Bill scarcely longer than the head, straight, slender, at the base somewhat cylindrical, toward the end broader and flattened, the tips narrowed; upper mandible with the dorsal line straight, excepting at the end, where it is a little decurved, the ridge convex, flattened at the broad part, the sides slightly sloping, the edges rounded, and near the tip inflected; nasal groove linear, extending to near the tip; lower mandible with the angle very long and narrow, the sides convex and sloping outwards, the tip narrowed. Nostrils basal, linear-elliptical. Head small, with the fore part high and rounded; neck of moderate length; body rather full. Feet rather short, slender; tibia bare a short way above the joint; tarsus much compressed, narrowed before and behind, covered anteriorly with numerous scutella; toes very slender, first extremely small, free, with a slight membrane beneath; second shorter than the fourth; third toe much longer, all scutellate above, the anterior margined on both sides with lobed and pectinated membranes, which are united at the base, so as to render the foot nearly half-webbed, the outer web much longer than the inner. Claws very small, compressed, arched, obtuse. Plumage soft and blended; wings long and pointed, first quill longest, secondary quills rather short, the inner much elongated. Tail of moderate length, much rounded, of twelve feathers, the lower tail-coverts as long.
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