Water - the Bearer of Lifegiving and Creative Forces My interest in water began with a fascination with the forces at work surrounding the creative process. My previous background and experience lies in the field of art much more than it does in the scientific. As an artist I quickly became fascinated with the process of creation itself. I was infact much more interested in the moment in which the painter is painting or the sculptor is sculpting than I was with the finished product, and it was this fascination which lead me on my journey to discover this creative plane which all humans as creative beings have the ability to conciously experience, and upon which all living beings are not only dependent upon but entirely formed of. I first began searching within the parallels between the artists experience and the so called religious experience found in many religious traditions around the world. This search wihin different religious traditions brought me to Anthroposophy, where I, for the first time came in contact with a science which explained the seen world as coexisting and permeated with archetypical forms and thoughts; a sort of creative dimension guiding and shaping it. I had myself as an artist experienced this state at an intuitive level as forms, colors and movements, so naturally I became deeply interested in this new (for me) science and mathematics which in a very defined way through experimentation and research shead light onto this reality which until now had only existed in my imagination. Now somehow the pieces of reality began to fit together and since that time the barriers which divided the artworld and the scientific no longer existed. Since then I have worked in this new synthesized world of art and science, for they are no longer for me seperate yet seek to define the same thing.by Aron Vaughn
It was my newly found interest for an alternative science conce rning the living forces at work in water developed by Theodore Schwenk and with the theories profounded by Victor Schauberger which led me to seek work at the flowform laboratory in Järna, Sweden. There I became much more deeply involved with the ideas which I will try to present to you here.
The first step perhaps in understanding water from this new perspective is to see it not only as a chemical substance, yet as having certain qualities and tendencies, a will, a character which only water can have. We must consider water in its entirity as having being in itself. For example, if one allows water to run down a very smoothe surface (allowing for as little friction as possible), then one can observe that if the relationship between the downward pulling force of gravity and the condition in which the liquid looses direction and begins to spread itself upon the surface, then something quite remarkable takes place. The water begins to flow to and fro in a rythmical motion and may even begin to pulsate. This movement is called the meander. In nature one often observes this movement. Between the natural spring high in the mountains flowing hastily downwards under the force of gravity and the outward spreading movement in the sea, one finds the river which digs its path in just this winding meander movement. Even in the sea one observes this rythmic principle in the movement of the waves. This principle is a reflection of the most primary of cosmic laws. Between "too much form" (direction) and "too little form" (chaos), an environment is created in which life can exist. Where darkness meets light the color spectrum is created. Where emptiness receives being, a dynamic relationship arises in which conciousness is born. As I see it, it is this relationship and not the light in itself which gives rise to conciousness. It is the will of the light wanting to know itself, needing to be concious which streams outward from itself giving rise to both a delicate surface environment in which beings, seemingly seperated, arise as mirror images of this archetypical relationship.
The creation of membrane is also a mirror image of this relationship, as well as memory, and immune system. Water arises within this environment, this surfa ce, as perhaps the perfect medium in which this principle of conciousness can express itself within. It acts as a sort of bridge, retaining the qualities of two polar worlds, having the ability to recognize and react to both physical surroundings and arch etypical creative thoughts.
If one should choose a geometrical model in which to express this archetypical relationship within, perhaps one would choose the toroid or as it is sometimes known the spherical vortex, or doughnut-like form (se picture below/right). It is important however that one should imagine this model more as a principle of dynamic relationships, of inward becoming outward and outward becoming inward rather than a fixed form having fixed measurements.All energy within the seen physical universe, upon the delicate surface between being and emtiness relates to this original form in one way or another. From the tiniest atomic structures to the very shape of the universe itself. This is so because this form, this relationship is the only, of all possible forms and relationships, process which has the ability to give back to itself and therefore is the only process which is self creating. This is to say that there is only one possible form which makes conciousness possible and we call this process "love".
Early in this century, founder of Anthroposophy (which means wisdom of the cosmic man) Rudolph Steiner said something very interesting concerning the nature of the sun to a group of scientists gathered at Dornach, Switzerland. He said that if one could really look into and experience the sun, one would find there a space emptier than empty. He also explained how the life-energies active behind the building up processes in living organisms are of a fundamentally oppisite nature to the explo sive, centrifugal, breaking -down forces characteristic of the physical plane. Forces in the physical plane are directed outward toward the perifery from a decided and fixed central point, yet the building-up or etheric processes are fixed between an inne r and an outer infinitude. They come inward from the perifery (outer infinitude) inward toward a point or axis (inner infinitude).
Within the synthesis of Projective Geometry with living processes developed in the early part of this century by George Adams and others, one finds a form in nature which arises time and time again. Olive Whicher, a close colleague to Adams, calls this form the sunspace. This space functions as a port, an opening in which these etheric, building-up processes can arise in living organisms. Examples of this include, the egg, the womb, the seed, and the head form. Everywhere in nature where there is an greater need for cell and tissue building processes one finds this form. I see this sort of form in nature as a physical expression for the cosmic principle of the toroidal form or at least the relationship which this principle seeks to acheive.
In water, air and other physical medium this principle expresses itself in the form of the vortex. The vortex, or spiral as expressed in two dimensions, is an expresion of the dynamic relationship between an inner and outer infinitude. This form in its very nature is the embodiment of a negative space, a sunspace, a form with the greatest possible ability to receive the format ive lifeforces.
