose the proposition of Mr. Coler to construct a bigger apparatus is very sensible, an apparatus, into which from the beginning measuring-instuments should be built in the respective parts of the single circuits in order to enable the "adjustment" of the apparatus including these instruments.

A judgment for the possible utilization of the phenomena,


observant in the apparatus, from the economical point of view, I am, of course, not able to pass on after these short tests.
This question could only be answered after some lengthened and permanent tests, by which should be established what productiveness the source of energy, existent in the apparatus will show, especially if the magnets, in case they are the supports of the energy-source would wear out after some time, and at what expense each time they could be replaced by new ones.

Above all, however, it appears important that the part or parts of the apparatus, being possibly responsible for causing the observed phenomena, should be taken out in a way as simply as possible and be submitted to an examination in all directions.

Before finishing this, I wish to say that the results of the tests are put at the disposal of Captain Coler for which reason I enclose a copy herewith.

I should like to ask, however, the gentlemen in question not to mention my name and that of Professor Franke nor divulge the results of our tests without our express consent, or to make them known publicly and above all not in the press.


Results of Measuring

Apparatus Coler
3rd March, 1926

Nr.	Test with     Charge    Magnet 	    Plate	 Spool       External
	instrument              circuit     circuit      circuit     circuit
                                Amp. Volt   Amp.  Volt   Amp.  Volt  Amp. Volt

1       built-in         -      0.21  0.5    -    6,4     -    6.3    -   6.0

2       idem          2 bulbs   0.21  0.5   0.16  4.7    0.06  4.3   3.1  3.5

3       idem          3 bulbs   0.21  0.5   0.22  4.0    0.075 3.75  3.7  3.0

			Control of the buildt-in instruments: Of the battery

4/5     built-in      3 bulbs               0.215 4.0                3.7  3.0
        S&H.423820                          0.215

6/7     built-in      3 bulbs                            0.08  3.4   3.7  3.0
        S&H.423820                                       0.070

8/9     built-in                0.21  0.5
        S&H.423820              0.2

		Control of the instruments in the external circuit

10      built-in                                                     3.3  3.0	   
11      S&H423820     3 bulbs                                        3.08 2.30
12      S&H254159                                                    2.95

13      built-in      2 bulbs                                             3.15
14      S&H423820                                                         3.15

15      built-in      1 bulbs                                             4.1
16      S&H423820                                                         4.45
From the buildt-in tension meter of the external circuit estimations below 3 volt could not be read any more.
When slightly over 3 volt the instrument indicates correctly, when over 5 volt, the indication is somewhat too low.


The built-in current indicator of the external circuit points somewhat too high.

The control-instrument S.& H. 423820 is a precision continuous current-instrument (Millivoltmeter) for current and tension measurings. The control instrument H. & B.243159 is a hotwire-instrument.



Translation of a report by Professor W.O,Schumann
(Munich) on the examination of the apparatus of
Mr. Coler in Berlin on the 19th and 20th March
1926 (dated 3rd April, 1926)

The apparatus in question principally consists of two parallel connected spools, which being bifilarly wound in a special way, are magnetically linked together.
One of these spools is composed of copper sheets ( the spool is called the plate spool), the other one of a number of thin parallel connected isolated wires (called: spool winding), running parallel at small intervals to the plates.
Both spools can be fed by separate batteries; at least two batteries are necessary to put the spools at work.

The spools are arranged in two halves each, according to the bifilar winding system.
To the starting points the batteries are attached, to the parallel connected ends the current-receivers.
Besides, inter-communications are connected between parallel windings of the two halves of the plate spool which contain iron rods with silver connections.
These rods are magnetised by a special battery through applied windings (called: exciter windings).

According to the statement of the inventor, the production of energy principally takes place in these iron rods, and the winding of the spools plays an essential part in it.

As far as it was possible I convinced myself of the conformity of the circuit with the mechanism.
The exciter winding is electrically completely separated from the other windings which was proved when testing the apparatus while being devoid of tension, as well as when testing it while being at work with the aid of an Ohmmeter and a Millivoltmeter.

