From: Sent: Friday, 22 October 1999 12:16 To: Subject: Re: The Anti-Aging Report - Please Send Now ##### ##### # # # # ============================ # # # # # # # THE COLON HEALTH NETWORK (R) # # ##### # # # ============================ # # # # # ## # ##### # # # # ============================ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• "We Care About Your Health... For Life!" ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• **************************************************** The ANTI-AGING Report How To Reverse Aging Through pH Balancing and Oxygenation by Eileen Silva Metabolic Weight Control Specialist **************************************************** One of the most compelling discoveries I have made in the last decade is the role of Body pH Balancing as an anti-aging, weight-balancing and disease management technique. You will be astonished to realize the broad ramifications of an overly acidic condition in the body. The next few paragraphs are going to open your eyes to both the realities of pH body imbalances and the sense of urgency for you to act NOW, if this information seems to apply to you. You can reverse your accelerated aging schedule with some simple, fast acting and inexpensive procedures. Recent research has shown - if you have an acidic pH balance, as indicated by the signs and symptoms listed below, you are a poor candidate for becoming younger looking and trimmer. Not until you create a neutral pH balance in your system! Signs and symptoms of an acidic body pH balance include: Excessive fatigue, weak kidneys, easy weight gain, excessive stress, difficult weight loss, constipation, aches & pains, headaches, malaise, proneness to catching colds, mental confusion and/or lack of clear thinking. Dr. Ted Morter, Jr., a notable pH expert of our time says, "The paradox of protein is that it's not only essential but also potentially health destroying." Imagine that! Adequate protein is vital for your health. However, when your cells become over-burdened with protein, they may become toxic and acidic. Tips For Optimal pH Balancing: >> Manage stress more effectively! >> Cleanse your body systems regularly. >> Drink 8 or more glasses of pure water daily with fresh lemon juice squeezed in generously. >> Eat an alkaline producing diet. Reversing body pH imbalance should be of particular concern, if you detect an odor of ammonia in your urine. This is a strong indicator that your body is desperately in need of organic sodium and that protein intake must be diminished. When sodium is in short supply, calcium is leached from the bones, then lost via urine elimination. This condition, allowed to continue, can result in loss of bone density and potential osteoporosis. When you successfully bring your body to the ideal pH range - 7.0 when measuring your saliva upon rising in the morning, before eating or drinking anything - you will have much more natural vitality, better metabolism, and fewer internal/external signs of aging. 4 Basic Food Groups Acidic Rating: Meats, Fish, Poultry Very Acid Gravies, Cereals Acid Eggs, Dairy Products Acid Vegetables, Fruits Alkaline Do you suspect your daily habits are preventing you from achieving optimal pH balance? One of the quickest, dramatic and predictable ways to shift your pH toward neutral (in an alkaline direction) is to take a free-radical scavenging, all-natural product rich in green botanicals... a product called Vital Green™. As an alkalinity booster, a liver cleanser, an immune strengthener, and a free-radical scavenging, body odor-eating oxygenator... it can't be beat! Get started improving your health and the health of your entire family... young and old alike! =========================================================================== To Order Vital Green™ Now... =========================================================================== CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-717-1070 MasterCard - Visa - Discover/Novus American Express - Check - Money Order Your PREFERRED CUSTOMER NUMBER is: CO 112755 - Natural Health Products - Vital Green™ - - Natural Health Products - Order Center - - Natural Health Products - Overviews - =========================================================================== THE COLON HEALTH NETWORK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sponsored by COLON HEALTH & WELLNESS CENTER Holland Hills Business Center 24505 Highway 82 P.O. Box 2108 Basalt, Colorado 81621 (970) 927-9247 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HEALTH IS WEALTH! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~