Chapter I.-Toxemia, the Efficient (First) Cause of All Disease
Chapter II.-Causes of Constipation
Chapter III.-Treatment
Chapter IV.-Constipation as Found in Various Derangements
Chapter V.-A Few Personalities
Teakettle Tea: One-third hot milk and two-thirds boiling
water, poured together.
Fifty-Fifty: One-half hot milk and one-half hot water,
poured together.
Stomach Lavage: Stomach wash. Introduce syphon tube
into stomach and pour warm water through the tube into the stomach. Start with half
gallon and use as much water as the stomach will take. Then drop the opening or funnel
end of tube into a vessel and allow the water to run out of the stomach through the
tube into the vessel.
Triscuit: A whole-wheat product very similar to the
shredded wheat biscuit, put up in a little different form, but by the same company.
Three-In-One: 1 tablespoonful table salt, 2 tablespoonfuls
bicarbonate of soda and 3 tablespoonfuls Epsom salts. Mix thoroughly and keep in
a covered vessel.
Four Tilden Rules: No. 1. Never eat when feeling bad,
and you must be absolutely comfortable from one meal time to the next, both mentally
and physically, or miss the coming meal.
No. 2. Never eat without a keen relish.
No. 3. Always avoid overeating.
No. 4. Thoroughly masticate and insalivate your food.
Decidedly Starchy Foods: Every preparation made from
grains- wheat, rye, oats, barley, corn, rice; also the Irish and sweet potato, dry
beans and peas, tapioca, sago, peanuts, chestnuts, bananas, Hubbard squash and pumpkin.
The three last named have a decided tendency to ferment. Those troubled with sour
stomach should not eat them.
Non-Starchy Vegetables: Beets, turnips, carrots, parsnips,
summer squash, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, green corn, green peas, string
beans, asparagus, onions, egg plant, salsify, okra, kohlrabi, endive, lettuce, tomatoes,
cucumbers, celery, chard, spinach, dandelion, and all plants used as greens.
The use of the word "non-starchy" is purely arbitrary,
for there is starch in all vegetables, but it exists in relatively small proportions
in the so-called non-starchy vegetables.
Prunes and Figs: The sweet fruits are not recommended
to overcome constipation, but there is no objection to their use occasionally in
those who can use them without acid fermentation and flatulency following.