In order to ascertain possibly concealed sources, the apparatus was searched with a millivoltmeter, without using any external batteries.
No effect was perceptible.
Besides the apparatus was carried from the one room through a corridor to another one in the establishment to exclude the possibility of any secret connection to the mains.

Installed in the apparatus were three current meter for the currents from the three batteries, and furthermore current and volt meters of the soft iron type for the current receivers.
One and two bulbs respectively were employed for this purpose. Besides there were at disposal one precision milliameter of the S. & H. turn spool type, also employable as ammeter and voltmeter


(called: Dr. Sp.C.), and a turn spool millivoltmeter of the A.E.G., an ordinary laboratory instrument, also employable as a voltmeter, (called: Dr. Sp. A.E.G. C.).

While the apparatus fed two bulbs, the current delivery of the three current-supplying batteries was measured directly at the terminal clamps. The results are as follows:

l.      current of the plate battery     48 mA  )
2.      current of the spool battery     39 mA  ) Dr. Sp. S. & 
                                                ) H. C.
3.      current of the exciter battery  170 mA  )
The indications of the built-in instruments were in unison with the statements of the S. & H. instrument.
The total capacity of the batteries of three elements each: 0.257 x 6 - 1.542 watt, (the tension of the batteries in reality being below 6 volt).
The possible capacity of the two bulbs according to the built-in soft-iron instruments was 3A x 3.5 v., that is 10.5 watt which means the 6.7 fold of the above-mentioned capacity.

Thereafter only one bulb was connected, and a seond one, exactly of the same type, was regulated with a special accumulator battery to get the same light.
All currents were measured with the "Dr. Sp. S. & H. C.", all tensions with the "Dr. Sp. S. A.E.G. C." and not with the built-in instruments.

        1.      current of the plate battery             28   mA
        2.      current of the spool circuit battery     23.5 mA
        3.      current of the exciter battery          180   mA
That means, if reckoned with a 6 volt battery tension, 6 x 0.232 - 1.392 watt.
The possible capacity of a bulb, fed by a special battery, and showing the same lightpower was 4.5 volt x 1.5 Am - 6.75 watt. Proportion of both efficiencies ca. 4.85.

Both instruments used for testing (measuring) from S. & H. and from the A.E.G. were then compared with each other by a current-voltmeter, the highest possible deviation being less than 10% which can therefore scarcely influence the result.

The apparatus, according to the statement of the inventor, is adapted now for current increase. The bulb-tension of 3-5 volt is less than the tension of the feeding batteries.


By changing over in the interior it would also be possible to use it for an increase of tension.

Then there was a test with the aid of the Dr. Sp. Milli- voltmeter from the A.E.G. to try the decrease of tension in the single winding halves of the plate spool on the right.as well as on the left side of the mecanism. (The form of the spool is that of a long small rectangle).

Tensions in Millivolt:			Winding from the tap downward:
	Right Side						Left Side

1.	-	2.	0.24				l.	0.34		2,	-
3.	-	4.	2.6				3.	2.8		4.	-
5.	8.4	6.	24				5.	12.4		6.	22
7.	22	8.	24.6				7.	28		8.	100-140
										fluctuates much
9.	26	10.	25				9.	46		10.	30
The tensions are distributed very unequally which must be due to current increases and decreases through the iron-cores.

Further measurements on the single parts could not be carried through for the reason of getting impeded by the built- in parts in the apparatus.
Any variations of the regulation-resistances were also not undertaken, because the inventor stated that the apparatus in its installation was very sensitive, especially with regard to the magnetic conditions of the iron-cores, and that a wrong treatment would cause interferences which would be wearisome and very difficult to be eliminated.

