It is easily demonstrated that the human body is essentially a living carbon/oxygen engine which runs on low-temperature combustion CARBON fuel, somewhat like any other internal-combustion engine. Like an automobile engine, a body takes in fuel, burns the fuel and expels the unburned part of the fuel as waste.

     OXYGEN is required to be combined with the CARBON fuel in order for the fuel to burn. If too little oxygen is mixed with the fuel, the fuel will not burn completely. If too little fuel is mixed with the oxygen, the fuel will not burn completely. Either way, the result is less energy and more waste from unburned fuel -- higher exhaust emissions and lower engine performance.

     If you put the wrong kind of fuel in the gas tank, the car will not run efficiently. Using the correct fuel for your engine will make your automobile engine and your body "engine" run more efficiently.

     The unburned waste material from the engine is expelled out the exhaust system through the exhaust pipe. If the waste is not expelled, it backs up into the engine, clogs everything up and the engine "dies".

     The principal organs of the body's "exhaust system" includes the lungs, skin, blood, liver, gall bladder, kidneys, intestines, colon, lymph glands and bladder. If the body is overwhelmed by low quality fuel or unexpelled "exhaust" from the wrong kind of fuel, the body's engine also dies.

     What is the correct "fuel" for a human body? What building material is better for constructing a strong, durable house? Straw or bricks? Obviously, bricks are the building material preferred by long experience because the house built of straw is weak and decays quickly. Living food is the brick the body uses to build a strong, durable body. Living, organic fuel in which the living enzymes have NOT been removed by processing or killed with heat, radiation or toxic chemicals is the preferred building material of all life forms on Earth.

     Since the human body is a living organism it must use LIVING food as fuel. Car engines are "inorganic" or dead and can therefore use inorganic fuel. In a human body, living fuel burns more efficiently than DEAD food. It produces more energy and produces less "exhaust" and higher performance.

     How do you know that living food is a better fuel for the body than dead food? Try this experiment: place a small piece of cooked meat in a shallow dish of water. Also place a fresh, organic carrot top in a shallow dish of water. Leave them in a room which is heated to 98.6 degrees farenheit for several days. You will notice that the meat will rot, putrefy and smell very bad. The same thing happens to the meat inside your intestines! In contrast, the carrot top, being a living organism, will sprout and start to grow!

Do Flies Cause Garbage? 

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