In reality, the toroidal form and the vortex form are one in the same. When one usually conceives of a vortex, one tends to think only of the motion whirling inward upon itself. This infact is not at all the whole of it. Depending upon the circumstances, all or most of the medium, such as water, breaks off from the intense inward motion and then is sucked upward again in an oppisite motion only to be pulled again inwardly upon itself thus creating the toroidal form. It is also inte resting to note that, in the case of water, at the point of greatest possible speed near the eye of the vortex, the water makes the leap into the next octave so to speak thus becoming steam.
In his book, "Living Water", Theodore Schwenk shows how this vortex form inherent in water is the first step toward the developement of living organisms. These movements become like surfaces within the liquid opening themselves to the tissue-building forces which then begin to densify seperating themselves from the environment. The majority of the examples he demonstrates are from simple organisms living in water, although he later goes on to demonstrate the developement of organs in higher animals and even the developementof the human embryo following this same pattern. A simple example is the jellyfish which, consisting of 99% water, reflects very closely a bell-like form arising between surfaces formed when a short jet of water is forced outward into a still body of water.One can easily sense here how water relates and becomes a medium for the tissue-building processes and how this etheric plane (or moreover how divine mind through this plane) creates and utilises water as its medium of expression much in the same way in which the sculptor forms clay in his hands. We could also say this, that water has the greatest ability of all mediums to receive the lifegiving etheric formative forces.
Another of Schwenk's more interesting experiments occurs during a solar eclipse. He shakes (thus creating a vortex) several containers filled with identical water each containing a grain of wheat. He shakes these containers one after the other in about a thirty minute period of time. After this, he measures the germinating ability of the seeds. From this experiment, a very fixed pattern arises whereby seed germination declined drasticly during the period in which the seeds where shaken directly during and nearest the total eclipse. This experiment gives proof for the close relationship water has to forc es of a more cosmic nature, and that this relationship is somehow acheived through the vortex form inherent in its nature.
This example can also help us understand how homeopathic remedies work. One can see how water when it is allowed to move in a certain motion is able to become a vessel for the transferel of the energy structure of (in the case of Homeopathic medicine) the herb extract. To acheive a more potent extract, a portion of the previous mixture is taken and shaken in the sameway. This is done over and over so that the most potent of extracts is infact the extract which has gone through the greatest amount of this process of delution and subjection to certain movements in the water. The final and most potent result of the remedy may not even have a single molecule of the original herb remaining thus reveiling the waters ability to receive the imprint so to say of the herbal etheric energy structure.
An interesting developement arising from the work of George Adams, TheodoreSchwenk, and others has been the aesthetically beautiful water purification systems known as flowforms. Here in the rythmic series of movements of the flowform, one is reminded of the mixing processes so essential to Homeopathic medicine. Yet here instead of the containers of the doctor or scientist we find sculpted surfaces arising from both a natural organic beauty and an exact porportion, causing the water to pulsate to and fro folding constantly back upon itself reminding one of the inner unseen intrecacie s of the heart. One can measure the flowforms effect upon the water in several ways. One can, in quite the same way as Schwenk in his experiment, measure the germinating ability of identical seeds in water both previous and after having been subjected to the forms. One can also measure an increased tension in the water, thereby revieling a change toward a more symmetrical atomic structure. It is as if the molecules themselves learn with each rythm how to share space with one another or perhaps they are remembering. One could say that the water has acheived a higher order of symmetry. Schwenk has also developed a method for testing the quality of water where he drops water into water and then photographs the bonding ability of these two bodies which appear as flower like patterns. The more structured the water is, the more appherent this flower like pattern becomes. He also shows using this method the quality of different drinking water samples taken from different cities around Europe. Overall these tests show that water from the majority of these cities, although perfectly clean, had a considerably reduced bonding ability and less active structure than water which came for example from a spring. Even if this lies outside the realm of traditional scientif ic methods, the question still arises, "Perhaps the quality (properties essential for bearing life) of water implies much more than only its pureness", and moreover "if so, then what properties or forces are then essential to this type of quality ? ". Such questions are important for us to consider as many of us live in cities and environments where the drinking water is seldom if ever allowed to come back in contact with the renewing properties inherent in nature.
In his book "Living Water", Olof Alexanderson explains how the now infamous woodsman and student of nature Victor Schauberger looked upon the process of water as a whole. Schauberger saw this process as being much more than simply evaporation and condensation as many modern scientists would have it. He thought that in order for water to gather the kind of quality necessery for life, one has to also consider the process of filtration down through the layers of Earth. There it is stored for a time where it gathers the salts and minerals of the earth (and perhaps other unseen forces) so essential to life. It then arises again to the surface under its own natural forces in the form of the spring. Water in the cities, on the other hand, is cleansed with chemicals and forced through long straight man-made concrete pipes and channels thus loosing its natural ordered structure and ability for creating memory and immune system (the ability to cleanse itself ). This type of water looses its ability to relate to the plane of etheric life-giving and tissue-building processes thereby depleting the immune system in living beings allowing the parasitic and breaking down processes of disease to take hold.
Publication for the Expansion of Consciousness
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