The next day I got a Hotwire-voltmeter "H. & B" (called: H. Dr. TH), and further a precision milliameter "S & H." (called: Dr. Sp. TH) at the Technical High School of Charlottenburg. With these instruments and those of the previous day the following tests were made:

	1.	Plate circuit	28 mA		Dr. Sp. T H
		Lamp current	1.52 A		Dr. Sp. S. & H. C.
				1.60 A		H Dr. T H
				1.3-1.4		Built-in soft iron 
		Lamp tension	4.05 V		H Dr. T H
		Lamp tension	4    V		Built-in soft iron 

	2.	Spool circuit		28.5-30 mA	Dr. Sp T H
		Lamp current		1.47 A		Dr. Sp S. & H. C
					1.56 A		HDTH
		Lamp tension		3.8 V		H Dr. T H

	3.	Exoiter circuit		0.173 A		Dr. Sp S. & H. C
		Lamp current		1.5 A		H Dr. T H
		Lamp tension		3.75-4 V	H Dr. T H
		Spool circuit		30-30.5 mA	Dr. Sp T H
Once again a comparison of capacity was carried through by using an equa1amp to that in the apparatus with an accumulator, and bringing it to the same brightness, as judged by the eye.

	Lamp in accumulator circuit:
		tension	4 V			Dr Sp S. & H. C
			3.3 V			Dr Sp A.E.G. C
		current	1.5 A			Dr Sp S. & H. C

	Lamp in apparatus:
		tension	3.85-4.0 V		H Dr. T H
		current	1.59			H Dr. T H

	Current in spool circuit 27-28.5 mA	Dr. Sp T H
Thereafter the instruments with the measured current - and tension - figures were compared with each other:

	1.	Tensionmeter parallel on two accumulators:
			Dr. Sp A.E.G. C		3.2 V
			H Dr. T H		3.8 V
			Dr. Sp S. & H. C	4.2-4.3 V

	2.	Voltaelectrometer in line:
			H Dr. T H			1.47 A
			Dr. Sp S. & H. C		1.46-1.47

Even when taking into account the errors of the instruments, the resulting multiplication of energy, in principle, does not undergo any alteration through the apparatus.
Judging from the conformity of the hotwire - and turnspool instruments in the lamp circuit, the inference is to be drawn that principally it is continuous current one has to deal with.
A test of current from the batteries by way of hotwire measurement was not possible.

As a striking fact it should be mentioned that the spool circuit having been at first always switched on alone, received a current of 104 mA.
As soon as plates and exciter circuit additionally and simultaneously were switched on, as, according to the inventor, the apparatus demands it, the current in the spool circuit comes down to about 27 mA.

A definite judgment about the apparatus must be reserved by me until all parts have been singly tested, and until variations in the connections in the load and c have been undertaken.

After the present examination, carried through as care- fully as the limited possibilities of experimentation permitted, I must surmise that we have to face the exploitation of a new source energy whose further developments can be of an immense importance.
The apparatus was visible and accessible in all its essential parts.
The inventor agreed quite willingly to each trial in so far as, according to his statement, no harm could be done to the working of the apparatus.

I do not believe in a deception. I deem it expedient to put the apparatus to a further test, and I believe that a further development of the apparatus and an assistance, given to the inventor, will prove justified and of great importance.



Report of Examination on Coler Apparatus

Time; 1.4.43 to 25.9.43

Place: Research Department of the Admiralty (OKM), Berlin, Wannsee
Time: l.4.43 to 30.6.43

Place: Physical Institute of the Technical University of Berlin
Time: 1.7.43 to 25.9.43

Report by Hans Coler and Dr. Heinz Frohlich


Some years ago an apparatus (the Coler apparatus) was empirically developed, which according to a series of reports by well known scientists and practical engineers, was able to deliver a considerably higher electrical output than the input necessary to excite the electromagnetic fields of the apparatus.

Due to the lack of sufficient knowledge of the complicated activity within the apparatus, and of the impossibility of explaining this in known terms, the success in starting the apparatus depended upon happy accident.

With the support of the OKM an attempt was made to examine and measure the activities in the Coler apparatus.
Due to lack of sufficient technical and physical means, we did not at first succeed in starting it.
This work, however, led to valuable knowledge and information.

It is therefore necessary, through a systematic basic research, to transfer the adjustment and other necesary procedure for starting the apparatus, from the domain of accident into a practical experimental procedure which is at any time reproducible.

1. History

During the years 1923 to 1926 the undersigned, Captain Hans Coler, basing his work on lay theories of electromagnetic and inductive activities, has developed an apparatus for generating electrical energy, wich delivered a considerably higher electrical output than was necessary to excite the


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