Glossary of
- AcridAn irritant,
corrosive poison.
- AeolusThe God
or keeper of the winds.
- AgrionidaeA
family of neuropters comprising the vari-colored dragon flies.
- AlbuminousOf,
pertaining to, like, characterized by, or consisting of albumin
or albumen.
- AlgaeGreen,
brown, or red aquatic cryptogamous plants occurring in both fresh
and sea water.
- Alimentary canalThe
passage extending from the mouth to the anus, in which food is
received, digested, and assimilated.
- AllegationA
formal assertion.
- AlkalineThe
opposite of acidextended to anything that will neutralize
an acid.
- AnemiaDeficiency
of blood or of red corpuscles.
- AnopheleThe
malarial mosquito.
- AntennaeAerial
collecting wires. Appendages to the head of an insect.
- AntisepticAnything
that destroys or restrains the growth of germs.
- AnusThe opening
at the aboral extremity of the Alimentary Canal through which
the excrement is expelled.
- ArteriolesLittle
- BabiosisTexas
fever; tick fever in cattle.
- BacteriaThe
smallest of all organized forms of life.
- CachexiaAn acquired
constitutional perversion of nutrition.
- CapillaryA minute
blood vessel, like a hair.
- CentrifugalDirected
or tending away from a center.
- ChitinThe horny
outer covering of all insects.
- CoagulationA clotting.
- ColonThe superior
part of the large intestines.
- ComminutedReduced
to minute particles of powder.
- ConcomitantAny
thing or event considered as accompanying or coexisting with
- CongenitalExisting
from birth; innate.
- ContagiousTransmissible
by contact; catching.
- CorpuscleMinute
body. Cell.
- DesquamationScaling of
the cuticle.
- DiagnosisRecognition
of disease from its symptoms.
- DuctA tube to
convey a liquid.
- EffeteWorn out
and incapable of further production, for instance, referring
to the soil, an animal, or a plant.
- EmpyreanThe
upper sky; also cosmic space.
- EndemicPeculiar
to or prevailing in or among some (specified) country or people.
- EpidemicityThe
quality of being epidemic.
- ExcretionAny
waste matter discharged from the system.
- ExcretoryPertaining
to excretion.
- ExtirpationGetting
rid of, as by taking out by the roots. Destroying wholly.
- FaunaThe totality
of the animals inhabiting a given area, or existing within a
given period.
- FerruginousContaining,
or having the nature of, iron.
- Fibro-elasticCharacter
of a tissue made up of both white-fibrous and yellow-elastic
connective tissues.
- FloraThe totality
of plants growing without cultivation in a country or district.
- FociPlural of
focus, which is a point of meeting of a series of lines.
- FomitesA substance
capable of retaining contagious germs and thus propagating infectious
disease, such as carpet, bedding, etc.
- GametesThe sexual
reproductive cells of the malarial parasite.
- GestationThe
act of carrying eggs or ova, especially of carrying a fetus in
the uterus; pregnancy.
- GlandAn organ
which eliminates from the blood or adds its substance thereto.
- GregariousHaving
the habit of associating in flocks, herds, or companies.
- GyrateTo revolve,
especially in a spiral or helix, as does a cyclone.
- HemamebaAn ameboid
parasite inhabiting the blood. HemoglobinThe red coloring
matter of the blood.
- HibernationPassing
the winter season in a secluded place and in a torpid state,
as do certain animals.
- HormonesSecretions
of glands having excitant properties.
- HygieneSanitary
- Hygiostatic(Coined
word) meaning "Standing for Health."
- HypochondriacOne
who is morbidly depressed or causelessly anxious about his health.
- HypodermicOf,
or pertaining to, the area under the skin.
- ImmunizationThe
act of making immune, for instance, protecting from infection
by inoculation.
- InfectiousCapable
of communicating disease, as by entrance of pathogenic germs
into an organism in any manner.
- IngestTo put
or take into the stomach.
- InjectTo introduce
a fluid by injection; as, to inject morphine hypodermically.
- MaceratedReduced
to a soft mass by soaking or digestion.
- MammalA vertebrate
animal whose female has mammae, or that suckles its young.
- MammalianOf
or pertaining to mammals.
- MelanineA pigment
generated by the malarial parasite.
- MerozoitThe
next to the last phase in the evolution of the malarial parasite
in the body of the mosquito.
- MeteorologicalOf
or pertaining to meteorology or atmospheric phenomena.
- MicrobesSynonymous
with germs, bacteria, etc.
- Micro-organismSame
as microbe.
- MigraneNeuralgia
of half of the head.
- MucusThe viscid
liquid secretion of mucuous membranes.
- OrientationThe
determination of. position with reference to the points of the
- OvipositTo lay
an egg or eggs.
- PalpationThe
process of examining or exploring morbid conditions by means
of touch.
- PaludicOf or
pertaining to a marsh or swamp.
- ParasiteAn organism,
either an animal or a plant, that exists on or in some other
- PathologicalPertaining
to disease in living things.
- PhagocyteA white
corpuscle that takes into its substance and digests bacteria
and other noxious matter.
- PhysiologicalPertaining
to the functions of living organisms.
- Physio-pathological(Coined
word) meaning pertaining to both health and disease.
- PiroplasmaA
blood parasite inhabiting the red corpuscles of cattle.
- PlasmodiaA blood
parasite inhabiting the red corpuscles of man.
- PrepuceThe foreskin
of the penis.
- ProtozoanA primary
division of the animal kingdom variously ranked and limited,
embracing organisms consisting of a single cell or group of cells
not separated into different tissues.
- ReticulatedMeshed.
- RetinalPertaining
to the retina or internal membrane of the eye.
- SalivaryPertaining
to the saliva or spittle.
- Schematic'Pertaining
to or of the nature of a general plan.
- SchizogonyThe
cycle of evolution on the part of -the malarial parasite that
occurs in the body of man.
- ScorbutusScurvy;
an acquired constitutional perversion of nutrition due to errors
in diet.
- SeepageThe oozing
or percolation of fluid; or the fluid or moisture that oozes.
- SerumThe more
fluid constitutents of blood, lymph, etc.
- SkeletalOf or
pertaining to the skeleton.
- SplenomegaliaEnlargement
of the spleen.
- SporozoitThe
last phase in the evolution of the malarial parasite that occurs
in the body of the mosquito.
- SporulatingDeveloping
- SustentacularSustaining,
- TherapeuticA
medicine efficacious in curing or alleviating disease.
- ThoracicPertaining
to the thorax.
- ToxinesPoisonous
compounds of animal, bacterial, or vegetable origin.
- VariolaSmallpox.
- VentralOf, pertaining
to, or situated on or near the abdomen.
- ViableCapable
of maintaining life.
- VolplaneTo swoop
toward the earth from a height at an angle considerably greater
than the gliding angle.